Friday, February 01, 2013


We got more parcels in the post yesterday... stuff my Mum had bought at a craft market.  I do believe the postage probably cost more than the contents!
ABOVE:  Can you believe the number of stamps?  One has to wonder if me Mum used stamps she already had.... cos surely the post offices in Australia have stamps worth more than $1.60!  There are 32 stamps totaling about $50.
 ABOVE:  inside the parcel... half a dozen lightweight summer tops for me that don't fit me Mum (so I get them), and a romper suit and hat for Dante... he's in the suit (above)... and the hat.  Well the hat is supposed to fit a baby 3-6 months old, but is far too small for him.  I think Bex is going to put it on one of Dante's Teddys. edit:  all he needs now is a piece of straw poking outta his mouth and he will look like a right dag!  lol
ABOVE: how cute is he?  
The other 'stuff' in the parcel:  Mum got this cute wee doll and doll carrier at the craft market:
 ABOVE:  some lovely lady had knitted a cardigan, booties, nappy and blanket for the doll, and...
ABOVE:  all these gorgeous clothes too.  They are beautifully made and so cute.  I am going to put them into our toy box for visiting little girls... I can think of a couple who are going to love playing with them, and carrying the 'baby' around in the carrier.

TODAY?  I think Bex and I are going to give sewing a go!   She wants to try making a sleeping bag type thingee for Dante.   Could be interesting.  

The other thing on my agenda is sorting out the kids clothes, getting rid of stuff that no longer fits. I am thinking there is a mountain of stuff Griffin no longer fits!  He's grown so much taller lately.  And Brylee... well maybe she has grown a bit too!  


REST IN PEACE Sir Paul Holmes, you were an awesome Dude.  Kiwi Radio and TV won't be the same without you.

Bex, the kids and I went to Sylvia Park ... needed to post off some parcels.  Caroline:  OMG  I just found the parcel I should have posted to you weeks ago... it had gone into the roof storage!  Whoops!  So sorry, it is now on it's way to you... just a bit late.

I needed to post a letter too... so I went out into the mall to put it in the New Zealand Postbox, but there was a problem:

 ABOVE:  the mailbox was so full when I tried putting my letter in, a whole heap of other people's mail fell out! So, I went inside to the KiwiPost counter and told them ... and they said "Oh well, it will be emptied at 2pm", and I'm like... "Are you kidding, you mean that all that mail that is falling out is just going to stay there for anyone to take until 2pm?"  Seems so.

ABOVE:  I thought STUFF THAT! And I went out and hauled MY LETTER and a whole heap of other ones out and took them inside and asked the KiwiPost lady to hold it behind their counter until the mailbox was being cleared.  NOT ON.  
At least I've done me 'Good Deed' of the day now.

I might even ring NZPost and lodge a complaint.   It's not on.  Our mail is supposed to be safe and secure in those freaking letter boxes.

After sorting out the post, we had a wander, had lunch and came home in time of Dante's next feed.

I just had a chat with a lady from NZPost, apparently the NZPost people in the shop should have rung and requested an early pick up from that Letterbox as soon as they were informed it was full to capacity.  They didn't.  So for the past two hours people have probably been trying to shove their letters in that box! 
At least I did my bit ... I feel good about that.

BTW... got no sewing done today after all.  I had hoped to get some of my fabric out of storage on Sunday too... but according to Bex the suitcase holding my fabric is right at the back of the store box.  Dammit.  I may have to work on UFO's! 

Another stinking hot day here... even the kids stay inside all day!  

End of Day:  I just found out that our Daughter Amanda and her husband Andrew welcomed their son Liam Joseph Harrison O'Beirne into the world tonight.  Welcome to our world wee Liam.  
nite nite.


  1. Well that's pretty cool!

  2. GL with sewing, Bex!

    Your mum sent a lot of great stuff! It's lovely!

  3. That is a cute outfit Dante has on!
    Love the idea of the doll and its bits and bobs in the toy box - makes it accessable to all granddaughters then!

  4. The stamps on the package are hilarious. I love the doll clothes. So cute. Not to mention that adorable child.

  5. Given the current discussion about the apparent lack of demand for postal services in NZ and whether they should be cut, that is an interesting anecdote!

    Yes, a complaint sounds reasonable to me.

  6. Dante looks cute as in that outfit hope the sewing is getting along, I clean out his nibs draws with his help of course at end of school year at start of school year then we always on top of it.... Only needed one pair of school shorts thank god cause added to all the other stuff he may have needed to go to school NAKED!!!

  7. We have been having *days* if torrential rain. Only mentioning it as it prolly coming your way.

    Stay dry.... stay cool


  8. Dante just looks so cuddly and cute:-)

  9. I love getting parcels too - or any mail that isn't a bill actually !!!!
    Wow - can't believe the PO would be like that - that is awful !!
    LOVE what you did at Lacy's - can't stop laughing about it !!!!
    Have the best weekend and take care !

  10. No apology necessary! You have had a lot going on, to say the least!!! lol

  11. Its not worth mailing anything here as well the prices are absurd. Congrats on the new baby. Happy weekend.

  12. i dont know who that guy is, or he seems nice... looks like my grandpa

  13. Congrats Chris!


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