Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Yesterday afternoon I did two more Wave paintings.

I think they both came out even better than the first one:

ABOVE: This one is bigger, and has more darker blues in it.  #2

ABOVE: This one I put more light blues in it... and it's smaller.  It's not yellowish, the lighting just sucks. #3

I love them both equally.

Today I will be working in my Studio, stitching tree runners.  No painting today.
Fabric and paint don't mix.

I think Bex is coming over this morning to do a bit of housework for me.  Awesome, she can do the vacuming and wash the floors me thinks.


11 am:  Lacy just called in.  She was told to 'GET AROUND THERE QUICK, BUY IT'!
Lacy and her BOYFRIEND... are buying the top WAVE painting!  So now I only have the smaller bottom one.

It was quite a wrench to agree to sell #2 as I love it so much.  But I know I can recreate it if I really want one.

My biggest problem is I love almost all of my paintings and want to keep them all.  lol
NOT something I can do ... but it is a rather NEAT feeling knowing what I am creating is being loved by others too.

It's made my day actually.  

3 pm:  And me Mum rings me.  Her phone is playing up and she can't get the internet.  OMG Disaster!
She has NO IDEA what I'm doing today!  She's a bloody sneaky little stalker. 
So I had to fill her in on my day's activities... IN FULL.
Then of course, we had a natter... like ya do.

Now... it's lunchtime for me.
I've done a grocery shop, got a few things in for tonight's Card Night (it's here), and so on.

9.15 pm:  Card night just wrapped up.  A most enjoyable evening I must say.  Thanks girls.  

Now I have to wait an hour until I can actually have me dinner... thanks to freakin' antibiotics.  Which MAY be working, and they may not be working.  I just had a flare up of the problem tonight... Grrrrr.  
I suppose I will just have to keep taking them till the end and see how we go.

Time to sign off for the day... and relax for a couple of hours before bed.
And in fact, I shouldn't have 'dinner' or I'll just be going to bed of a full stomach, which is not a good idea.  Dammit.  A cracker or two might have to do.


  1. Anonymous9:38 AM

    oh I blinken love those two, SOLD pending my decision lol 😂 🤣
    #Lacy 💙

  2. absolutely love the new paintings.... xxxx

  3. Kiwionholidays10:19 AM

    Both of them today are lovely ! But the top one to me is the one that’s my fave,,

    “Just saying like “

    Cheers 🥂

    1. Anonymous10:55 AM

      top one has just sold to me 😊😊
      #Lacy 💙

  4. The paintings are awesome! You should put some in your shop.

  5. Lacy has good tastes lol

    1. Anonymous12:56 PM

      yes I do sometimes lol 😂 xx
      #Lacy 💙

  6. Haha, well done Lacy, have to be quick to grab artworks from the up & coming top NZ artist :-). Could be worth a fortune in a few years lol.

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      yes yes, seen it last night and knew we would want it, my flatmate is getting quite acustome to my mother's work 😊
      #Lacy 💙

    2. Thanks for the compliment Tracy... though I seriously doubt I'd consider myself an artist. Just a rank amateur.

  7. Kiwionholidays1:47 PM

    Well done Lacy 💐
    Least it gets to stay in the family,,

    The fab thing is each one is unique and not a run of the mill production,

    All the best with the rest as they get well known you will have it made Chris

    Nice you share this spot with all of us 🏖

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      xx thanks #Kiwionholidays
      #Lacy 💙

  8. #3 almost has a dragon look about it. There's a thought!

    1. I agree... and I think someone yesterday said the same thing when they saw it... might have been Brylee? It's funky eh?

  9. The paintings look great. But, here's the deal. YOU get to enjoy an ever changing series of paintings. You can hang them up and love them until they sell. Then you get to enjoy new ones, until those sell! And so on. No need to get attached to any single one - they will be a continual source of "rotating" joy for you!

  10. Kiwionholidays4:20 PM

    Love dogstars idea too

    💕Back at you Lacy xx

  11. Lovely paintings. Hope you are feeling better.


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