Sunday, October 13, 2024



Today we have our 8th Open Home.

Hopefully we get a few viewers today.

I am going to try not to get too wound up over it all.  It WILL happen.  At the right time.

Stew still has to scoop the leaves/debris out of the pool.  Other than than, and a quick tidy and vacuum, the house is ready for showing.

I keep it tip top, and ready every day.

So, I'll probably get to do a little bit of sewing this morning.

After the Open Home, we will probably just come home and blob out for the afternoon.


10 am, and I thought it was going to be a nice day.  The sun was out and it wasn't cold.

Two hours later and it's clouded over and looks like rain.  I have run around and shut all the windows, and turned on the heaters!

All our 'get ready' jobs are just about done.  Waiting for floors to dry so I can go pee! 😂😉

4.20 pm:  Well we have been busy!

First up, the Open Home went OK.  A few through.

After that, we actually went out to Raglan.

We wanted to check out a couple of options out there.

ABOVE:  A lovely new subdivision in Raglan.  Quite a bit to look at there.

ABOVE: One of the options we are considering.  Buying a section and building something new, to suit US.  It would mean we have to rent while it's being built, but hey!  Why not?  Imagine that was our view.

ABOVE: We stopped in at Tony Sly Pottery, and ummm, we might have bought something there.

In fact, we did shopping at two different places in Raglan this afternoon.  I was in the mood.

For shopping.

Oh hell, when am I not in the mood for shopping?  lol

ABOVE: The harbour today, tide was out, so not that attractive.  And the weather was fine one minute, then pissing down the next.

ABOVE:  Nice building on the Wharfe.  

Home now, and I am going to just chill out till dinnertime, not that we are hungry.  We grabbed a very late lunch at 2 pm!

NEXT DAY... sorry I forgot to sign off!

I got tired.  I went to bed early for me (9 pm ).


  1. Best of luck. It'll happen soon enough and you'll be off I'm sure 🥰

  2. BUY BUY BUY ..... I am sending Buy the House vibes!

  3. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I should pretend my house is on the market every day. I would love to live in a very tidy house all the time.

    1. To be fair, my home is pretty much always very tidy anyway! I'm a neat freak.

    2. Anonymous4:30 PM

      💯 agree.

  4. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I've done nothing today so feel good. But need to cook something for tea now. Really overcast and cold down here. ❤️ to all. Kj

    1. Great to hear you've had a good day.

  5. Sounds like you had a lovely day 😘

  6. Very cool pottery shop. I LOVE that turquoise glaze.
    Sounds like there are many options for this move. That's exciting!


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