Wednesday, July 29, 2020


No new paintings to show.
No finishes in the Sewing Studio either.

Just gunna sew till 1.30 and get the two Tree Runners finished.

I'm tired.
After I shut shop I will be having a nap.

Not been sleeping too well .... no idea why.  The  new bed is WONDERFUL, so it's not that.

Maybe it's just me mind, shit going around and around in it?

It's annoying as there is nothing really bothering me ... maybe Griffin is a bit, but that's not exactly a new situation.  So I can't think why I'm not sleeping well at the moment.

Funny how SLEEP is so damn important to our day eh?  When you don't get enough day in, day out (or is that night?)... it drags you down eventually.

I know I'm border line exhausted right now.  I just want to sleep all the time.

But of course, ya can't sleep all the time... cos then you perpetuate the 'can't get to sleep at night' roundabout.`In fact, I shouldn't have a bloody nap! Derrr.

I'm feeling cross that the antibiotics might not be working too.  I will be pissed off if I have to go spend another $50 at the Doctors for what?  Another course of antibiotics?  Who knows.  There's still a couple of days left to go with the current course, so fingers crossed it does kick this problem to the curb.

Meh.... that's me for now.  Tell me something to cheer me up would ya?
What ya doing?  Anyone going shopping?  What ya buying?  Anyone going somewhere nice/different/exciting?  Or are ya stuck at home/work doing the same old shit?  Are you in isolation?  How's your area doing re:  Covid-19?  Are you being careful?  

Can you believe how many people are NOT giving a shit about others and doing NOTHING to protect themselves or others from Covid-19!  That does my head in I tell ya.  edit:  The was directed at people overseas (Australia/USA etc), we are pretty good here.

Right, I'm off to start the day... stitching to be done.


9.10 am:  In the studio.  Got the dogs for company.  Shame they don't talk, it can get a bit lonely in here.
Looking at the runners... don't feel like sewing.  *sigh*
Nice day out there though!  Sun's out, not too many nasty clouds threatening to burst forth and piss on my day.
Might put on Netflix and watch something soppy.  Or a Crime Investigation type one, I love those.

Right, it's 1.30 pm and I have finished all the stitching of the tree runners, added the backing and quilting... now all that's left to do is sew the binding fabric into a long enough strip to go around each one and sew them on.
But that's gunna wait until tomorrow.  I'm done in here for now.
No visitors in the shop today, just the dogs.

ABOVE:  For the first time, I added hills behind the trees.  I think it gives added interest.  I like them, what do you think?

Coco is snoring.  I on the other hand, am not.

6.42 pm:  And Stew and Steve are out helping Amanda move a few things into storage from her little gift shop out in Taupiri.
Once they get home, Stew and I are going out to dinner at Little India, here in Hamilton.
We have not been there in like... 20 years!  It will be interesting to see if their Butter Chicken is anywhere as good at Happy India in Cambridge.

We almost didn't go out for dinner tonight.  Had a little 'problem' happen in the garage.  But ... more about that, TOMORROW.

Dinner.  Little India.  I asked for Mild Butter Chicken.  Stew asked for Medium Butter Chicken.

ABOVE:  Dinner.  Looks nice eh?
WASN'T.  Mine was completely and utterly TASTELESS. Like, NO FLAVOUR AT ALL.  Nothing.  Could have been anything at all... slop.
Stew's was HOT... well to me it was.  Hot as in very spicy.  He also said it was flavourless, apart from the hotness.
We were very, very disappointed.

Next time we want butter chicken, we will be going back to Cambridge.

On our way home we had to stop in at the supermarket for onions.  
Be needing them tomorrow morning.
For the 'problem'.  Yeah.



  1. I am going shopping...going to buy a pram for my new baby due in a few weeks

    1. OOOO that's the best sort of shopping ever! Baby stuff... new baby! How exciting.

    2. Ha ha ha i dont know I am pretty sure the pram I have my eye on costs more than my first car did but yes it is very exciting!

