Saturday, May 05, 2007


Our Holiday Plans:

Sunday 6th May :Fly to Brisbane, bus to Gold Coast
Mon - Wed :Gold Coast, Dreamworld, Seaworld, meet Kiwi Arron's Girl ?, etc
Thurs : Bus back to Brisbane, stay night there
Fri- : Morning Train to Coffs Harbour
Sat - Thurs : Visit with my Mum in Coffs Harbour ( Mum's 70th Birthday on 14th May)
Thurs Night : Overnight Train to Sydney
Fri - Sun : Sydney, Zoo, Harbour Cruise, shopping, Meet Celtic_Girl and CKK !
Mon 21 st May : Fly Home.

AND ..... when we get home I am going to weigh LESS than when I went, if it kills me! I am not going to go into "holiday mode" and just pig out... I think my lightbulb has started to flicker again, ok, it's not fully on yet, but it's getting there! And I'm going to make sure Stew doesn't pig out too, even if he gets shitty with me. He has come a long way too and is looking fine!

Today: morning tea with WW girlfriends, then probably start packing!
Now, for those of you wondering, I am taking my new laptop with me, so as long as I can plug into the internet (should be able to!) I will endeavour to update ONCE a day! And I promise to try not to post too many friggin boring photos of places we have all seen before! Like, kids on rides, Mum in front of Sydney Opera House etc etc! Maybe you will just get me foot again! Too funny! later..

Went to lunch, got some groceries, then took Griffin to the Dr's, he's come down with my cold and knowing our luck he'll get really sick on holiday so have got all the pills and medicines needed to keep him on top of it while we are away.

I'm feeling kinda ok, still coughing a bit, and to just make my day TOM is trying to arrive too... oh bliss. At least now I have my pills to help ease the floods! Better go and start the packing now me thinks!

We are getting there! Got most things packed, tomorrow it will just be all the last minute things, toothbrushes, computer etc....

I don't have to cook tonight... cool... Lisa is buying the family Pizza... ooooo yum.

Just had pizza, first food in quite a few days that went down and stayed down... still can't drink much, don't know whats going on there? Have a constant headache from dehydration now I think. Oh well, shit happens, tomorrow is going to be a great day. Am gunna bugger off now and finish a few important things, like shave the legs...... nite nite.


  1. Anonymous7:26 AM

    AAAAAAAAA!!!!! So jealous that you're going to Sydney!! Have a BLAST and yes, do your best to stay on the wagon, but certainly not at the expense of the experience.
    Can't wait to hear about your trip and see pics!

  2. WOW!! That sounds like a lot of travelling and that you will have a fab time.

    I hope you have a wonderful holiday and I do hope you can update during your hols.

    Have a great day!!!!


  3. Have a wonderful time and I am sure you will find a place to update... can't see you going that long with out an update LOL.

    have fun Jaxx

  4. oooooooooooooooo yay soooo exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Yay soooo exciting!!! And I'm very proud of your attitude about not going into holiday mode! You can do this!! Just do lots of walking when you are looking at scenery.

    Hey with the internet thingy, alot of places have wireless internet and if you're cunning you can find 'hotspots' where your laptop can pick up internet for free. Don't know heaps about it but see if you can find out from someone who knows more about 'hotspots' ... well that's if your a scruge like me who doesn't want to pay for something they can get for free ... lol

  6. Hi Chris,
    Yipeee, After reading your blog this morning I'm starting to get all excited about my own impending trip. We fly out on the 19, then back on the 30th so will be there at different times.
    I didn't realise there was an overnight train to Sydney, do you know if it does pick ups in Brisbane?
    Now your probably going to be a bit shocked by my next statement, but I havn't actually booked anything except our plane tickets yet. I've been dilly dallying about with our schedule so didn't want to book accommodation until I had a concrete plan. I'm wondering when your on the Gold Coast if you could tell me what the place your staying at it would be nice to have a recommendation (or stay away warning) from someone.
    Last time I went to Oz the travel agent pre-booked some accomodation for me in Brisbane and I swear the place was the seediest dive they could have found. It just didn't feel nice and dispite saying it had views of the River, you had to book the top two levels to get any view at all.
    Now I'm more cautious and would really appreciate if you could let me know. I'm looking at the Sun Mantra as it has a huge kids lagoon pool with slides etc, plus kids club.
    Anyway, have a wonderful time. I would be green with envy, but luckily I'll be having my own break soon.

  7. Chris - I work at Sydney Opera House, if you want a private tour on the Friday or just want to catch up at the Opera Bar, I could fit you in on the Friday!
    If you already have all your plans organised I promise I won't be offended if you pass on the offer, but I'm here if you want. xx

  8. Have a fantastic holiday Chris. Too bad you're not coming to Melbs. Be safe x

  9. You are going to have the most fantastic time here Chris! Wish you could come and visit me in the sticks!! I have never actually been to Sydney myself, so I would LOVE to see all your photos! I am so excited for you!

  10. Have a wonderful trip. I love pictures. I have never been to Australia or New Zealand, but both are on my list of "things to do before 50". I am only 33, so I have some years to go. Not many though!

  11. Have a great trip and relax and have a blast and just be a normal person who enjoys the odd treat while they are on holiday! All in moderation and you will love it.

  12. Have a great holiday! I wouldn't mind some boring pics of the opera house or everywhere! Of course, I've never been to Australia so I'm interested in it all.

  13. Have heaps of fun and enjoy! Thanks for the painting:-) Love it!

  14. Good luck on your holiday hun. It sounds like a lot of travelling but it sounds like soooo much fun and OOHHHH I am sooo jealous you are meeting up with Celtic girl and CKK..... you lucky thing you.

    Love Chubbymum

  15. HAVE FUN!!!! Byyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Wow! Sounds like an awesome excursion! Have lots of fun.

  17. awww have an awesome time in Aussie!!!! enjoy sunnie qld!! :)

    I am so jealous :)

  18. Neener neener neener.. I get to meet CKK before you do... pffffftttt
    Man i feel like I have been away for days...
    I have so many blogs to catch up on...
    Just coz my mother was staying i didnt blog .. travel safe lady... Wish we had the opportunity to catch up too...

  19. OOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITING....said that already but couldnt think of anything else coz its soooooo exciting..!!!!!!!!

  20. I've been thinking of you today while I was sitting around trying to warm up. Have a wonderful time. I know you will. Your itinerary sounds great and the kids will love the theme parks - and so will you. Have an absolute blast and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. Look forward to hearing about all your adventures.


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