Friday, February 21, 2025




First and foremost.  

I wasn't 100% sure about the day we would potentially go UNCONDITIONAL.  It was either yesterday, or today.  (According to our solicitor, it was today.)

So I hedged my bets and said it was today, so that I wasn't stressed out with people asking me 'When is it happening' and so on.  My nerves were fucking SHOT.

As it turned out, it was YESTERDAY!

And we were in negotiations all afternoon yesterday, dealing with a solicitor (on their side), who knocked off work at 2.30 pm. And didn't finalise the contract!

So at 6 pm last night this happened:

ABOVE: Our Estate Agent came around last night and put the SOLD signs up, and we got to see them when we got home from the pub.
I was so happy.  I know Stew is happy too... after all, this was his bright idea.
One that I embraced fully.

NOW we can move on to the next phase in our lives.

We have booked our Estate Agent to take us around some potential homes this coming Monday.  Nothing is a given yet, there's quite a few to view.

LUCKILY, we have a three month settlement date, so can take our time choosing the right home for us going forward.

I bet you didn't expect this news so quickly today eh?  It's so good to post something really positive today.

What am I doing today?

I am certainly not going to whizz around the house and make sure everything is perfect, 'just in case' we have a private viewing.
Those days are firmly behind us.
I might not even make the bed.

YEAH NAH.  I always make the friggin' bed!  😂😊😉

In fact, I've already thought of something to do.
I shall pack up the remaining Britto.  And linen off beds that ain't being used.  And... other shit.

I'm sure I can keep myself occupied for a few days doing that!

Derrr... I have THREE MONTHS to get all that done.   !

ABOVE:    Oh shit.  I just remembered I need to walk back to the pub and get me car!  I left it there last night as I'd had two glasses of wine (to celebrate)... and didn't think I should drive.
So that is TOP OF ME LIST to things to do today.

I want to make a special mention about our amazing Real Estate Agents.

ABOVE: Sonia and Sheree from LODGE here in Hamilton did an AWESOME job.  They were amazing agents to work with, and their communication during the entire process was EXCEPTIONAL.
They worked very hard for us, and got us over the line in two months.
My only regret is not giving them the 'job' from the very start.
I can't recommend them highly enough.
Thank You so much girls, Stew and I know how hard you work and appreciate it.

11.04 am:  In answer to a couple of questions...
There is nothing we have our hearts set on in our preferred location.
We will be looking at a few smaller properties on Monday, but I can almost rule them out as too small already.
But, one must look.

IF we don't find anything before our Settlement/Move Out day, we will rent something until the perfect property presents itself.

We are not going to make a rushed decision.  We don't NEED to make a rushed decision.  

All our stuff can go into storage and we can simply rent something, like a furnished apartment, in the meantime.

Right now.... I'm doing this:

ABOVE:  I have taken ALMOST everything off the walls, and will be taking it all over to our storage unit soon.
I have done this so I can do any repair/repainting of the walls before we leave here.
It is something I have always done, so the new owners don't have to.

There's about 4-5 big paintings that will have to go over in Stew's car, cos they won't fit in mine.

ABOVE: And there ya go.  That load is now in storage.
SPARKLING:  lol, I've been packing for months!
There won't be much to do in 3 months the rate I'm going.

4 pm:   I have been pacing myself.  I don't want to burst a foo foo valve.
Lunch was a chicken rissole on top of rice.  Very so-so.
After lunch I thought I'd have a 'nap'
Yeah Nah.
The phone kept pinging/ringing.

I took two Wonky House Runners, wrapped up ever so nicely, over to the Real Estate Agency this morning, with Sonia and Sheree's name  on it.   

They opened the parcel together this afternoon, and were shocked!  Thrilled! So happy.

Sonia rang me and expressed all the emotions, and questioned if I was sure I wanted to give them away, considering how much they cost, bla bla bla.

Of course I was giving them away! They deserved them.  And the Wonky House Runners were rather appropriate for two ladies who sell houses eh?

After that lovely phone call, I got a knock on the door.  It was this lot:

ABOVE:  Our darling Miss Emily is 14 today!  So they visited me, and stayed for a lovely chat.
Stew and I will visit them tonight, to drop off Em's gift.

And now.... I'm back to getting things ready to be boxed up and put into storage.  I shall keep going until there is no room left in our storage unit!

ABOVE:  4.55 pm and we just had a massive sun shower.  I say shower, but really it was a squall.... it came down SIDEWAYS, and with such force I was worried about my trees!
Then, like only 3 minutes later... it was over.
And now, all that water is almost all gone, evaporated by the hot concrete!  We are living in a friggin' sauna.

Just had another nice visit to Andrew's, gave Em her birthday gift.  Got smothered with golden retriever hairs!  Their dog, Luna, is adorable... but shedding like crazy.
After that we did a little walk down by the river before coming home again.