  2. Okay.... so I had my 50th on the weekend which was so lovely... got spoilt rotten which is how it should be!! Am going to go shopping this weekend and not sure what for yet but I'll know it when I see it (🤣). Not doing anything exciting though... work.... home.... blah blah... same old stuffs. Might take time off next hols so if I go to Rotorua I'll swing by and see ya 😉

    1. It would be lovely to see you!

  3. Covid.. we are so lucky here - for now. I suspect things will change going forward and there will be another outbreak and that worries me. I know, no point worrying about what hasn't happened but it's always there in the background, especially when you read the news from overseas. I'm not sure what your antibiotics are for but have you been managing your diabetes? I think you really need to understand what a silent disease this is and how it can affect you without symptoms. Would that be the cause of your tiredness?

    I don't think you are alone in the way you are feeling, the world is a little crazy right now.

    1. Yeah the diabetes could be the reason.... still not doing much to control it. No excuse except we are so tired of the regime. I keep saying to myself "When I get ..."??? Infection is an ulcerated boil that just won't clear up. It's very deep seated, had it for about 3 months. I suspect the diabetes is what's keeping it around. Don't lecture me about it OK? I'm over it.

    2. Haha, not lecturing, just mentioning. Maybe try for more meds for the diabetes? Yes the boil will be linked to the diabetes, my sister has this too. It's all a bitch this getting older and not being able to eat what we want. My life has turned on its head with this pancreatitis, bugger.

  4. Howdy!
    After you finish the antibiotics, maybe you can message the doc without having to go in. So - what am I doing today? Started the day with a dentist appt. They usually use some spinning water spraying contraption - but couldn't use it because it can aeresolize Covid. So it was all the old fashioned way of scraping with unpleasant sharp tools. But I survived. It is literally the first time since February that I have been in a room with someone and not worn a mask (except the 30 second slip up a few weeks ago where I briefly FORGOT about the pandemic for 1 blissful minute!) I have also been shopping for a VERY expensive laser engraver for the kiddo. He just graduated college with no place to go! Everything is shut down, unemployment is sky high, and the kid is more freaked out about covid than I am. So the laser will allow him to be "self-employed" and work from home. He is paying for it - I am just doing the research! Other than that it's the same old thing. We have been isolated for months and things are getting worse out there. Now, somebody started shooting at Grocery Store employees for asking them to where a mask. I can't believe how stupid and cruel people can be!

    1. We are so lucky here... no really dreadful things happening, except people who are in quarantine/isolation doing a runner and putting everyone at risk. We don't have to wear masks here... but that might happen if we get a second wave. I hope we don't.

  5. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Some antibiotics can cause tiredness either as a side effect or because they are killing off bacteria (good as well as bad) and leach nutrients from your food. As Lynda suggests it could also be your diabetes taking more out of you than usual. BTW, you said you had the infection for three months it will possibly take longer than one week to put right!! If I were you, I would ring the doctor today for advice before you finish the antibiotics. Audrey

    1. Good point about the bacteria. Chris, get some pro biotic drinks which will help with replacing the good bacteria. Our chemist has some in a fridge beside the dispensary & suggests getting some when we pick up a script for antibiotics.

    2. Doesn't yoghurt do the same thing? I'm eating yoghurt! lol

  6. Ooooh Crime documentarys - I love them! If you dont want to watch but listen instead there is an awesome podcast called UK True Crimes it has some amazing storys on there

  7. it's sooooo crazy and stupid what is going on here in Australia right now. Victorian's have had the highest daily COVID rate over the year this week with lots more deaths. They are back in full isolation and I think masks are mandatory. It's a matter of time til it happens again in my state NSW. It's infuriating. I know a hard working single mother in Melbourne whose hours have been reduced because she's in the entertainment industry.... feel desperately sorry for everyone unemployed. In other news, I recently watched The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez crime doco on Netflix. Be prepared, it's very very grim and sad about what a hateful mother and her new husband did to her 8 year old son. And about the lawyers who fought so hard to defend him and get justice. It's fascinating, but truly devastating.

