Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 Third day in a row, I'm heading back to Cambridge for an FBG walk!  I'm doing ANOTHER one tomorrow as well.

I'm on a roll.

This morning's walk starts at 6.45 am... so a really early start for me.  But I don't mind, it is nice seeing walkers that only do early walks.

There's about 90+ members of our FBG group now, so some members I never get to see/meet as they walk at times I don't.  Or they are 'just' Social Members, who come to the Quiz Night, or the Book Club etc.   

The FBG group has branched out in several different directions, it's NOT just a walking group now.  

Which is NEAT.  Lots of people mixing and mingling, making friends and not being lonely or isolated.  

It is a very supportive group.  Our motto is 'WALK TALK AND SUPPORT'.

I am always going to be a member!  I've made far too many friends to leave it.

After my walk I am coming back into Hamilton and visiting Lacy's house.  She won't be home... which is good.  Cos I'm going to do a good turn for her, and do some tidying and organising for her.  She's been so busy lately things have slipped a bit at her home.  

I'm an expert at tidying!  

She has also done heaps for me lately, so it's called paying her back.


9.30 am, and I'm home from my walk.  I also did some more grocery shopping while out and about.

I now don't have to go to Lacy's, as that tart did all the work before I could!  Oh well, I had good intentions.

ABOVE: Thanks to 'M' from the FBG's, for gifting me this lovely panel!  I intend turning it into a couple of wall hangings for my sewing room.

The walk today was neat!  I got to walk on the new streets that have popped up right beside where we used to live in Cambridge.

And it didn't rain.  Rather typical, as I wore my raincoat.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜… 

ABOVE:  Our walk stats for today.  It as a perfect distance, not too short, not too long.

I now await the official walk photo... which won't be too long off as 'C' is pretty prompt with them.

Coco can STILL climb!   The girls were in the garage, behind the pet barrier.  That makes them safe for when I drive back into the garage after being out.

Today?  Coco was OUT in the garage, she'd climbed over the barrier.  So I had to park on the drive and shepherd her into the house before I could put me car away.  That dog never ceases to amaze me, what she can still do at 14.5 years old!

She's an escapologist expert!

My back is SO MUCH BETTER today!  It still hurts, but not as much as the past few days.  Such a relief.  I hope it continues to improve.

ABOVE:  And there we have today's walk photo.

I've been busy since arriving home, sewing and getting dinner ready.

Brylee and Dom are coming for dinner this evening, so I'm cooking corned beef in the crock pot.  Should be good.

DOM FIXED THE PHOTO ISSUE!  Well done family computer Guru!

Thrilled to bits!  Thank god for clever kids.  Dom can stay.  We rather like Dom. lol
They are now having dinner, and it looks like they are enjoying it.  That's great, corned beef is almost always a hit.

10.07 pm:  And the kids have gone home, and we are off to bed shortly.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. That will be a sweet surprise for Lacy.

    1. It would of been if she hadn't told me first lol but I was already giving my Home a much needed tidy up 😊 but it's the thought that counts, and Ma does lots of other lovely things for me so it's algds

  2. I'm glad your back is feeling better. Seems like it is on the mend.

  3. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Chris, you're an awesome mother. I love the panel, gorgeous colours. Coco is amazing at her age. Maybe she squeezed through the bars?? If it has bars.
    It's a lovely day today and for the first time this week I am not dizzy so might go and get a new mobile and laptop. Have a look anyway. Kj

  4. I can remember when you got coco. I can't believe it's been that long!!

    1. Well I have been blogging since October 2006, a lot has happened since then!

    2. I was just going to say I can't believe she's that old already! Time sure flies.

  5. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I can’t remember the last time I had/made corned beef! So good!

  6. Good to hear your back is on the mend. Looks like a lovely evening.

  7. Great job getting those walks in. I'm so envious of that walking group. It sounds like such great group of people. Glad Dom was able to fix the photo issue. We sure could use a computer expert around here.


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