Monday, January 03, 2011


Stew was sitting in the lounge late yesterday afternoon and called out to me to bring my camera.... so I went into the lounge and Stew told me to look out the window... this is what I saw:

ABOVE: a native New Zealand Wood Pidgeon or Kereru, I have never seen one in the 'wild' before!  It was right beside our house.... it's so neat living near a big native park, we get to see these sorts of birds right in our own yard.This bird is easily as big as a turkey!  And soooo very pretty.  I took some short videos of the bird too... will try and upload one later on this morning.

After spending all of yesterday at home, we are definitely going out today.  Even if it's only for lunch somewhere. 


ABOVE:  Oh I hope you can watch these... the Kereru really shows off it's colours in the videos, they are really short videos too.

Stew has just suggested we go to Hamilton for the day.... so that's what we are doing. 


Just got back from Hamilton... far out it was hot down there, like about 31 Deg C.  Too hot.  We renewed our membership at the Hamilton Workingmen's Club while there, so we can visit the affiliated Clubs wherever we live.  We've been members of the Hamilton Club for many, many years ... it was really nice going back there, we had lunch in the Club.. it cost half as much as a 'normal' cafe lunch.  

I was so good, I  had a small steak with an egg on top and a little side salad, no dressing!

After lunch we checked out the new extended shopping Mall at 'The Hub' in Hamilton... we didn't like it.  It has these huge class-house type ceilings which made the whole mall like a bloody hot-house.  So darn hot it was awful to be in there.   Seriously BAD planning that was on behalf of the architect!

OH,  I also got Stew to buy me some more fabric from Spotlight, so I can continue with the 2nd Heart Quilt.  Yaaaaa.

End of Day:  and I've been sewing this evening... seems to me that I have truly got the 'bug' for sewing!  I even dream about freaking quilts and patterns.  So weird.  nite nite.  lol


  1. WOW is right....that's a beautiful bird and I didn't realize it was so big! Amazing photo.

    Happy New Year to you and your family....hope 2011 is your best year ever!



  2. That bird is absolutely gorgeous!!!! The COLORS!!! :)

  3. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Big as a turkey? Holy Cow! You could've had him for lunch! He is very pretty! Lots of shimmery colours! Our pigdons are only about 10 -11 inches tall. Not near that pretty!! ...debbie

  4. Kereru are thought to be bearers of good luck, I love the colours in the feathers, fundraising over for awhile thank god!!! now to really relax.

  5. A kereru! You are lucky. I haven't seen one for years, not since I moved inland here to the country from the seaside (Eastbourne) where I often used to see them in Day's Bay.

  6. Happy New Years Chris. What a beautiful bird. What kind of plant is that he's perched on? I've never seen one of those. Very pretty.

  7. Wow, what an amazing bird. I, too, love seeing wildlife.... Hope you had a good day out.

  8. That is a pretty bird! And he looks like he has painters overalls on lol

  9. love the videos and the pics shes/ hes a beauty!!!
    hope ou have fun out and about today :)
    Love n hugs!

  10. That bird is so pretty!

  11. beautiful very luck in to see such beauty

  12. We have them in our backyard here in Whangarei it is 'normal' up here! They are beautiful, & very noisy when they take off, they have to flap their wings so much they give me a fright when I'm getting the washing in and hear this woosh woosh sound.

  13. Anonymous3:16 PM

    That's scarey! A pidgeon as big as a turkey! Poor statues! He is pretty, as all boy birds are. Looks like he's wearing white pants! He might hang around now he's found plenty to nibble on. WOMBAT

  14. Lovely! Thank you for showing us a real New Zealand bird. There is certainly nothing quite like that in Texas.

  15. It's so lovely! And so is the plant! :)

  16. What a wonderful experience! His name certainly does not look like it belongs on him! :) He is totally beautiful. :)

    Can't wait to watch the next hearts quilt in progress! :)

  17. Ohhhh how awesome that you had a Kereru perch itself so close!! I've seen a few in the wild when out walking but have never gotten so close to one - that is just beyond cool!

  18. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Happy New Year....!!! We just got back from holiday - went to Rotorua and Cambridge which was so nice.... we spent the day in Hamilton today too - soo wanted to go to their spotlight - I reckon its better than Manukau... but I had the tribe with me and 99% didn't want to go!!! Never mind... next time...

    Catch up soon.

    Kate (

  19. I totally understand the dreaming bit....Once I sewed an entire bag in my sleep/dream. When I woke up I was quite sorry it was only a dream. Now that's a good dream. Another time I dreamt I was cleaning the ceiling using a long brush. When I woke up my muscles ached.

  20. Just stopping by to catch up and wish you a Happy New Year. Looks like you've been busy over the holidays. What a lovely bird. All the best for 2011.

  21. Wow, the Kereru is very colorful and pretty. Thanks for sharing the pictures and videos! Is he/she eating berries?

  22. The bird is really cool! I always get excited when we have pelicans land in our little lake and they aren't even endangered.


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