Tuesday, April 06, 2010


Teddy's days of sleeping with us are over. He's back in the laundry. And what's worse for him, I had a brain wave... and got Stew to take the door off the cupboard and put Teddy's bed in there! It used to be by the back door, but it was such a fag having to step over it all the time! So, it's now in the cupboard.. out of my way!

ABOVE: He's not impressed. Too bad. It's all about making MY life easier, not his. *smiles*

Stew is back at work today... so it's just me and the kids ... think I will definitely try to do some sewing today... ... I am over housework!


I've been doing.. more housework. Blaaaa bla bla. Now... Maybe I will continue working on the Cupcake runner?

I stood on the scales... BAD MOVE. Gained 2 WHOLE KILOS in the past 5 days. not fair. I know I wasn't a good girl.. but hell.. 2 kilos? Going to pack a wobbly now.

I had a nice, healthy coleslaw and bacon for lunch. Feel ok about the gain now.. it will come off again.

I taped a whole lot of UK Crime/Who-done-it's over the weekend and have decided to watch one or two this afternoon. Just chillin out...

End of Day: well the UK programmes were awesome! I must tape some more. I cooked a mean as Meat Loaf for dinner...kinda burnt the bum a wee bit... but not enough to ruin it. Full now... need to chill out for a while. Snuggle up to the man. I love him eh? *smiles*... ain't HE lucky? LOL .... nite nite.


  1. It looks like it's Teddy's own fault. If he'd followed bedroom protocol he'd still be there, but the licking and wriggling is a no-no! We don't put up with it from our husbands, so the dog has no chance :-)

  2. It's a gorgeous day, Early Bird.

    You'll have to go out for a little while with the kids or you'll go crazy.


  3. Oh I wish I could bet Abby's bed put where I want it. It is currently in my bedroom and in the middle of the floor and everytime I move it she moves it back. She has this little blue blanket that she has had since she was a pub and she drags that all over the house too. They are so funny. Looks like you disaster is all better now. Have a great week.

  4. poor Teddy he has all my sympathy.

  5. Hahahahahaha - Teddy looks less than impressed at his new location! hehe.... What breed is he again?

  6. He will know it is his own fault for being a wriggle bum, but he is so tiny he looks cosy in there so he will get over it eh.

  7. Teddy look really upset. :(

    I totally understand why you moved him.

    I commend you for having the guts to do it. I always cave and feel sorry for my dogs. I'm such a sucker. That's why they're so spoiled! LOL

  8. Anonymous11:14 AM


    You can turn that gain around quite quickly - you know now what works for you


  9. Dont do the long walks cause of my ankle/leg which is still stuffed and don't want to stuff it more before Aussie. I am still busy probably a lot more but just don't feel the need to write about it I suppose :-) and thanks for caring xx

  10. Poor Teddy. Does he have a bear to snuggle up to?

    No sulking over that [WTF?] gain, ok! It's done, now just eat a lot of salad stuff this week for damage control :o)

  11. And people say they are treated like "Dogs" - HA! I wish I had it as easy as my dogs or yours or most anyone that has critters! Good move Chris :-))

  12. Poor Teddy, but that'll teach him. Well, it probably won't, but at least you'll sleep better and that is what matters.

  13. Teddy is obviously not very impressed. I seriously don't think he realises he is a dog, he will get used to it. Martine

  14. Ahh poor Teddy....Murphy would be devastaged if he got evicted..mind you he's not allowed on the bed!!

    I ate like the proverbial pig over Easter and still had a lost, go figure!

  15. Ahh poor Teddy....Murphy would be devastaged if he got evicted..mind you he's not allowed on the bed!!

    I ate like the proverbial pig over Easter and still had a lost, go figure!

  16. My Iggy sleeps at the foot of our bed on the floor on his own bed. Why the laundry room? Don't worry about those 2 kilos... if it's anything like pounds, they'll come off as soon as you start eating "right" again. Good luck.

  17. Teddy looks so sad...:( But you did the right thing. I'm paying for my errors of the dog staying with me. She sleeps on the floor, but has to be in the same room!

    I put back on the two I lost last week! I'm right there with ya! Let's walk if off, okay?

    Have a good day!

  18. LOL POOOOOR Teddy! But he has his own apartment there. It really is glamourous. For a dog, that is. :)

  19. Darn it !I just posted you a nice funny post and my dumb computer service said it could not find server! I wanted to poke it in the nose!

    I was saying HOUSEWORK! That is a never ending story. I believe it is a conspiracy of fate! Take for instance the dishes -there they are all waiting for attention . By the time you get them all corralled the buzzer will go off for the laundry so you start throwing everything where ever it belongs -But - while doing this those pesky little 'dust bunnies" are playing under your couch. Chase those little scoundrels while crawling on your knees -the knees that are not as young as they used to be . Putting a smile on your face as you prepare for a nice break - you realize that it will not be long until your family all show up - expecting "the meal fit for a King!Which means the "QUEEN" will have the royal gift of "MORE DISHES"!

    By the time that little task is over - it is bedtime -which you stumble to shut your eyes - only to realize that -in the blink of an eye-it will be morning -time to start all over Again! AAH- the joys of house work! LOL

  20. Teddy brought it on himself ...seriously!

  21. First of all, your home's really neat and clean. And I think Teddy's doing alright in his new home. Nice and cosy.

  22. I love UK crime. Their shows are great! Enjoy that won't you!

  23. What about Anna?

  24. Sometimes I would like to stick my kids in the cupboard at night. The three youngest kids keep waking us up at night. EVERY NIGHT.

  25. Teddy is adorable! Bugger about the gain hun, but its only 1 week next week WILL be better xx Hayley

  26. Teddy will get used to his new digs! That meatloaf sounds yummy - despite the burnt bum!

  27. Poor little Teddy how could you! Sorry about the gain, glad you're over it. I'm sure next weeks weigh in will be a good one. Hope you are having fun on break.

  28. Hey Chris, just hang in there...the gain will come off again. We all fall off the log once in a while.

    Oh, poor little Teddy...back to the laundry room! But he's got a very cozy little space, I must say. Is that round thing in the door a "doggie door"? I've never seen one like that before....pretty cool!



  29. Anonymous2:24 PM

    LOVE Teddy's new home!


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