Thursday, August 02, 2007


Cool. Thanks for the vote of confidence... I will just wait and see how the hair settles down then!

Today: I will be busy, ya hoooo. Kids to school, walk Izzy then off to work.... followed by taking school kids to swimming. Fun.

Then it's the 'countdown' to the PARTY.... two more sleeps! And all my kids should be here! They have not all been together in nearly 6 years, so I am really looking forward to seeing them again... hope they don't kill each other! HA HA HA! And about 8 bloggers will be here too, and a few other random friends....and I have a wall covered with pictures of the bloggers who can't be here but wanted to be (I'm sure!)....


  1. the color look cool Chris.
    Take another photo and bloody smile this time :o) I bet it will look 10 times better.

    have fun with the school kids, don't drown any, ok let me rephrase, don't get caught drowning any ... he he he

  2. Wooooohoooooo Might have to get the web cam out chris!!!!
    Sooooooooo jealous....
    Have a top weekend lady...

  3. Awww now seee??? that smile looks beautiful on you!!!! We'll be there in ummm ... let me see ... just over 30hrs!!!!!!!

  4. Your hair looks fine today, not as yellow.

    Enjoy your busy day!!

    Im jealous I can't come to the party!!!!!

  5. You really need to stop whining about your hair. It looks lovely.

  6. Anonymous11:28 AM

    your hair looks great, its really much better in the pic today, or whenever this one is hehe.. it was a tiny bit yellow at first and its much better now its settled.

    use blonde shampoo and it will be even better!

    and SMILE hehe x

  7. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Hi Chris, I was just looking at your blog yesterday and then this morning when I check my emails, I see a comment from you on my blog!

  8. HAve a great time at your party, and enjoy having your kids around! How exciting!!!

    And its great to see a photo of you smiling.

  9. the hair colour looks not so yellow today!! Perhaps it jsut took a little to get used to!

  10. Is that party nearly here already?? Where the hell is all the time going? I like today's photo better, hair has toned down a bit. You have to be happy though chick, we spend so much on our frickin hair that we deserve to be happy with it.

  11. Hey chicky

    Just wanted to let you know that I am going to throw open the Yummy Mummy website to one and all and am going to start a Christmas challenge - There are only 20 weeks til xmas. If you would like to jump on board or know of anyone else who would please let people know. Keep an eye on my blog as I will be updating the details over the next few days.

    Have a great weekend - I will have a glass of wine with you in spirit!!!


  12. Noice phota! The blonde colour has calmed down as well.

    See ya in 48 hours!

  13. HA HA HA on the teeth for sale, they really must think someone will but them.

  14. I hope my bloody photo is up there lady - I would love to be there. Maybe next year?

  15. I think your hair looks GOOD!! And I wish I had your gorgeous blue eyes.

    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH....your party sounds like so much fun. Must see pics! and lots of them! k?

  16. It's me!!! Doing the domestic stuff (washing) and found a computer. Having a great time and we love this climate!!! I think Peter would move here tomorrow.

    Have a wonderful time on Saturday with the bloggers and also your family. Catch you when we get back.

  17. Yeah for the smile! It looks good on you!
    Ooooh, those fake teeth, yuck. People would really sell them, ha.

  18. That was my post about the diet coke fitting on my belly. The biggest problem that I have since I lost my weight is that Spidey and I were planning to have a 400 lb man scooter race championship. It wouldn't be the same now that we have lost weight.

  19. Hey chick...
    Hope you didnt buy the teeth!!!
    not long til party time now!!!

  20. This party sounds fab! You look so pretty when you smile! Have an awesome weekend, and thanks so much for being there for me, it means alot!

  21. Decorate the Christmas Tree? WTF? Its August! Pic is great - you have absolutely amazing eyes! WOW. You know what - you gave me a big kick up the backside - its friggin Xmas soon. Great time for me to focus on the 80's. I have been a big fat friggin pig and getting bigger all the time. I have done no exercise for 2 months I think. OMG :(

  22. Wish I was coming to the party...

    Have a lovely time!!!


  23. ohhhhhhhh Dancin too.....

  24. I think you look great!

  25. Hey Chris - I'm the queen of yellow hair so understand what you're going through. Did u know that anti-dandruff shampoo is also a good colour stripper? It helps tone down hair a bit or even just a 2 minute 'toner' treatment in the salon will bring it back a bit. Otherwise - dont worry, it will fade.

    Have a great party - plenty of pics please.

  26. Your right it does look better today. I can just imagine how excited you must be about the party. I know you are going to have so much fun. You probably have a million things you want to do before your guests arrive. Wishing you a most wonderful time. Take care and remember lots of pictures.

  27. Great picture and great smile. Hope your party is amazing and happy to be there in spirit! :) BTW - who the heck would be nasty enough to buy someones false teeth, eeeks. Take care!!!!!


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