Thursday, October 18, 2007


Went to bed at 11 pm, closed my eyes... and stayed awake all bloody night ! There was nothing I could do to make myself go to sleep, my darn brain just would not switch off. So, I'm feeling like total crap this morning.. wondering if I can even go to work!

Today: kids to school, maybe walk Izzy, maybe go to work... maybe stay home and go back to bed! The main thing I will be doing today? Waiting for a bloody phone call from Stew to let me know about the job....AND.... my sister is visiting us this afternoon... so I'm bound to spend 2 hours trying on this outfit, then that outfit, and doing me hair this way, then that way.... oh shit I am so nervous of seeing her again.

Today is going to be either the BEST DAY EVER, or the DAY FROM HELL....


  1. Hope things go well for you today, I haven't seen my sister for 10 years! she lives in Aus and we just don't have anything in common any more which is sad, but she thinks we are small town people who have never done anything with our lives her loss, and sad for her children who dont know there cousins.
    Have a good day hope you have sunshine :)

  2. Awwe Chick
    I will be thinking of you today, you will hopefully be pleasantly suprised on both counts (sister and job)and today will be THE BEST DAY!!
    Do try to get some sleep before your sister arrives.

    Just to let you know
    We have a postal strike going on here at the moment so by the time I am ready to send my parcel to you the postal strike will hopefully be over but I wil keep you informed.

    About 2 hours ago we lifted our old machine out to put the new machine in place and two bolts, a couple of metal objects and a lump of concrete dropped out the bottom of the old machine....IT WAS SOOO FUNNY!! My OH checked all the bolts the other day when I cleaned underneath it and everything was fine so in just a few days everythig had come loose and dropped off.....I can safely say, "we needed a new washing machine"...teehee


    HUUUGE HUGS to you xx

  3. Here's hoping it's the best day yet!!

  4. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Crossing my fingers for you Chris!!

  5. It's going to be a lovely day - you'll have some news and can plan accordingly and as for your sister - smile that lovely smile and twinkle those beautiful blue eyes and she won't notice or care about anything else. Z xx

  6. I will have my fingers crossed for you and will be hoping that everything (with the job) falls into place as you want it to.

    In regards to your sister, don't worry about what your wearing or how your hair looks, if she hasn't seen you at your current size that will be enough to blow her sox off.
    I doubt she will even notice what your wearing.

  7. Hoping you have a great day, thats shit about the no sleeping tho??
    Try not to be to nervous tho, you never know, your sis might be just as nervous too?

    Either way, enjoy your day:)

  8. I'm picking "the best day ever"! Hope it all goes well :) Oh and congrats on the loss yesterday!! YAY!!

  9. You're obviously worried about what is going to happen today. You have a lot on your mind at the moment. Take care of yourself honey, i'll be sending all my positive vibes to you today!

  10. Have a great day and it WILL be a great one :)

  11. Fight, fight, Fight.....

  12. Good luck with everything today!! I hope you have a good afternoon with your sister,a nd that Stew finally finds out about his job. Fingers crossed for you.

    Enjoy your day, and hope you're not feeling too tired.


  13. Have a great day with your sister!

  14. I've got all my digits crossed for ya mate that this is going to be the best day ever.

  15. Why does it need to be one extreme or the other? It may just be a really lovely day with no dramas, no earth shattering moments, just nice.

    I really hope the sleep deprevation doesn't affect you that much.

  16. P.S. You'll probably find your sister is stressing exactly the same as you... ;)

  17. Fingers crossed and eyes hun that you have a great day.


  18. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I hope all goes well for you today!! your in my positive thougths!!

    Have a good one!!

  19. I hope your having a nice visit with your sister - just nice, no stress or drama's.

    Congrats on another great loss, what are you doing differently?

  20. What a day! You look really happy in that photo, and gorgeous to boot!

    Me thinks the being tired bit isn't bothering you anymore, funny that... :o)

  21. I am so happy for you mate. No words can describe. It most certainly has been the best day eva. You deserve it. And hey, good news. You're going to be living closer to me. Yay....

  22. So glad everything went well for you today with your Sister's visit. I knew it would xx

  23. told you the day would only get better. god on you gal.K


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