    1. I started watching that Doco this afternoon.

  8. Louise10:11 AM

    Hi, in quarantine here in Leicester, UK! So sadly stuck at home with only essential trips out. Can’t quite believe the situation we are in with Covid So frustrating, Love reading your blog 😊

    1. Thank You. Hang in there... this too shall pass. Eventually.

    2. Fingers crossed 🤞 xx

    3. Hey Louise, I was born in Leicester!! Should have been there now, but for Covid. Locked down in Melbourne too.. 😷
      AllyS Melb

  9. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Back in lockdown. here in Melbourne. Masks are mandatory, and COVIDiots are everywhere making it harder for the rest of us. I hope you stay free of the second wave, because it’s much worse this time. Are you putting anything on your ulcer? Manuka honey can help heal stubborn wounds. X. Ally S Melbourne

  10. For sleep I recommend Miller Rd Pillow Spray - it is not the cheapest but I swear by it - and so does my Mum who does not really do "alternative" stuff. I was given some the week after Gary died & that night was the first night I had any sleep.

    You may just need a second round of antibiotics because it was worse than it should have been because you left it too late, she may not charge you for a full Dr visit, just a revisit so it will be cheaper.

    Today I have been to the gym & now am working.

    Enjoy your sewing & have a nana nap this afternoon for an hour or so if you need it.

    1. I will check out that Miller Rd stuff... ta. And yeah, probably will end up with a 2nd round of antibiotics knowing my luck. Or having me nether regions hacked open looking for an ingrown friggin hair. Gawd I get all the luck.

  11. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Hi your "boil" may be an ingrown hair...which can be quite a problem as it has been there for a while now.. you better go back to have it rechecked as the infection can be deeper. I know how you feel about not enough sleep...its so horible to start the day at half mast which has been happening a lot to me lately.. take care


    1. Yeah, the Dr did say it might be an ingrown hair too. She said to go back if it doesn't stop bleeding etc. I just don't want to go back!

  12. I find if I take a natural sleep aid it helps. I still wake up but am just able to roll over and go back to sleep. They help calm the mind. Not sure what brands you have over there but Swisse do a good one, as does Cenovis Natural Valarien (or however you spell that). Blackmores I think do one as well. I'm pretty over the stupidity of people re this virus. They think they're bulletproof but don't give consideration for anyone else either. Selfish. This year has certainly brought out the worst in people! I've been lucky to dodge the hot spot areas here in NSW, with hot spots south of me and far south. But it's only a matter of time!!

    1. Oh hell, I hope it's not 'only a matter of time'! My Mum is in NSW and she's very vulnerable. It's rather scary knowing she is in a country that seems to have a 2nd wave happening.

  13. I'm in Western Australia where, due to our isolation, we're almost back to normal life. There are still many precautions in place, and our borders are closed, but we have been very, very fortunate so far. Re: antibiotics, I once had an ear infection that took three courses of antibiotics to clear up. Sometimes you just need more or stronger ones before the problem really clears up. It is morning here, and when I've dropped the kids at school I'm heading off to Kings Park for a walk with a friend. I think the only shopping I'll do is bread and milk on the way home!

  14. Morning Chris, no sleep like you said leaves you cranky. If you had a UTI google symptoms, they can be more than you think. Definitely go back to the doctor and explain what’s going on. I’m taking antibiotics all winter for respiratory issues, I’ve started probiotics 2 hours after taking antibiotics which has really helped. Jo

    1. I have never tried probiotics, but am eating yoghurt to make sure me 'flora' stays on the right side.

  15. Still stuck at home. For excitement I walked the cat around the garden. Well, followed the cat around the garden. He is a bit too interested in the bird life so I make a noise and they fly away and he glares at me. Fun times in isolation. In 7 weeks we get our new German Shepherd puppy after losing our beloved 2 this year.
    What else? Ummmmmm. Did they take a swab of the boil? It might be the bug isn't sensitive to the antibiotics. But a deep seated infection will take time to heal.

    1. No she didn't take a swab. There is very little to see on the surface, in fact she struggled to actually FIND it until I pointed it out. It's in a very awkward place. TMI

  16. Kiwionholidays3:18 PM

    Love the hills behind the trees ,,
    Hang in there Chris

    The song that pounds in my brain atm is

    We’re all in this together 💕
    Don’t enjoy the sleepless nights either ,,

    Had melatonin recommended from friend and chemist ,,,,and have used it last 10 nights or so with about a 90 % success rate

    It’s all trial and error but sure affects our day without enough sleep 💤

    Take care

    Cheers 🥂

  17. Yip the hills look good.

  18. I really like the hills. I don't even register that they are "hills" - but it just adds more color and texture and breaks up the background. Can you get any antibiotic cream to put on the affected area?

