Friday, July 24, 2020


When was the last time I made a Tree Runner?
It's been so long ... I have NO IDEA!
But definitely a year at least.

Yesterday I started on two:

ABOVE:  A hive of industry.  It felt really good laying out a tree runner.
I can't wait to start stitching them.  But that's a way off, now that I use Steam A Seam to hold them down instead of pins, it takes quite a bit longer to get them ready for stitching.  

I'm only working in here for a couple of hours, then I'm off out for a little while. 
Not shopping this time, just attending to some personal business.


12.45 pm:  And I'm now on friggin Antibiotics for a week.  Hopefully that clears up a little problem I've had for 3 months.
Got told off for not getting 'it' seen to sooner.  Derrr.  Head in Sand 

While out and about I popped into the supermarket.

ABOVE:   Guess what we are having for dinner tonight?

I'm now waiting an hour before I can have me lunch.  AGAIN, it will be a very late one.  Story of my life lately.

Best thing about today?  IT'S FRIDAY.  Stewy will be home for the weekend... now what jobs can I line up for him??  

10.25 pm:  Well I made Beef and Bacon burgers for dinner tonight. They were lovely, just so good!
Been watching videos of acrylic painting all night, while glancing at the TV too.
OMG have you seen 'Naked Attraction' on TVNZ Channel 2?  It's quite disgusting!
Yet... I'm watching it.  Cos it's so gross really!


  1. Kiwionholidays10:56 AM

    Love the new tree one ,, behind the 8 ball 🎱 here in reading today so you are probs out n about

    Enjoy your day there,,
    Stool not the one I thought but then when I went n read the “fine print “ I see why you chose that one

    Cheers 🥂

  2. I love my tree runner that you made me.

  3. Beef and Bacon Rolls for dinner??

  4. Your dinner looks yum - hamburger with bacon?. Hope the antibiotics fix up your little problem. Naughty girl for waiting so long!

  5. Ouch, three months? Now I'm trying to figure what could wait that long. Glad you are sorted though.

  6. Kiwionholidays3:52 PM

    Why do we leave ourselves till last ???

    Kudos to you anyway !!

    Cheers 🥂

  7. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Why did you have to wait an hour before you could have your lunch? Audrey

    1. The antibiotics have to taken on an empty stomach... so I took one as soon as I filled the prescription... and had to wait an hour till I could eat lunch.

  8. LOL, Naked Attraction is something else. You can't stop looking even though you know you should. Hilarious.

  9. Sorry to hear you feeling unwell. Get well soon. Have a relaxing weekend.


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