Now... time to absolutely relax.  I'm just a bit tired.
Catch ya tomorrow.

Thursday, February 20, 2025



How better to distract myself today, than to head off to Cambridge for Mosaic Group.

I've not been since December, so it really is about time I went again. 

Yesterday afternoon I went into town and bought some more little tiles, as I knew I needed one particular colour to continue working on my paver.

It is my first project, sadly neglected I must say.

ABOVE: The Square Table Topper I made late yesterday.  I realise now that in order to get accurate colours to show up, I have to take the photo in the family room.

I really like this one, shame I don't need it.  

I have four more in this colourway to stitch up, so that shall keep me occupied for the next few days, or even into next week.

But for now... I am going to get outta bed and start the day.

Catch ya later...

12 noon.  Just home from Mosaic group. A small number of us today, but cosy.  Nice chats.

ABOVE: This is what I am working on.  A wonky house... of course!  lol
I'm learning as I go... so it's not in any way perfect, or finished.  Next week I will work on the grass, maybe a flower or two?  
Work in Progress.

I went for a drive down the road we used to live on, OMG, so much has changed.  It's getting massively developed, new roads, new houses etc.
Soon it won't be anything like when we lived there.

I'm off to make myself some lunch now, so I'll be back later.

I've been sewing this afternoon.  Just another Braid Runner in the current colour way.
Not much else to report on...  it's pub night.
So we shall go out later, once Stew is home.

ABOVE: After spending an hour or so with Bex and the babes, I went down to the pub and hung out with the blokes.  And a couple of the girls that were there as well.  I'm really enjoying being there now.
Took a while to get to know people, but it's so nice there now. Kinda like Coronation Street, where everyone knows everyone else.  😃😂

ABOVE:  I had a couple of glasses of wine, was in the mood.  So had to leave my car there and walk home with Stewie.  I will pick it up first thing in the morning.

ABOVE: Another very bright sunset this evening on our walk home.  Luckily, we are only about a 12 minute walk from the pub.  

Now... looking forward to an evening with me feet up, watching Coronation Street.  Then bed.  
Catch ya tomorrow.


Wednesday, February 19, 2025



We are half way through the longest week ever.

Two more sleeps until we know for sure if this home is sold or not.  While I'm fairly confident it will go unconditional on Friday, ya just never know until it is confirmed by the lawyer eh?

I've managed to get through the past two days by being busy, so I shall do the same today I suppose.

ABOVE:  I made this Braid Runner late yesterday afternoon.  I fully intend keeping this one for us.

ABOVE:  How gorgeous does it look on our coffee table! And see how the colour looks so different depending on the lighting?  

I have enough of that lovely teal fabric to make 4 more Braid Runners for markets.  AND a tiny bit left over ... I'm hoping it's enough to make a small runner for the coffee table between our two lounge chairs.  That's what I am going to work on this morning.

Catch ya later...

And that is done....

ABOVE:  So cute.  I also made two small coasters to sit on top of it, so it doesn't get dirty fast.

Now?  Might take a break, it is lunch time.

Well I went right into town (central) this afternoon to get some more black tiles for mosaic work.  I'm finally getting back there tomorrow!

I did some more sewing late this afternoon as well... I've got another one to show you tomorrow.

Stew should be home shortly, so I've turned everything off in the sewing room, and am now just chilling in the family room.

8.42 pm:  time to sign off for the day.  It's been a really good, productive day.  My sewing room is a right mess!  I will have to vacuum it tomorrow before I go out.  
Catch ya tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025



Well, what shall I get up to today?

First up, I think I will go for a walk, as the forecast is for cloud and maybe some rain.

I don't mind walking in the rain, in fact I love it.

After that I shall make another runner similar to yesterday's.

I also have to tidy up the runner bags, because I rifled through them yesterday to find the Fish Runners that I sold to the builder and the buyer.

ABOVE: We finally got around to cutting the new watermelon last night.  We had never heard of there being a YELLOW Watermelon before.

ABOVE: And look at that!  It is indeed very yellow.  So, of course we then had to do a taste test.  And it is certainly a bit sweeter than the normal red watermelon.  Very nice.

It will probably be all gone by bedtime tonight.  It's only a little watermelon. 😋😊

And that is me for now.

Catch ya later.

11.03 am:  I've been sewing all morning, having put the walk on the back burner, might go soon though as it's drizzling, nice and cool.

ABOVE:  Braid Runner Number 164!   I can't believe I've made so many.  AND sold so many too.  
I wish I wasn't addicted to making runners... I really don't need to  make any more for a while... but I'm already thinking of the next one.  😖😕😓

***Just to clarify, I've made 164 BRAID RUNNERS.  That's not counting all the dozens of other styles of Runners I've made before them.

