Sunday, May 06, 2007


The kid from hell woke at 3.28am and wanted to know if it was morning time yet, then proceeded to ask us again at around 5.40, 6.00, 6.05, get the drift? We finally let him up at 7am.

Did not have much sleep, due to big kids being noisy half the night, and persistant coughing on my part.. such a pain. BUT.... today is finally here and we are off this afternoon on a two week break, with lots of exciting places to visit!!!

I had so wanted to go to the gym this morning, but I think I will give it a miss afterall.... TOM is here, I have a headache still and I think my body has been telling me for a while now to take a break... so I will ... I want to have a fantastic time in Aussy and not feel like crap.
You know that feeling you get when you suddenly remember about something about to happen that you don't like, and your skin crawls and your stomach churns? Well, it just happened to me... cos I really don't like flying and it has finally dawned on me that today we are fllying .... doh! I have been so preoccupied with other stuff and actually getting ready to go, I've not really given the flying much thought! I wish I wasn't such a sook sometimes. I know we will have a fantastic time.

If I don't get a chance to update again today, bon voyage to us!!! Catch ya all in Aussy I hope. Bye for now.


  1. You make sure you do have a fantastic time! Sounsd like you really do need a break.

  2. oooooooooo exciting

    have a lovely time!!!!!!!!

  3. Regarding the cough, can your doctor give you some phenargen with codeine?

    It's great stuff.

  4. Yes, take a break, you deserve it!

  5. Bon Voyage. Have a great time time. And I won't think about you all nice and warm.

  6. Oh man!!! I know what you mean about crappy broken sleep. My kids would do the same if they knew we were going on a plane ha ha ha... I love flying and wish i could do more of it!
    As fot TOM.. yup 5.28am I got woken up with horrific cramping.. ohh lucky me.. nice wakeup call girl! fixed myself up then proceeded to find my pain killers and nearly passed out in the kitchen!! Whats with that! Thats never happened before....
    OK.. have a top trip and I will definitely let you know what happens Monday.. everything crossed we will be ok...

  7. Have an awesome holiday hun! I am sure both you and Stew and the kids will have a fab time!!!! Look forward to updates :)

  8. Hey Chris how is it going. Thank you for the comment you are so sweet. I know what that being up all night is like. We had a long night tuesday when my oldest daughters boyfriend broke up with her after a year and a half. She was devestated and up all night. Luckily they are back together now and trying to work things out but anywho it was a long night.I hope your cough gets better. Enjoy your break you need it...p.s. can i go. lol


  9. Have such a wonderful time, enjoy and pu-leez take lots of pictures!!!

  10. Have a good flight and see you on the 19th!!!! WOOOHOO

  11. have a great time away!!!!!

  12. Ohhh how exciting... I guess this means you must be in Aus by now... You havent blogged for a few hours!! hahahaha
    Hope you travelled safe girl...

  13. Have a great holiday, look forward to your updates while your away.


  14. Have a great trip!

  15. Have a great time! My sister hates to fly and she either vegges out with valium or drinks, yikes.

  16. Have a wonderful, wonderful time xx


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