Thursday, September 19, 2024



Today I'm feeling really motivated to make a few more colourful runners.  Probably doing the 'Wave' pattern.   I only have a couple of the Wave Runners left, so I might as well get a few more in me stash.

I am going to pop out first thing this morning to post that Green Runner to KJ in Wellington.  Then back home to do the jobs around the house, washing etc... then off to the sewing room.


10.36 am:  And I went out first thing, in the pouring rain, and posted that runner off to KJ.

Then home to make a start on multi-coloured wave runners.

ABOVE:  I've cut out enough stips to make two I think.  So now I have to cut them into 'waves', then stitch them all together.  

At least I'm warm, heat pump in on in here.

And the sun is shining.  For now.  We've had some really squally showers I tell ya!    Rain drops that feel like ICE.

ABOVE:  11.48 am, and it's ready for stitching.

There's a million pins.

And I bet half of them will prick me.  Bastards.

7.41 pm:  Just home from the pub, where we had a very enjoyable time.  

I also spent a couple of hours at Steve 'n' Bex's.  

The runner I am working on didn't get finished today, so that will happen tomorrow.  I doubt I'll get another one finished in time for Saturday's market.  But that's fine, I have PLENTY!

Time to sign off for the day, I'm gunna sit and watch Coronation Street a bit later on, then off to bed.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Thank you Chris. I am so inspired now. I'm going to make a green scrappy quilt over the summer. Have been collecting greens for years.

  2. Anonymous2:23 PM

    That's like the one on my cabinet in lounge. I always show it off.

  3. Rhonda3:04 PM

    What a wonderful light workspace you have. I can see why it’s your happy place. I’m sure you’ll miss it when you move 😭😭

  4. The multi coloured runners look gorgeous.. Youve got talent


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