Tuesday, July 14, 2020


Right, well today is a 'shop open' day.
So I will get the housework done then go into my Studio and finish off the latest runner.
And open the shop and hope someone pops in.  If not... well all is not lost cos I can just work on building up my stock.

I applied for a stall site at a local Annual Market last night.  It's held by the Rototuna High School PTA, it's at the end of November, 28th to be exact.  I'm hoping it's one worth going to ... at least the weather should be warmer.

So that means I have three markets lined up for October, November and January. 

Once I shut up shop later on, I am going to do a painting.  Just a little bit excited by that prospect.
And nervous too, cos so much can actually go wrong with acrylic pour paintings. Hopefully I don't muck it up.

ABOVE:  A little video of me gushing over my new torch!  These things are fairly necessary with acrylic pours... for popping bubbles and helping bring out cells.  Arty farty talk... ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜€

NOW REMEMBER... to view the video on your phone you have to scroll RIGHT DOWN TO THE BOTTOM of the post, past all the comments...  and tap on:  'View Web Version'.  OK.

And that's all I  have for now... so get on with your day and check back in later!


What colour painting should I attempt?  Blues?  Or Brights?  Hmmm....

2.05 pm:  Wow the morning flew by!  I got another Wonky House Runner finished, then I did two painting.
I'm NOT happy with either of them, so will probably go over them at a later date.

ABOVE: Neither got good cell development, and the colours are bloody awful.  I think my paint medium was too old as well.  I'm really disappointed.  ๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜“
Back to the drawing board.
Cos I'm done for  the day.  I want some lunch!

*** headache again ***... so sick of them.

I think it was the paint fumes actually.  They are pretty strong.

OH!  I forgot to say, I had a customer in the shop today.  She spent some money too.  Nice one.  Doesn't cover what I've spent on paint lately, but oh well.  

9.46 pm:  Well... painkillers kicked in a bit... enough for me to wander into my studio and do some prep work for tomorrow.  Lots of cutting out in other words.

Now... time to relax for the rest of the night.  


  1. Emerald green, turquoise, a little gold for a sunlight effect, white, like an ocean

  2. Look at that when you follow instruct it works lol
    You are such a noodle you can also make creme brรปlรฉe...

  3. That torch looks quite dangerous, I agree with Blondie1 take it into the kitchen and make creme brulee, I love it.
    Look forward to what ever colour you choose to use.

  4. You should use your least favorite, or most plentiful colors for the first one. Make it smallish and consider it practice, even tho it will probably be amazing. That way there is no stress or worry about using costly supplies. I hope you make a video of it!!!! Can't wait!

  5. Ha ha. Great minds think alike. Creme brulee or lemon meringue. But I guess the paintings will be ok too!!

  6. Whatever colour/s makes you happy (so probably blue lol).

  7. My sympathies for all your headaches. I had hormonal headaches for years, they were so debilitating. Hope you feel better soon. Mxx

  8. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Top Painting SOLD to Lacy
    #Lacy ๐Ÿ’™

  9. Kiwionholidays8:28 PM

    Lacy scored a great deal there , Good on you Lacy , when I saw the top one it was fave as well but seriously there’s nothing wrong with the other one

    Chris you are too hard on yourself ,, There’s always someone ,,,,somewhere who would enjoy it,,
    Main thing is “It’s close to home lol so no delivery ๐Ÿšš probs

    Just reminded me when that soapie close to home was a nz 7pm watch ๐ŸŒ…
    Way back in the day

    Keep warn n Cheers ๐Ÿฅ‚

  10. Amanda8:45 PM

    Dang it! I wanted the top painting ahaha!

  11. Have fun with painting. Hope your headache goes away. Be well.

  12. I like them they are pretty!


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