Saturday, December 10, 2011


The new Mega Centre opened a couple of days ago, and I'm dying to go and check it out.
Especially the new Spotlight!
I hope I find some bargins!
We will no doubt have lunch out too... it's become the norm afterall.

What else?
bugger all really.... I don't have much Christmas shopping left to do, just want to get some gift vouchers for Brylee and Griffin so they can go shopping on Boxing Day.  That will be fun for them, they are like me, they LOVE SHOPPING.
And strangely enough, Griffin loves it the most.
Weird boy that.

So, until later...
ABOVE:  a week or so ago I was reading a friend's blog and admired one of her pouches she had made... and next thing I know it's mine!  Thank you so much Jane, it is beautiful and is going to come in handy as my Jewellery bag.  The embroidery is very pretty.  OH and thanks for the two lovely Singapore cards too, very cool!

Well.. it was all 'GO' at the new Mega Centre today!  Every shop had opening specials, giveaways and so on.  

ABOVE: the kids had the most fun in 'The Good Guys' store, where there was a magician who made balloon things.  Brylee got Nemo with bubbles and seaweed and Griffin got a monkey, for free!  The guy on the left, bottom photo is a Dom from 'The Edge' radio station.  He was also enjoying the magician!

I picked up a book on Kenwood appliances,  as at some point I would love to buy a Food Processor.  My last one died about 5 years ago!

We spent a good deal of time wandering around the Mega Centre, then headed off to Mission Bay for lunch at Masala.  Sadly they gave me a Medium Hot Butter Chicken instead of the mild I had ordered... so Stew ate it.  They did offer to get me a new meal, but I decided to forego it and then I could enjoy an ice cream on the way home!  Which I did.  

Going to have a Nana nap then read some blogs...

Pffft... didn't have a nap afterall.  I got sucked into reading some blogs!
Did not commenting though, the blogs I read were all new ones!

JANE, who sent me the cards/little pouch asked me if I had opened the Singapore Tour card yet? Well I hadn't ... so I did:
 ABOVE:  the inside of the card.... a MERLION.  See Jane, I did know what it was!  We saw the huge MERLION in Singapore when we went on a boat trip.

ABOVE :  and we even bought one!  This Merlion is about 14 years old now!  He is special. 

JANE:  I have looked after him of course!  That's why he's still white.  Even with 6 kids, it can be done.  lol

END OF DAY:  super lazy afternoon/evening.  Stew cooked dinner, beef rissoles with mashed potoatoes and gravy.  Very nice.
nite nite


  1. I love the cards and the bag as well. It's lovely! I hope your Christmas shopping goes well today. :)

  2. How nice! Love the bag! Well I got Jessica done for Christmas, just have to buy for everyone else. I just need some money :)

  3. Anonymous3:26 PM

    The pretty little bag and card from singapore are so pretty. What a nice gift! The kids looked like they were having a ball...too bad they screwed up your lunch! :( ...debbie

  4. Very cool balloons!

  5. Chris, I'm happy the package arrived. Hope you like the Singapore Tour card. Have you opened the card? It's'll know what I mean when you open it. Have a great weekend.

  6. Aren't Nana naps great? I had one after stacking 4 cubic metres of firewood!

  7. Yes, you opened the card! I've never seen a Merlion plushie before! I guess it's only sold where tourists go. How did you manage to keep the white so white after 14 years!

  8. and????? did you see the new Spotlight? what was it like?


  9. Ohhhhhh I'm liking that Singaporean card we lived in Singapore when I was very very young for 2 years I don't remeber shame...

  10. I found this blog after a google search on 'nz map tattoo' and I was wondering if you ever got your tattoo? I am an, erm, cuddly lady too, and am dying to get the same sort of tattoo as the one you liked so am keen to hear how it went.


  11. I found this blog after a google search on 'nz map tattoo' and I was wondering if you ever got your tattoo? I am an, erm, cuddly lady too, and am dying to get the same sort of tattoo as the one you liked so am keen to hear how it went.


  12. Don't go to the mega center! Support the little guy!
    I've been to Singapore, twice.

  13. Love the Nemo balloon hat. When my oldest was a toddler, she never got a balloon figure because she was too scare of the clown.


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