Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Well... guess what I'm doing all day?

ABOVE:  sewing up Bowl Cosy's of course!
I cut out quite a few last night, and heaps of the batting for the inners too.  I'm going to make as many as I can over the next week or so, because they are just so popular!

I will head out later on in the afternoon to get some glue for the painting medium.  I'm going to make a whole new batch of painting medium, so hopefully I get better results.  

Bex is coming over today... she's appointed herself my 'housekeeper' and is going to do some housework for me!  Mostly the things I loathe, like dusting.  
Who HATES dusting the most?
What job do YOU hate the most?

Steve's new job is going well... day 3 for him.  

The OLD MOO had a little mishap with her leg a couple of weeks ago.  It got infected and she ended up in Hospital for a few days.  She's home again now and on the road to recovery.  Such a worry when there is NOTHING I can do from this far away.  There is probably no chance of visiting her until next year now.  

Well... not much else to yak about right now, so I'll bugger off and start me day.  It's gunna be productive.  😃😉


I worked on one of the 'ikky' paintings late yesterday afternoon... and well...tell me what ya think:

ABOVE: From this....

ABOVE:  To this!

I am rather happy with it now, and will add shells once it's dried and been varnished.  I just placed the shells on there today to get an idea of how it might look.

10.48 am:  Feeling a bit spoiled.  My 'housekeeper' arrived bearing...

ABOVE:  Banana cake for our morning tea.  Awwww.

ABOVE:  And there ya go, today's efforts.  I'm about to stop for the day in the Studio, and get my lunch.
After that I might  MIGHT.... do a painting.  It will depend on how I am feeling after lunch.
Might be tired.  Might have a nap. 😂😅😆

OMG... literally every time I come on the blog to update it, the interface has changed!  I know they are 'tweaking' it as they go... I wonder how long it will be before I are finished with the tweaking?

Anyway... that's not what I came on for.  I did another painting this afternoon.... and I will show you tomorrow.  I'm just a bit busy right now getting dinner.. lol!  We be getting fish 'n' chips to go with the sausages I'm cooking.
Shit being a housewife is so hard.  😜😊😖

So... we also have a young person visiting for the next 4.5 days.  Young Z....  is a brat.  But a nice brat.  This young person comes from Cambridge, the child of one of my FBG girlfriends.  So just a nice extra in the house.  We are gunna have fun shopping together on Friday for the Mid Winter Christmas lunch.


  1. Oh Bex... you could have self-appointed yourself my housecleaner.... you'd have free rein to do all the jobs... I'm not a fan of any of them!!!

  2. So sorry to hear about your Mom. Your revised painting is lovely, groovy even! I love the seashells on it too.
    Worst job for me is gathering up all the garbage and putting it out by the street. Hate it!

  3. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Painting is groovy 👍 good one Bex where is my cake?? Great to hear that THE OLD MOO is on the mend it is worrying when you can't be there. GM.

  4. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Awww wish I lived closer. I'd give Bex a job lol. Yummy cake. Bowls are lovely. Kj

  5. Bowl covers are pretty,you have been busy,where is my cake Bex,and wish you were here,there's a job every day at my place.Im getting around with a walker at present,but hope to be able to do without it in a few days. Think I'd go crazy if it wasn't for all you lovely people on the blog,and knowing what the family are doing.But I am ok THE OLD MOO.

  6. I'm still following your saga with great interest. It is absolutely wonderful to have your family so close and now a housekeepr bearing cake! You lucky girl.

    Love how your painting turned out and the bowl cosies. Hope you sell lots!!

  7. Kiwionholidays9:19 PM

    The old moo wish we were a tad closer to give you a hand but cos it’s only temporary and you are way younger know having the blog to keep up with is awesome,,

    We , have a 90 year old here ,,,,,my parents age who is on a walker
    Full time,,

    so we look after her and a friend in N.Z keeps an eye on our parent same age

    Love the blog n all the pics etc ,

    Been trying to say hi to Lynda and see how she is Chris,,, but no longer able to post on her blog

    Take care

    Cheers 🥂

  8. Sorry to hear about your Mom. Hope she gets better soon. Take care.

  9. I put mine back to the old version, I still like it better lol


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