Tuesday, April 07, 2009


Yesterday I decided to cook the Weight Watcher's Sticky Date Pudding:
ABOVE: This is how it was supposed to look....AND.... after cooking it exactly as instructed, this is what I got (the photo is it... EXACTLY after it came out of the oven):

ABOVE: Weight Watchers Sticky Date Pudding.... I tipped it down the sink! It was revolting! It tasted like ... well fuck all ! It had very little taste, it was glutenous and disgusting. I WAS HORRIBLY DISAPPOINTED.

And the worst thing? I still have another one in the cupboard.

So, I'm going on a road trip today... the Patchwork girls and I are going to Paeroa... about a 70 minute drive from here. We are visiting another Fabric Shop... the whole class is going this time. Hopefully we will have a blast again.

Stew is taking the day off so I don't have to worry about getting back in time for the kids after school.... how neat is that? Woooo hoooo.

That's all for now... I will be back later on today with any/all purchases!
I'm BACK! I had a nice time! We visited a patchwork shop at Ngatea:
It was in this renovated/extended old church.... I bought some material and a couple of patterns... and saw this gorgeous quilt:
I hope to do one like this one day.
Then we met up with a couple of the patchwork girls who have been camping in the Coromandel for 4 months! They have homes in Auckland.. but are still enjoying their summer holidays in the tent! They have birds... which go EVERYWHERE with them in the back of their car! I had to take a photo:
They are fantastic 'watchdogs'... they squark really loudly when you go anywhere near the car! SO FUNNY.
After morning tea in Ngatea we pottered over to Paeroa to another Patchwork shop, which was in an old converted house:
I bought even more material here...
This was another gorgeous quilt I saw.. and want to make! I am going to be that old lady with a dozen quilts in her cupboards ... gathering dust!
I will show you my material tomorrow... bet ya CAN'T WAIT! lol
End of Day: happily tired... looking forward to me bed. nite nite.


  1. Leanne6:44 AM

    Hi there
    The chocolate steam puddings are nice

  2. yip, I wish mine looked like the package too, I have tried using 2 small ramkins, that ended up all over the oven tray, perhaps there is a secret to cooking them :) But I have now found frozen cheese cakes not much can go wrong with them :)

  3. I thik the ones from the freezer that you just bung in the microwave are much nicer than the ones you mix and bake. Less to go wrong.

  4. Yes, I agree - the chocolate one is nicer especially if you have a litle lite vanilla ice cream with it. I didn't like the sticky date one at all. Have a fun day out :)

  5. Doesnt look good, wont be buying that, Have a good road trip...

  6. Ick that looks gross! I'd take the other one back when you go for your next meeting. I'm sure they would exchange it for something else. Do you have the WW snacks in your grocery stores there?

  7. None of those packaged foods look like the pictures on the box once you cook them.

    Take the pictures & show your WW group, it would be interesting if they have had similar experiences.

    The WW ice cream tubs are not too bad :-)

  8. I have the same problem when i cooked the puddings but after a bit of trial and error Brad things he can make them and they turn out ok. Mind you when he has cooked them I've always been out and eatten before I get home....

  9. Lauging at how you said the pudding tasted.

    Look bloody crook, take the other one back. The ones from the freezer section are quite nice.

  10. Ugh...that does not look tasty at all !!!

    I use the frozen ones,or make my own. I have a few recipes for light desserts ... like Mocha Marble Swirl cheesecake. I'm going to start posting some of them..

    Have a fun road trip !!! :-)

  11. myfatquarter@blogspot.com1:59 PM

    Oh gross. I haven't tried any WW puddings yet but I will pass on that one. Can't wait to hear how your Fart trip went today?? It's great that you're getting around with your group. Mr W from Morrinsville is coming to PN in June .. yes yes yes. I love his batiks. Will be getting some Friday at Symposium (a bi annual event in NZ where they have national and international tutors, lecture, exhibitions etc. I'm doing two classes and I'm being an Angel (believe it or not). Means I get to help a tutor for the day, ironing, cutting, making coffee.. but a good way to learn something new for nothing.

  12. Your pictures today had me and my daughter laughing and really brightened our day. I'm not the only one that things like this happen to!

  13. um, yup Chris - I agree - I wouldn't have eaten anything that looked like that either! I know some WW recipes are good - but I think we can all scratch that one off the list!

  14. Anonymous2:48 PM

    At least you didn't eat it anyway!!!!!

  15. Buy the frozen ww puddings. All you do is stick them in the microwave for a minute and its all done!
    Very yummy but three points so not something I eat a lot of.

  16. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Oh my! That looks thoroughly disgusting! I'm sorry... it cracked me up though! The way you say stuff tickles me no end! You should do more videos where we can hear you talking in the background!

  17. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Hi Chris
    Just thought I would say thanks for your blog each day, I really enjoy reading it throughout the day to see what your updates are.

    Keep it up,
    Katrina ;-)

  18. OMG! That pudding looks like the contents of Guy's nappies! Not surprised you didn't eat it... the WW ice-creams are good... xxx

  19. Glad you had a nice day out. We got a couple of nice homemade quilts from friends when our son was born. Unfortunately our cat pissed on one of them.

  20. those watch birds gave me a chuckle.

    and your pudding. What a disappointment. I bet the photo on the pack is a full fat hand made steam pudding!

  21. that does NOT look too appetizing :(

    maybe its just that you used a different bowl? :)

  22. If you do become that old lady with too many quilts, call me..haha. That pudding did look nasty. Better luck next time.

  23. Dear me that looks god awful. They don't sell too much of that stuff here in Quebec. We can find WW bread and bagels if you look hard enough and I have also seen the snack cakes but that's about it.

    Looks like you had a really fun day out and about with your quilting friends.

    Can hardly wait to see each and every quilt.


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