Saturday, February 02, 2013


Our Daughter Amanda and her husband Andrew welcomed their son Liam into the world last night.  I am hoping to go down tomorrow to see them, all going well of course.


It's a rare event, but today Stew has to work from 7 am until about 6 pm.  There is a Chinese New Year Festival being held at the ASB Showgrounds and Stew's company are going to be there to advertise their company/products.
Anyone wanting a new will... just look for Stew!  lol

His company does more than wills of course, but most KIWI'S only associate his company with wills.  

It will be a long day for him... and he's already tired after only one week back at work.

Steve is working all day also, so it's just Bex, the kids and me all morning.

After lunch we are expecting a friend of Bex's, along with her husband.
They are coming up here from Hamilton for a 90th Birthday Party, and are calling in to say 'Hi' to Bex and check out Dante.  That will be lovely for Bex eh.

 ABOVE: the 'men' clucking over Dante.

ABOVE:  Stew and Dante, just chillin...

ABOVE:  Coco trying to get in on the act...

ABOVE:  "Oi Mum!  Take MY photo!"   ha ha!

ABOVE:  Baby's had enough now... time to hand him over to him Mum.  See how his hair is going lighter... still think he will end up a blonde.

Right, time to go... stuff to do....


Well... been doing 'stuff'... tried to find the baby quilt for Liam, but it went into storage along with so many other things I now WANT.  Grrrr.
So, I'm working on something else to give Liam when I see him tomorrow.... hopefully anyway.  It will mean sewing all day...  OR NOT!  I'm making good progress on the thingee for the new baby.

Got to take a nice break midday when friends of Steve and Bex visited.  Kerrin and Rick and their wee boy Cole were just lovely to have visit... Kerrin is 39 weeks pregnant, so expecting their new baby any day!  Kerrin spent 2 months in hospital during her pregnancy as she was at risk of a very early baby.  Young Cole was 12 weeks early... so they sure didn't want that to happen again.

 ABOVE:  because I was sewing in the garage, they all came down and kept me company.  That was lovely. 

End of Day:  well a really nice day today.  Shame Stew had to work... he's knackered now.
I sewed for about 9 hours today, and am happy to say I got a gift made for wee Liam.  Happy about that.
nite nite.


  1. Awwwww photo fix for the day thanks, Coco too funny!!! we have cloud cover today hope stew has cloud cover!!!! Chinese New Year already .

  2. Gotta love the photos as always! Love the one of Stew and Dante on the floor! Hope the day goes fast for Stew and that it's not to hot for him there.
    Congrats to you all on Liam's arrival! Glad you are able to go down tomorrow to meet him!

  3. Congrats on the new grandbaby~

  4. I hope the baby is good and healthy and you are able to see him and post LOTS OF PICTURES!! :)

  5. I love that Bex's friends and family come to visit. I hope you have a nice visit with your new grandson.

  6. Congratulations Nan and Pop. Welcome to baby Liam.

  7. You have babies coming in from everywhere! Too many to keep track of!


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