Thursday, June 09, 2016


For sure, it's going to be a busy day today!
The packers come back, finish the packing, then the truck(s) arrive to be loaded.

THEN we can get working on the cleaning.  It's not going to take too long as the house is pretty clean anyway.  Places like in the wardrobes and under the beds are areas that haven't been cleaned in ages.

Bex is coming over to help, so that's neat.  Steve will come over after work too.


!!!!! ONE SLEEP TO GO !!!!!

We have a couple of last minute jobs to do today, aside from cleaning.
Withdraw the kids from their current school (the school was closed yesterday), and sign all the legal stuff for the purchase of our new home.  

Keeping our fingers crossed for fair weather!  It's forecast to be wet on/off all day today and tomorrow.  As I said before though, who cares?  

Doing a happy dance...


8.19 am:  we are back at the house bright and early.
When I woke up this morning my back didn't feel too bad, a little twinge when I leaned over the bed... but not bad.

Get to the house, and I'm standing at the kitchen bench... not doing anything in particular when BOOM!  OMG OMG OMG, my back goes into spasm, red hot shooting pains up and down the right hand side of my back!

Right now I can hardly even breathe, the pain is that bad.  I've taken 2 tramadol, shit they better kick in fast!

There is SO MUCH to do today.  I can't be laid up.  

12.41 pm:  

The legal documents are signed.  After that Stew dropped me off at the Dr's.  They fitted me in.

I've now got muscle relaxants and more Tramadol.  That should see me able to do a bit.

Stew dropped the kids off at the movies... no point having them hanging around here, they can't help with the cleaning until everything is out of the house.

The movers are making huge progress with packing the truck.

ABOVE:  SEE?  Soooo exciting.

7.46 pm:  and we are almost done.  Steve is doing a little bit of painting for us, then we will be heading back to the motel for the night.
Coming back to the house first thing in the morning to hand over the keys and pick up the dogs.
Nite nite our Auckland home.... see you for the last time in the morning.

You have been a lovely home to live in.


  1. Good luck for the rest of your move, all your planning is paying off :-)

  2. Goid luck with the move, but take care Chris, maybe be supervisor today rather than a worker 😀

  3. You be the supervisor today or your back will be absolutely screwed and you will be in pain for weeks, looking at the boxes of stuff you want to unpack. Even if those painkillers kick in, all you will be doing is making it worse.

  4. Take it easy on your back! You can just boss the menfolk around. This move is running like clockwork, don't wreck yourself. After all, you need to be in fit shape when it's time to decorate the new place. Don't start your move of with crippling back pain. Take your drugs, and sit yourself down!!!!! Good luck and have fun! I am excited for you!

  5. I ended up get a small tens unit from Ebay and that thing REALLY helps when your back goes into spasms!

  6. Moving right along.... Now, sit yourself down and rest your back! CAn't wait to see the progress in the new house. Such excitement!

  7. Its so strange to see your house empty and missing all your beautiful belongings. Glad to hear the move is going smoothly and you managed to get into the doctors today. Can't wait to see photos in the coming days of your new home all styled :-)

  8. hope u have a pain free night chick and wahoo tomorrow its all gonna happen

  9. So exciting. ...i feel like its me!.. cant wait to see everything in the new house. So happy for you all xx

  10. It IS exciting! At long last you are on the move.

  11. Exciting and a bit of sadness, but that won't last for long I'm sure. Moving back to your roots or surrounding roots and closer to your other children is definitely a plus.

  12. Awww it is a weenie bit sad but here's to new adventures that await! xx

  13. Awwwww and that chapter and memories of that lovely home will always be on this blog BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE a new home new journey can't wait for it too all unfold.

  14. Good luck for tomorrow and take care of your back!

  15. Anonymous11:16 PM

    How much you sell house for?

  16. Good luck on the move. Have fun settling in to your new home.


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