I spent the afternoon sewing another runner.  I will show you tomorrow.  Stew just arrived home from work and is crunching a chocolate bar in my ear.... I'm contemplating stabbing him 16 times in the chest.
He just left the room with his second one... WISE MOVE.

Uggh.  I had some dinner, and totally didn't need it.  I now feel massively over stuffed.  Watching Coronation Street, then off to bed.  Hoping for a decent night's sleep, but I doubt it will happen.
So hard sleeping when it's damn hot. 
Catch ya tomorrow.

Monday, February 17, 2025



Today I am going to start working on a couple of new Braid Runners.

NOT because I need any, but because I need something to keep me distracted.

And I do love making them still... so it's a win win really.

ABOVE:  I have laid out these two, using the gorgeous Teal/Blue/Green combinations.

I've sold quite a few in this combination lately, so having a couple more won't go amiss.

And that is about all I have for now... I'll pop back later.

11 am.
And it's been a very busy morning.

I didn't tell you before, because I didn't want to get stressed out.
But we had a building inspection done today.

First thing worth noting, the builders (husband and wife) had done the inspection on our Cambridge home, and remembered me.  I'm hard to forget, let's get real!

They did the inspection and only found a door that was a bit sticky, and is a super easy fix.  And we need to put some waterproof sealant along the back of both new vanities. Something we hadn't done as I'd intended putting tiles along the back, but never did. Again, a super easy fix, will take us all of 5 minutes!

The buyer (the wife) came around too.  Which was bloody neat as I got to show her how to use the induction cooktop, which she absolutely LOVES.  Also the double oven, which she also loves.  Plus we went through and I pointed out lots of other things she needed to know.

Here's something hysterical to tell you.  The lady builder saw my runners and said she would love one for her beach house.  So I hauled out one of the large fish runners.  She bought it on the spot!!!
So I kept it on the kitchen bench while they kept doing their inspection.

The buyer saw the fish runner, and immediately said "I want one of those too!"  So as luck would have it, I had one left.  She bought it on the spot too!   
OH she has also bought the queen size bed in our front bedroom!  One less thing I have to try and sell before we leave here.
She wanted to buy our blue leather lounge suite too, but I had to tell her we were keeping that. lol

I love selling shit without even having to leave home!!!  

I cannot tell you how RELIEVED I am that the house passed it's inspection.  It has been stressing me out for so long now.

ABOVE:  Our buyer insisted on a photo with me and the runner.  She also did a 10 minute video of the house to send home to her parents.  They are very excited about the house as well.
I am so happy that our buyers are in love with our home. They truly appreciate and love all that we have done to make it special. 

I am almost 100% certain this home sale will go unconditional on Friday now.
Maybe I can stop stress eating now!

3 pm:  Gosh today has flown by already.  After lunch I went to Chartwell Square and bought some more summer length tights... I have pretty much killed the two pair I've been wearing all summer!
I also got some new t-shirts, cos again, I'd killed most of my current ones, one way or another.

Note to self, DON'T paint in ya good shirts!

After that, I visited Lacy and her little kitty cat for a while.

ABOVE: As you can see, both are thriving and happy.

Now that I'm home again, I'm going to try and just relax for a while.  I have been SO stressed out lately, it's a wonder I'm not totally grey haired as a result.  Thank god for hair dye eh?  😂

ABOVE:  Happy to say I actually got some work done today.  I really love this colour combo.  This one is a really good size for a coffee table.
I'm going to make another one very similar to it tomorrow.

8.52 pm:  Time to sign off for the day.  What a day it's been, so positive for a change.  Hopefully by Friday we will have a SOLD sign on our billboard out the front!

I'm praying for a decent night's sleep tonight, cos OMG I've not been sleeping well at all.
Catch ya tomorrow.

Sunday, February 16, 2025



Our fingers are firmly crossed for a FINAL Open Home today.

Wouldn't that be just the best thing ever?  

It's at lunch time today, so not too long to wait to get it over with.  *We won't know if it is our last Open Home until next Friday btw. 

I think I mentioned yesterday ? that we are planning on attending the Morrinsville monthly market eh?  Stew spoke to the organiser last night, and they have accepted us as stall holders.

So with that in mind, and knowing we can't spread out like we can at Tamahere and St Andrews in Cambridge, I have to re-think the configuration of our stall.

I went over to our storage unit and brought back our 'old' bowl cosy shelving unit.

After today's Open Home, I will set up the racks in the garage to see how it will work.  I won't be hanging any runners on the racks, that's not necessary.  And it shouldn't take me long to get it sussed out either.  It's not like it's the first time I've done it eh?  lol

So, that's me for now... I better get up and do ???  Certainly not housework, it's all done.

