Friday, August 03, 2007


RAINBOW....OK mate, your blog has gone private, just where is my invite eh???? I have missed you, come on girl!

TODAY: Got lots to do .... kids to school, vacum entire house (oh that should be worth a few points!), make up beds, sort out stuff for tomorrow.... oh and wash the hair... put on me face....try to figure out what to wear on Saturday.... shit so much to do.... better get started then....
HELENA: I just made 3 lots of Weight Watchers Jelly, JUST FOR YOU MATE!! See, thinking of you.....
I've been fluffing around all morning... and I'm the QUEEN OF PROCRASTINATION.... I hate decorating Xmas Trees, so while I've said I was going to do it a million times.... I still havn't !
BELOW.... is the wall of "Wanted to be here's" .... if your face is not there it could be cos you
- have not expressed your grief at not being about to come or...
- you don't have a photo of yourself on your blog !

For the record I have: Cara, Karen and Rachel, Beckie and Bradman, Zanna, Linda, Teresa, Nigel, Kerry, Mr Choo, Lynda, Emma, Donna, Jaxx, Briony, Nannette, Mellisa, Jules, Kek, Sue, Marie, Anne, Christine and Jodi up there. You will all be missed.
I HAVE DONE THE FRIGGIN TREE, and as far as I'm concerned, it is staying there till December 25th now!!! Major hate... but once I actually get started it does not take that long!
Ha! Get this, I've done 7877 steps so far today, and that is just fluffing around my house!!!!
Oh my god, it's a mad house here!!!!
Lee-Anne and Lynn arrived, so did Mandy and Jeremy for a mo, then all my kids arrived!!! I mean ALL OF THEM... and Lynn, Lee-Anne and I buggered off to visit Janene!!! I can't tell you what's happening cos it's just all go at the mo, and I've had a few bacardi and Diet cokes...... oh yeah!!!! So can't hardly type even,.... will update properly tomorrow before any more arrive..... I am soooo happy man! I have been taught how to link other blogs .... but cna't right now cos I'm pissed!!! HA HHA AHA HA... NITE NITE... Steps today....11843, totally random, only around the house even..... did I say nite nite????? HA HAH AHAHAHHAHHA


  1. A lot to do but for a fun reason.....PARTYYYYYY!!

    Re-Comment We are looking to move right out the area and have been looking at areas like Yorkshire which is a couple of hours drive away but it is in a different county altogether and far enough away from the North East. It will be a couple of years yet though...boohoo

    Hope the party goes well which it will, with you as the hostess it will be GREEEEAAAAT!Just wish I could be there!! Now if we could emigrate to New Zealand that would be FANTASTIC!! And far enough away from here.

    Hugs to you

  2. Will you please come vacuum mine??

  3. Thatnks for posting that about RAINBOW>.. I tried to get in to see her also.. but PRIVATE!!! noooooooo
    lets hope she sees your blog...

  4. u have time for a catch up 2day

  5. Remember lots of photos!,,, so don't forget to charge the camera. ;o)

    have a fun day.

  6. Have a great time at your party!

  7. Sounds like you have got a busy day ahead of you!!! Have an awesome time at your party.... wish I could come too... but you're a bit further than a few hours drive for me!!!

  8. Oh thanks for putting me there - will be thinking of you all :(:(.

    Have a great time

  9. Oh Im on ya wall of bloggers!!!
    would you belive,(not to freak you out or anything!!) I dreamt that you lived next door to me and you were hosing the back yard and I just had to come and introduce myself!!
    Why?? I don't know, probably cause I was reading blogs late last night???

    Too funny!!

  10. You could always get Brylee & Griffin to decorate teh tree!!

  11. LOL! I see my grinning face on your wall! Good times. Please take pictures and please have a great time!!

    And I would put my christmas tree up now too if my husband would let me!

  12. Thank you for the big hug Chris via the gentle giant haha. I thought he was telling me to get going.. as I'm going home early! I'm thinking I might be in for the bot so have a great party this weekend. 10 more sleeps!!!

  13. Hey Chick - hope the party goes well.... have fun, drinks lots and be good! I'll be thinking of you all :)

  14. Thanx for popping back did ages ago before I went awol so dont feel bad:)...hope the party is a smash ..have fun

  15. Have a ball guys!! Lots and lots of photos!!!

  16. OMG, Bradman and I are there in spirit. You are SO thoughtful!!


    (had to shout across the sea ya know)

  17. You are a legend! Thanks for the photo of me on the wall too... I really would have liked to be there and will meet you one day.

  18. Hey

    I do wish i was coming on Saturday but got a friend birthday dinner and also have to do lunch with my mother. Would much rather come and visit you instead of having lunch with mum! looks like you have put a lot of effort into the party and i am sure everyone will have a great time! I can not wait to see photos afterwards and hear the stories!!!
    have a great weekend!

  19. Hey, the wall of people who wanted but could not be at your party is a lovely idea...thankyou....just a shame about my face eh....teehee


  20. You are a legend... but ya could have used a better pic of me... not the one in the nuns outfit.. hahaha

  21. Never worked out how to do photos on my blog. Livejournal is good but a bit complex for my tiny mind! I do often post the link for my flickr page though:


  22. woohoo three bowls of jelly just for me YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ... I might just even share it if I feel so inclined :D thanks mate!

  23. Oh yeah you had to use the 'tart'picture didn't ya!!?? lol ... Hope you all have a great time ..... as Beck said, heaps of pics!!!

  24. Sounds like a great party! Glad you are having fun ;-)

  25. I'm sure everyone will have a ball at your party. Post lots of photos please!!

    By the way, the dumbbell is the one in purple....I'm wearing turquoise... ;)

  26. So, I have a question. And it might be a really, really dumb one. Are you celebrating Christmas soon? Or just preparing super early for December? Maybe it's some different Australian thing that I'm totally unaware of??

  27. Let the fun begin! Thanks for putting me up there on the wall. I'd love to be there. You are going to have so much fun and can hardly wait to hear all about it. I'll have to sneak a peak on Monday.

    About the Christmas tree, personally I hate to decorate too. We used to have these neighbours who would put up a real christmas tree at the end of October in their living room. You could see it from their front living room window. Don't know how they kept it till Christmas but they did. I can barely stand to have in up for 2 weeks.

    Have a great time. ((HUG))

  28. Have a great party! Sounds like a lot of fun and great for you to have your family/kids visiting.

  29. Hey just checked out your blog for the first time and had to figure out why you were putting up a Christmas Tree...hahah I'm definately not looking forward to snow again!

    Great blog, and I will definatly be stopping by again!! Enjoy your party! Can't wait to hear how it turns out!

  30. bacardi and Diet coke? sound interesting, im more vodka and lift kinda girl, well when im aloud any ways. Hope you guys had fun!


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