Thursday, July 23, 2020


Well.... you had TEN TO CHOOSE FROM!

Did anyone get it right?

ABOVE: Those were the choices.

Let's make it easier for you.

The criteria I was looking for was:

-  Adjustable height.  Well 8/10 had that.  Take out #'s 5 and 6.
-  Not too bulky.  So take out #'s 1, 4, 7 and 10.
- Easy to get on and off. # 9 was a right bitch.  Take that one out.

That left #'s 2, 3 and 8.  Anyone think my bum would even fit in # 3?  If you think it would, I love you.  

Price was important too, but ended up not being a factor.  It came down to comfort, profile, and durability, and nothing to do with much else.

So.  There ya go.  Choose which one from those 3.

I WILL show you which one I got... later.  😂😅😆

And now,  I've got to get the house straightened up, get some washing on and then get into the Studio to finish off the Wonky House Runner.
Then I will be making more Bowl Cosys.


LAST CLUE.... as I am leaning forward at the work table... back support was not a factor in my decision. 
Price wasn't either.

ABOVE: Enough suspense... I got #8 !
It was the one that was gunna take up the least amount of room, it was easy to get on and off, I could 'perch' on it from 3 sides, I don't have to worry about fabric/padding wear and tear as its solid plastic and best of all ... it was the cheapest at well under $100. 

Shame it's not blue, but ya can't have everything.  🙂🙃ðŸĪŠ

I bet my choice surprised most of you. Only Shona guessed it correctly ... Dawn P changed her mind but nearly got it right. 

And.. still in blue cos I'm working from me phone....

ABOVE: Minor change, but a big difference!

2 hours left in the Studio before knock off time.

But when do ya ever really 'knock off' when you 'work' from home? I've got washing to do, dinner to prepare... then cook, and a spare bed to make.

And you can bet ya bottom dollar I'll find more to do. ðŸĨīðŸ˜Đ

And now... it's 1.35 pm and I'm inside the house again.  

ABOVE:  I now have 4 of these Runners made... I'll probably need more before the summer markets start.

I also will need more Tree Runners, so I'm gearing up to make a few more of them too.  I've not made any in quite a while.

But for now... LUNCH.

6.20 pm:  After me lunch I prepared a beef/onion/tomato stew and cooked it in the oven on a slow bake.
Once it was done, I made it into a pie for dinner.

Because I can't stand the smell of cooking beef, I went back into my Studio late this afternoon and got working on a couple of Tree Runners.

Now finally, it's time to relax and wait for the pie to be done.

I'm knackered!

Sounds like the pie was nice.  I didn't have any as the pastry gives me dreadful reflux.  Much as I love home made pie, it's not worth the pain.
I had some crackers, cheese and relish.

Watching Coronation Street now... then bed time.


  1. I was thinking #8, for profile (good for tight, small spaces) but I think you might have gone with #2 for the COMFORT angle :)

  2. I am going to rule out #8--no back rest. #3--as you say--will your bum fit? #2-- I am sure your bum will fit in this one, but I would have a problem with the arm rest, I think. So I am going to say #3,

  3. You have analysed the bar stools thourouhly Chris. I am going with number 3 as it has higher back support.

  4. I'd go with #2 from the remaining 3 choices. It looks the most comfortable to sit in for any period of time. So, that's what I think you chose also. It looks nice. Ranee (MN) USA

  5. I like #3 looks comfortable

  6. Yesterday afternoon I was going to comment and say #2. So given it's still potentially an option I'm voting for #2!

  7. #2 that is very thorough researching Blondie

  8. I am surprised you took #8, thinking you would want some back support. Hope it works OK for you.

  9. I didn't try to guess but on first look yesterday I thought you'd get the one that you did! Also, as this is your studio do you think you are making too much room for the shop and not enough to actually work? I know if I visited your shop (as a customer) I'd love to see you working out in the open. Up to you of course, but It seems a shame to have a little cramped space when you have such and awesome big studio! I'm so glad it's all working out so well for you in your new home :)

  10. Ha! I have these barstools too.

  11. Excellent!!! Now that looks so much better giving yourself more room - you want to enjoy the wonderful space you have and the shop still has heaps of rooom. Well done.


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