Thursday, August 01, 2024



Hi there!

I feel like I've been in a right funk the past few days, and I don't even know why... apart from being OUT OF CONTROL with my diet.

I'm happy to say I'm feeling much better now.

Thank goodness I can snap out of it on my own now.  There was a time when I had to rely on medication to get me through the days.

I have suffered (on and off), from 'Situational Depression' for many, many years.

ALWAYS caused by not being able to cope during super stressful times.  Like the deaths of my brothers, my Dad and my Mum,  court cases, family strife and so on.  

The last time I was on anti-depressants, I can blame a family member 100%.  But, I rose above the shit 'it' threw, and I know that one day, KARMA will get 'it'.  

I live for the day.

I know airing one's dirty laundry is not nice, but hey!  Just letting ya know that this family is just like most, we have fucking shit going on sometimes.

Thankfully, all is calm now, because we have purged ourselves of anyone who causes us stress and harm.  It is such a good feeling.

So, as I said earlier, feeling good again.

I'm off to Cambridge first thing this morning for an FBG Social Walk.  As long as it's not rained off.

Fingers crossed it is on, cos I really want to stretch me legs.

ABOVE: These are the two runners I made yesterday afternoon.  The one on the left does not photo well... let me assure you it IS lovely in person.

When I get back from Cambridge (If the walk is on), I am going to get back into the sewing room and get a couple more done.

ABOVE:  I have 6 to go until I have the two dozen I wanted to get made.

THEN I move on to quilting and binding them all.

You can send me cake when I get to that point, I will need it to keep my spirits up!  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š


12.10 pm:  And the walk was called off.

I went and did a big grocery shop instead.

AND I renewed my drivers license.

At Spotlight yesterday they used my license as proof of identity, and that's when I found out my license had expired last year!


So first thing I did this morning was slap a bit more 'face' on than normal, so I'd take a semi-decent photo for me new license.  lol

ABOVE:  The new license face photo should look like that.    Photo was taken with NO FILTER, so it's 100% ME, wrinkles and all.  I don't think I look too bad for almost 66!

After that, I went in to Stew's office to sign some legal papers for a friend.  All done now.... they will be winging their way back to her today or tomorrow.

I'm home now, and have unpacked all the groceries.  What a mission that is.

Now I'm in the sewing room, staring out at the rain.  Probably try and get two braid runner tops done today.

ABOVE:  One done.  Not sure I will start another one today.  My back is a bit sore, so I might just blob out for the rest of the afternoon, till Stew gets home.

8 pm:  We have been out this evening.  Stew to the pub, and me to visit the kids, until I joined Stew for an hour at the pub.
Home now, and it's wind down time.
I shall watch Coronation Street, then off to bed.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Have you checked that they have your correct address for your driver's licence because they usually notify you approximately 8 weeks before expiry date. Good job you weren't pulled over by the police because you could have ended up with a fine. Audey

    1. Depending on how old my license was, it could have gone to either our old Auckland address, or Cambridge! My application for a new one has our new Hamilton address, so we should be fine for the next 'reminder'.

  2. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Wow you lucky with ya license it was spotlight not mr plod asking you for it. Might be a reminder for me to check last one was skinny me after my surgery and that was before chch earthquake.

  3. Anonymous9:47 PM

    I got very little productive done, which always sinks me a bit.

    Not sure what happened. I got off to a good start, out watering before it got hot.

    I spent the whole day listening to an audio book. Usually I am on the move while I listen, but for some reason mostly sat and listened in the afternoon.


  4. Anonymous11:19 PM

    I look like a serial killer in my last licence pic, I hate showing it to peopleπŸ˜†

  5. Love the black & blue one!
    Happy to hear you are coming out of the funk.
    It will be a nice drivers license pic!

  6. The runner with the blue is gorgeous. I suffer with depression too. Like you, once we cut the toxicity from our lives I have done better. It is so hard because it was a family. It does sadden me sometimes but it is for the best.

  7. Hope you feel better. Take care.

  8. You've been so crazy busy sewing!

  9. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Love those runners. Boy that got there quick. I only signed it on Wednesday. Thank you. It is horrible weather here and I'm supposed to have a mammogram. But think I'll postpone it. Using walker in the rain can be quite slippery. Kj


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