Wednesday, June 27, 2007


I'm still in bed, hoping like hell those two kids are feeling much better today and can go to school ! Griffin did a lot of coughing in the night though....

Stew's heading off to Martinbourgh for two days today, so I'm on me own (kinda) ... oh joy. I don't like it when he's away, I've got to do EVERYTHING! I would NOT like to be a solo mum ever again that's for sure!

It is freezing again today, I can tell even from my bed! Our bedroom is at the extreme end of the house, you know, the end that simply does not get any of the warmth coming from the heating in the lounge.... so.. I'm cold! Better get up, get dressed and


  1. You better take care of yourself too -you don't want to get sick as well! :) Take care.

  2. Omg you sound like me... we were only talking about my lack of sympathy and empathy and niceties yesterday.... Oh dear... sad pair of tarts arent we...hahaha

  3. I am the same way with the gym at the moment. I think it gets to be too much and we need a break and then go back with full force ya know.

    I have a sore throat today ho hum. All the guys in my house have had it so why not me next geesh.

    Hey booked the motel today!!! woohooo we are coming down!!!


  4. Still in bed? I told you you woul dget sick!

  5. Awwww you poor bugger.. Just a tip for you. Tap on your chest between your neck and your boobs. that is your immune spot! tap it for about 30 seconds everytime you think about it!! will also help clear your chest :)
    Get better soon ya all

  6. Of course my contractor is a man! Looks like you're doing a lot of work by yourself that I'm hiring men for. Wow! You're amazing!

  7. I'm so jealous cause I have to get someone out to skim my walls before I can wallpaper.

    You're not feeling sick either, it's just a figment of your imagination.

    You don't get sick remember. You were sick before you went to Oz and you only get sick once every five years. Right. Just thought I'd help you out there. I'm sure you feel better now knowing that you're not really sic afterall.

  8. Yeah, you need to slow down if you get really sick. I mean as much as you can with having young ones at home.
    Hope you are all better soon and it doesn't last long.

  9. Awww - hope you don't feel too sick! Not fair!

  10. I used to think I liked winter .... either losing weight has made it unbearable or the green house effect is truely stuffed!!?? *cough* I hope you feel better soon chicken!!

  11. Ha, thanks for the comment, I've been trying to stay off the computer, it sucks my time so fast!! Yes, we've noticed that he has not been saying 'it' when he gets frustrated the last few times he was frustrated. Thank goodness! But it is still hard for me to watch my mouth!! ~j

  12. Can not wait to see the painting for the dining room! I am sure it will look great!

  13. ooo take care of yourself!!!

    can i have your gym memberships?? i'm addicted hahaha.

  14. See! I was you will get sick after them....

  15. Anonymous2:45 AM

    Yeah, sounds like you shouldn't feel guilty about not going to the gym seeing as you're SICK!!

  16. Oh crap! Please feel better. I do believe in the handbook it says you're not allowed any sick days. Take care and get some rest.


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