Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Ha! I'm a grumpy tart eh? Maybe TODAY we will find out??? It's very hard living with the constant "Don't know what we are doing" situation.... if we are/are not moving I just want to bloody well know!

Today: kids to school, walk Izzy then... my girlfriend Chris D has the day off and we are going to Levin for a look around! OOOO a girly day out, how neat!

I will be weighing in at midday... not expecting a huge loss this week, maybe just a stay the same or a tiny loss.... either would be fine by me. It is still shitty weather here, so much for summer coming.... in fact it's pouring with rain as I type!

I have a gorgeous Snowball tree, and every year it gets it's flowers, and one week later the bloody wind blows it bare! Bloody horrid weather here. I am so over winter. I wanna wear dresses and skirts, t-shirts and sandals, and get a TAN !


  1. Oh lucky you going brown, my OH is like that, he just needs to look at a picture in a magazine of the sun and he is brown, me, welllll it is hard work to go red...forget the brown. I have gone brown-ISH about twice in my life except when it comes out of a bottle.
    The last time I went brownish was when we were clearing the garden in July and then it wasn't very brown just a slight tan but HEY! A tan none the less.

    I'm sure you will do fine on the scales, you have been good with your tracking this week so you deserve a loss.

    Enjoy ya day with your mate!!...girly day out....FAB!!

    I aint forgot about going to the Beach and getting those pics....I'm just slow....teehee I want to get there very soon while the weather is still quite nice, so I had better pull my socks up and get my butt there eh?...TeeHee

    Hugs hun! XX

  2. Hope the weather is nice in Levin for your day out.

    I can understand how frustrating it is waiting waiting waiting hun... but you will know soon enough.


  3. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Oh.. I'm so jealous that you're on the verge of summer. Windy, cool and RAINY here. About 8 more months of it. I should consider moving to warmer parts.

  4. the wind is frustrating eh, I reckon thats what makes us so tired all the time - like we are constantly battling against it. Our wisteria is in the process of blossoming, so yep of COURSE the wind is going to get up over the next few weeks grrrrrrrrrr!

  5. Oh bummer about not finding out about moving yet or not...
    Oh and I luuuuuurv snowball trees... we are re-designing our front garden... and that is one of the trees i am placing out there... if I can friggin well find one!!!

  6. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Oh i wish it would rain here its sooo dry!!

    i hate waiting!! i hope you hear today!!

  7. It's rought out there!!

    Good luck today with weigh in:-) You are going well!

  8. Damn about still not knowing what you're doing regarding to the move :-(

    And you know you're not going to get any sympathy with me regarding the wintery weather :-P But I am envious of anyone who can wear skirts and dresses without their thighs chafing to hell.

  9. Lovely to see your garden in bloom Chris, it looks like you have a green thumb!

  10. Send the rain to usssssss! We are desperate for it!..
    The best way for a quick tan is Johnson Holiday Skin...its brilliant, plus you shouldn't be going in the sun!!!:p

  11. Oh I wish it was pouring with rain here. I know you're getting sick of it, but we desparately need it... its weird when wet stuff falkls outa the sky these days.

    Hope you have a good day out, and that the decision about moving comes soon. It must be so frustrating... no wonder you're getting in bad moods!!


  12. Brrr. Too cold to walk in the rain.

  13. come on, I got three to one odds that your sister can take you....When are we going to know.

  14. What a great looking tree.

    I hate waiting for things. Like now we have made the Aussie decision I just want to flippin go, I don't want to wait 6 months and get all the loose ends tied up and money sorted, I just want to go.

    You'll find out soon enough.

    As for the fucken wind, and I say fucken because it is literally doing my head in, it had not stopped blowing here for days. At the moment it's a whipping north westerly and it's going to change this arvo to a howling sou'wester with hail and snow. Please can we go to Queensland now.

  15. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Congrats on your loss!! i think ive lost that much in blood today!! grr @ the dr taking blood!! oh well a story for another day!!

  16. I know all about playing that 'waiting game' and the uncertainty of not knowing what your doing, and I agree, its awful. When I look back I can't believe I lived like that for six months before our property sold. (went unconditional) Its the pits so I hope you hear real soon.

    Also agree on the weather. Back in June/July I was walking for an hour most days and the weather was realy lovely, (sometimes chilly but no wind) now I'm hardly walking as the weather is so crappy and I feel like I'm getting blown down the street. Actually last week I got things blown into my eyes on both the days I tried, it was miserable and not enjoyable in the slightest.

  17. Ye ha! on the loss this week and Happy Blogging Anniversary for yesterday.

  18. great loss..again chicky, doing well. hope the bloody wind dies down soon. go for the tan, i can't do the sunning thing because of my eyes-can't take the glare, when younger i was very very brown. be sun wise though hey. K

  19. Great loss!! You will be having to buy your own pressie for the next coffee morning!! I'm voting for you!

  20. Well done on the loss hun woohoooo.


  21. Well done on the great loss again this week. All the best for tomorrows decision :)

  22. Way to go on your loss....that's awesome. It gives me inpiration to do something, anything which I haven't been doing.
    Positve vibes for your news about the move.

  23. Change that UGLY profile's disgusting!!! God Aunty, you are much prettier than that, you look like a grumpy old lady!!! :) Love ya xxx

  24. Great loss! I'm really pleased for you. I'm excited to know about the job too - I'll be checking in to find out.

  25. Oh GOOD LUCK on the move more this weekend birthday girl!!!!

  26. Well done on your weight loss :)
    The weather is sooooooooooooo crappy, Chch wind todaywas real bad the hair suffered lol, loved the email very cute and funny.
    Have a good night I am off to get my canteen bandana :)

  27. First all of great news on the weight loss front - isn't it great when it all starts to come together? Can understand your frustration re the possible move - I can deal with anything once I know what it is but I hate not knowing!! That's the control freak in me LOL. You say the nicest things - the necklace is one of those magnetic ones which you just wind around in whatever style you like. As for dressing up - I love it - remember that I spend five days a week in heavy duty work trousers, high visibiity shirt and steelcapped safety boots so like to dress up a bit whenever I can. Mind you after work I'm to be found in a pair of gym pants and a t-shirt! (and of course I don't have the cold to worry about). So I might be visiting you in Auckland??

  28. WELL DONE...another 1.5lb gone and 9.2lb lost in 3 weeks, that's pretty good going! Keep up the good work

    Hugs to you xx

  29. Hey congrats on teh weight loss! You've been remiss in telling us how its going lately....

  30. Congrats on the lose. Good for you. Is that weather ever going to warm up? Lovely tree. I really do hope you find out soon about that job. Keep up the good work.

  31. Congrat on the weightloss. I feel your pain when it comes to the weather. Even though we are half a world apart, the rain has been pouring down here and the wind it making it particularly nasty. Wish I didn't have to walk across campus in this weather >.<

  32. I have never heard of a Snowball tree before. From your photo, I can see why it's called a Snowball tree.


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