    1. The problem is way under the surface, so I doubt any cream would help.

  19. Hi - sadly you may need to visit doc again, but totally understand how you feel about doctors. Take care

  20. Hey my comment worked :-)

    1. Yes Anne it did. So well in fact that it came in 4 times. lol

  21. I love the hills added it gives them depth. 🙃 xx

  22. Chris I feel your pain. Doctors are even more of a pain. Hell, I hope those antibiotics kick in for you.
    I like the hills too. They make more interest, or something. Good anyway. Hope the Indian was just as you remembered

  23. Anonymous8:56 PM

    oh hey..... there are hills 😊👍
    #Lacy 💙

  24. Slowly moving out of lockdown here! Odd one for me - I live in Scotland so, of course, part of the UK but also due to levels of devolution Scotland is setting it's own guidance, personally feel like we're managing better than England is! We can now go to cafes/pubs/restaurants and I was able to take a train for the first time in nearly 5 months yesterday to go see a friend which was awesome! Just trying to get used to wearing a face mask now.

  25. Still in Covid lockdown. There is more mobility with malls and stores opening up. Numbers were down in the teens but have jumped up to 170 daily infections for the past couple of weeks. Masks are required in public enclosed areas and on transit. The young ones are gathering having parties and ignoring the rules. We are not supposed to travel outside our province.

    No entertainment shopping or going out to dine for me. Been stuck at home for the most of 4 months except for going to work and groceries. I'm getting terrible sick of my own company.

    Hope you are feeling better soon. Take care.

  26. Hi Chris, I’ve been reading your blog forever. Have commented at times. I love reading about your life, lovely family and your amazingly creative projects that you create. You are so talented. It’s clear you love your family dearly. I’m reserved to comment at times because I feel I out of place In suggesting what I’d do in a particular situation that you may be blogging about. I respect you. You have worked so hard to be in the position you are in now coming up to you and your love Stew spending quality time together without full time care of children. It’s your time now but please look after your health. Diabetes is a very serious disease. It’s not controlled by taking a tablet. You have to take it seriously. Clearly your current medical problem is being exacerbated by diabetes. You are far too young to become incapacitated by that awful disease. Considering Stew is at risk too I’d imagine you’d be worried about that too. I hope you don’t think I’m out of line with my comments. Please take your health seriously.

  27. Onions? What in the world?

  28. Chris: I agree with Rhonda regarding diabetes, my late husband had it, started out with diet, pills, injections of insulin, FOUR times a day. Caused heart problems and infections, which eventually was the reason for his death. He did not take all of the warnings seriously. You must, just saying.
    COVID cases are increasing somewhat here in Canada, only because the young, 20 years and up are out partying and do not think they will contract the virus. We are now allowed to go to appointments, shopping, restaurants and bars etc, albeit with masks being mandatory and social distancing. News is writing...could this be the beginning of a second wave.
    Hubby is still off work and frankly hope he decided to retire, it has been nice to have him home for the past four months. Just wish we could go on a vacation or even a road trip but we are healthy, so cant ask for much more than that at the present time.
    Take care of yourself. Hugs.

  29. You might be extra tired from the infection your body is fighting. I hate when we go out to eat and the food isn't good!

  30. I looked to see if you have skunks in NZ and also to see if the de-stink recipe for dogs has onions in it. . .

  31. Anonymous2:21 PM

    We are in Melb (Aus) so lockdown. It's frustrating when you've done & still been doing the right thing when others aren't & don't & now the virus is going crazy here! So I am working, trying to keep my 96 y/o mother in law cared for & entertained (she lives with us) & running for my own sanity!! OOOH And audio books - working my way through Outlander :-)

  32. So glad you are going to be able to travel to Australia. Will you have to quarantine in Sydney before going to Coffs Harbour or do you have to quarantine in Coffs Harbour. Sydney traffic is a nightmare. If you are a confident driver, and can follow signs under pressure you should be ok. I’m taking it you are coming on your own to Australia. Your family in NZ will be beside themselves and will miss you so much. You are the glue that holds them together. No doubt you’ll miss them too. Your mum will be so glad to see you. Thinking of you in these awful times.


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