Sunday, December 11, 2011


OR don't you have one?
I do.
It's really small.

I just want Stew and my kids to be happy.
I don't need anything else for Christmas.

BUT if I was being totally honest...
ABOVE: one of these would be really nice!  BUT, it's not on the budget for a good long time yet.  Cos I have EXPENSIVE tastes.  And this is one of the 'top of the line' Food Processors.  (Kenwood FP980).
I will get one... for sure... but not yet.
I can be patient... living with Stew for 27 years has taught me how to do that at least.  *smiles*

TODAY:  no firm plans yet... the weather is supposed to turn to crap.  So we will see...


So, the weather did not turn to crap afterall.  I'd heard that the new Kopu Bridge over at Thames had opened so I suggested we go over it!  So off we went.
 ABOVE: from a distance we could see it WAS NOT OPEN to traffic yet.  Drat.   I had heard on the radio all about the 'official opening ceremony', not the official:  cars can go over it announcement.  OH well.... it was a nice drive.

 ABOVE:  and we got to see it all finished from the old road/bridge's perspective.  Better than nothing.  We will go back once it truly is open.

ABOVE: after having a nice lunch of KFC by the water we took a little drive up the coast a bit.  The day was quite overcast and windy as, so we didn't linger long.  The tide was out, so not that pretty... it's such a rocky shoreline in most places you can't walk along it for far.

End of Day:  just watched the most stupid movie I have seen in a while.  It had Sandra Bullock starring as some nutty woman who stalked a man named 'Steve'... seriously not worth watching.  And on that note, we are off to bed.
nite nite.


  1. I just bought a cheap one. Works great :)

  2. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I have no list. Just got my new computer, so that's my Christmas. Just would like everyone to be happy, healthy and blessed in 2012. The "to be one day Blender" looks very nice!! Maybe Valentines Day huh?? ...debbie

  3. Anonymous4:48 PM

    bridge is supposed to be open before xmas to traffic


  4. I love your beautiful pictures. It is hard for me to see any kind of shoreline - and that it is not "wall-to-wall" human bodies.

    That bridge is really awesome! We had a new bridge in our little town also and we got to drive on it when it opened and it was SO different from the one they tore down. This one had a little "sway" to it . They said that is part of the design to give it ability to give a little under stress-like even a hard wind .When yours opens try to remember to take pictures.That first time trip will never be first time again. : )

  5. Yes, the bridge only opened to people yesterday and next week cars get to go over - hopefully it will be open on Friday when I go over!!

  6. Day turned out nice here too, we had a BBQ fundraiser from 8am-6pm we smell like onions and sausages but sold out so yay. Wish we were at the beach though that's fro sure, I have no xmas list just that we do well at our fundraiser BBQ 2 more to go 16th and 17th and maybe 24th!!! eeeeeekkkkkkk

  7. Your photo's are so beautiful!! You must have a really nice camera!! I love how your country looks, so beautiful and green!! Not green here right now, as it's COLD! Like 18 degrees F outside. I would love to visit there but know that will never happen, so I so enjoy seeing it thru your eyes. Thanks for sharing!!

    God Bless~

  8. My wish for Christmas is to get a good sleep and laze around and no one expecting anything from me. I want 1 day when I don't have to be a wife, parent, daughter or friend to anyone. Not going to happen. So I'll just wish for a new camera. Canon S100. Waiting for it to hit the stores.


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