Last night's sunset was AMAZING!   I took this photo, but it really doesn't do it justice, it was so much redder.

ABOVE:  It was much more blood red than this photo shows.

Little market story:  At our market in January, a lady came and bought a runner.  A bit later on in the day, she came back and said she wanted to swap it out for another one... so we were happy to do that for her.

YESTERDAY she came back.  With that runner.

And said it was the wrong size, even though she had taken it's measurements and was sure it would fit. So she wanted to swap it out for another one, AGAIN.   

I was like OK, and so she fossicked around, looking at all the runners, checking their sizes etc. 
Meanwhile, her husband is standing back, shaking his head and looking quite embarrassed.

She FINALLY settled on another runner, and then just stood there looking at me.

Then she said, "I want my $5 refund, because this one is $75, and I paid $80 for the other one".

I was 100% positive she had only paid $75 for the original runner, because I KNOW how I price them (on size).  But to avoid a scene, I gave her the $5.

When I got home, I double checked the runner in my inventory... and yes, it was a $75 runner she had bought.
I was like really pissed off. 
Yes, it is only $5, but she lied.

If she dares come back again trying to switch the third runner out, I will be telling her to FUCK OFF in no uncertain terms.

And there ends my 'little' story.  Or was it a rant?  😂😉  Best thing?   The runner she finally settled on was one I didn't even like, and had been in stock for ages.

She has now spent over half her life with our Mike, and is the most adorable, loving, amazing addition to our family.
We all love you Joyce, have a wonderful day. 

Open Home done.  Then had a yak with some family who drove by... which was lovely.
After that we drove out to Taco Bell and met up with Bex and the kids for lunch.  Steve was supposed to join us as well, but he got called out to do an assessment of a building fire.

His company primarily does work on damaged buildings/homes etc.  

So we might see him later on this afternoon for a little while.  I hope he's had his lunch by then. 

Now that we are home again, it's probably just going to be a quiet afternoon.

I will lay out a couple of new runners to work on this coming week, I'll need something to do to keep my mind off the 'countdown'.  

We are now going out for an ice cream, cos that's what I feel like.

Well our ice creams were just lovely.  It was have an ice cream, or go buy heaps of lollies that would be in the house all week till I ate them all.... so having an ice cream was the better decision eh?

We are now winding down for the day, looking forward to bedtime.  It's been a fairly busy weekend.  
Catch ya tomorrow.

Saturday, February 15, 2025



5.45 am.  Eeeegads, it's too damn early to be up.

But, it's off to market we go.  I'm really looking forward to today.  A chance to get out of the house and take my mind off the waiting.

It is looking to be a lovely summer's day today, no bad weather is predicted.  Hopfully the wind doesn't get up like it did at last months market.

Wind and rain ... I can't decide what's worse to be honest.

When we get home around 2 pm, we will have about an hour and a half to unpack and get the house ready for the Open Home.  

Will today be our SECOND TO LAST Open Home?  


Right, let's be off ... and have a lovely day catching up with everyone we missed last month.


ABOVE: Our first dark start. Sun should be rising soon. 

ABOVE: And here we are. 7.15 am and all ready for the day. Apparently there's a big event on up the road at Mystery Creek called 'Meat Stock'. So if you are into eating meat... it's the place to go today. Hopefully it doesn't impact our visitor numbers.

11.28 am. Numbers are definitely down for this time of year, but we have made some good sales this morning.  1.5 hours to go. 

ABOVE: We just bought our first Yellow Watermelon.  I can't wait to cut it and see inside.  That will have to wait until this evening. 

2.15 pm:  Home. Unloaded.  Opened windows.
I spent part of today's money on...

ABOVE: Some gazebo weights.  We are going to start doing the Morrinsville market once a month, so as it's held on asphalt, we will need weights to hold the gazebo down.
A bloke at the markets, a fellow stall holder, makes them for a very fair price.  So I ordered and paid for a set of four.
We can get them off him in two weeks, at the next Morrinsville market.

I now need to get off here and get the house ready.

4.40 pm and the Open Home is done and dusted.  All going well... ONE TO GO.

Stew and I are now going to RELAX for the remainder of the day... it's been a BUSY DAY.

I'm so damn tired I can't think straight.  And I've told Stew I ain't cooking a damn thing for dinner... we are getting takeaways!

OMG I ate far too much for dinner!!!
Totally stuffed my face.
There is NO ROOM for watermelon, that will have to wait until tomorrow now.

I just went to our storage unit to get our old 'bowl cosy' shelving unit back.
More on that tomorrow.

Today is done, it's been a good day because I hardly thought about the 'countdown' at all.
And I'm going to sleep damn well tonight because I'm freakin' knackered.

Catch ya tomorrow.