Saturday, September 05, 2009


I reckon it's going to be A GREAT DAY/NIGHT! ABOVE: is Hamilton, where we lived for 12 years before we moved to friggin Palmerston North! I had Mike in this city, and Brylee and Griffin were born here too.

This morning we are heading off to Hamilton... to drop Brylee and Griffin off with their Aunty Amanda and Uncle Andrew for the night... so Stew and I can attend a PARTY tonight, back here in Auckland.

This will be a FIRST for the kids (and us)... the only time they have ever spent the night away from us in ANOTHER city....gawd it is amazing! And I might add, the first time they have ever stayed at Amanda and Andrew's...

Am I nervous? NOPE, not at all! I am just looking forward to having a really nice evening out with my Darling... and not having to worry about getting home at a decent time...

AND OMG! We will get to have a sleep in tomorrow morning too! NO KIDS... no kids!!!!!!!!!! When was the last time THAT happened? Fu#k I can't remember!

So... I'm looking forward to the day starting!....

Right... been to Hamilton, had lunch, did a bit of shopping, dropped the kids off and came home!

ABOVE: I got these movies/music DVD's to watch while I am sewing...

ABOVE: while shopping for a Housewarming gift for the party tonight... Stew found this little cutie... and bought her for me... we have named her C'ped ... (cupid)... cos she's a Cute Purple Eyed Dragon eh? lol

ABOVE: had to stop so Stewy could have a pee... and I couldn't resist taking a photo of this awesome tree in Gordonton. Huge, gnarled old bugger.

So, we have a couple of hours to kill before heading out to dinner (just the two of us).. then on to the paah--tee! Whooooop.

End of Day: a lovely day it has been too! nite nite.


  1. Have a wonderful time!!!

  2. ive only been away from my little one once, and it really got me upset.. more than i thought it would..

  3. Sounds like a really lovely time! Enjoy yourself girl! And thank you for the comments and support on my blog, you are very sweet and I truly appreciate it!

  4. Hope you have a great night out and enjoy the morning without any kids. Don't go too crazy though 'cause you may end up with more if you're not careful. ;)

  5. Have a wonderful date night! I'm sure Amanda and Andrew will have a pleasant evening, too! :]

  6. Enjoy you two - don't do anything I wouldn't do... and that should give you plenty of scope, ha ha. Seriously with all the ups and downs you've had recently, it will be great for you and Stu just to have some quality time together. Z xx

  7. A good day is a good day...enjoy every minute of it.

  8. Enjoy your mini-break Chris :))

  9. Oh, you lucky thing! Have a great time tonight... AND tomorrow morning! xxx

  10. Enjoy the break from the kids!!!

  11. Enjoy your day and the entire weekend!

  12. Sounds like just the thought of it is making you feel like a teen again! lol I hope you two have a wonderful time.
    hugs, linda

  13. Sounds like just what you need. ENJOY!!

  14. Sounds pretty good to me!! Have a wonderful time:) Sorry I haven't been about.....been struggling with getting internet up and running in the new place!

  15. Hope you have a great time!

  16. Woo-hoo! Have a fantastic time tonight!

  17. Was that a pic of the tree he peed on? LOL

  18. Wonderful! You deserve a night off with Stew! Hope you had an awesome time :)

    PS I just LOVE ghost! x


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