Friday, September 04, 2009


I have this special little bit of material... and I don't know what to do with it. (it's quite thin)

- It's 31 years old!

- I made myself my first ever Maternity Dress using this material, then also used material from the dress to make Amanda a dress when she was a baby.

- I have this little bit left... and I want to do something special with it.

ANY AND ALL IDEAS will be considered, so come on... give me some ideas!

It's freaking friday... yaaaa! I like fridays... we have PLANS this weekend, which involve JUST STEW AND ME time! That is going to be AWESOME. AND we are going to get a real sleep in on sunday too... NO KIDS!
As for today... well I will be doing some work on the 2nd Frangipani wall hanging.... and reading some blogs... and (darn it) doing some bloody housework too. *sigh*
Well.. I've had an incredibly quiet morning... lunchtime... and done bugger all! I had to do some 'tinkering' with the wall hanging I'm working on... in the light of day the white I'd put on it just looked bloody awful, so I've spent an hour or so taking it off and replacing it with other material.... oh well.. that was a learning curve!
That pretty material above.... hmmm... I think it will get incorporated into a quilt somehow! That I will keep! It only has HUGE sentimental value to me... so it should stay with me, what do YOU THINK?
PHEW! The Sewing Granny came up with a shit-load of ideas! Thaks for that chick! Now I am thinking a small wall hanging or a small quilt...
End of Day: it's been a semi-nice day... can't say much more than that. Just... OK. Looking forward to tomorrow. nite nite.


  1. Lavender satchets covered coathanger ? I'm not very imaginative. Sorry, have a nice weekend

  2. I saved some material and made a doll's dress for my daughter's first doll. She's 13 now. I guess I should go look for that dress.

  3. Maybe an heirloom baby patchwork quilt for future grandkids.

  4. Anonymous9:25 AM

    make all the girls a pretty hankerchief for christmas

  5. Could you incorporate that piece of material into a quilt for one of the kids or gradkids?

    Have a great weekend.

  6. Why don't you put it into a big frame or on a canvas and then incorporate photos of your kids as babies and your grandkids as babies, like a wee memory thingy?? You could stretch it a couple of times over canvas, staple at back and then get a nice matching lavender ribbon thing and criss cross it over so that you can slide the photos in, do you know what I mean??

  7. How much fabric do you have left? I've made covers for those black and white composition books using those quarter pieces they sell in the fabric stores. Since your fabric is thin, you could back it with white flannel. Email me if you are interested and I'll send you a sample.

    I love the idea of making a baby quilt using pieces of this fabric!

  8. I have no idea, sorry, I am not crafty at all, however I do want to thank you for posting the clown pic, I love clowns and have printed it off in A4 which I'll frame, so cheers for that. :)

  9. Karen1:18 PM

    How about mixing it with fabrics of colours in the material and making a cushion for your bed... you could add some old buttons, or ribbons etc......After all, that's where the 'maternity' all began (or was it on the back seat haha). Karen Wellington

    Hmm you'll have to change my name again.. not Karen Palmy anymore... Balmy... but not Palmy

    You sound a bit brighter today... go Chris!

  10. A dress for the grandaughter, she looks so cute in dresses, she has a cute white dress with butterflies on it at the mo i will take a pic and sent it to you..


  11. O Chris, I am So glad you posted it! It is lovely - lavendar and pink are two of my favorite colors and this one has special memories for you also ao that makes it doubly precious to you???

    Hummm???Let's see - I have had a couple of pieces of fabric that tug at my heart and I have actually cut small pieces of them from leftover projects and framed them and put on my sewing wall in picture frames. They actually make me happy every time I look at them and they add "ART" and color to my walls.

    Then with the fabric??::: is there enough for aprons? or potholders? or checkbook covers? or added to your wall hanging? or covers for your sewing machines ??? OR - how about quilting it and making you a neat purse with it?? Or pillow cases ? Or a tablecloth? or as an insert in the center of some pillows??? Or some small money pouches or cosmetic bags? OR cell phone carriers Or IPod carriers??? Or center you a piece in a tee shirt?? Or scarves for your furniture???

    Just so it is special to you.
    Hugs - The Sewing Granny

  12. Hope you have a nice time out without the kids! We haven't done that in quite awhile.

  13. All leave the suggestions to the more crafty types. Hope you have a great break away from everything. Take care.

  14. ok how about if you make a little doll that is you and she is a little preggo doll and you make her a dress, to commemorate the event. It's not every day you find a fabric like that after all.

  15. I think your little piece of material is very lovely, and does deserve a place of honor. In a quilt that you keep would be perfect.

    I hope you and Stew have a great weekend!

  16. Ohh I think a quilt is a good idea too.


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