Friday, August 16, 2024



I'm so thankful it's Friday!

This week has been really busy, one way or another.

I seem to have been busy every day.

So today, I'm going to slow down and just potter.

I'm going to go through me checklist, and make sure everything is ready for tomorrow.

The weather forecast SUCKS, so I am going to take half the runners out of the bags, and not even take them.  That way we have less stock to lug around and get damp.

We will be doing a 'minimal' set up again, with everything 'tucked in' and out of the rain hopefully.

Thank goodness we bought the rubber mats!  They are going to make a world of difference, to cover the muddy patches, and make the entrance to our stall more inviting.

I got the new shower curtain sewn up last night, so that's a good job done.  

PETA: Thanks for the info re: the pink staining on the bottom of our old shower curtain.  How ikkkk to learn it's actually a bacteria!  Sounds nasty.   I will soak it and get it clean again (if possible), then use it as a back up I suppose.

I forget often that my phone has a step counter through Samsung Health.  Last night I checked it.

ABOVE:  My step count yesterday.  Probably my most steps in a day for quite a while!  I was impressed with myself.

I bet I don't even get to 6,000 today.

Somehow or other I've managed to lose the power cord to me shaver, MOST annoying.  So I'm going to hunt for it today.  Serve me right for being such a de-clutterer!  I've 'tidied it up' and put it somewhere, now I can't remember where.  Grrrrr.  You'd think it would be in the bathroom right?  Yeah nah.

I even wonder if Marley has nicked it, she is always on the hunt for things she can nick and chew to death.  *sigh*


11.37 am: after an extensive search, I found that power cord!  In the linen cupboard.  Derrr.  No idea why I put it in there.

Happy I found it though, cos it comes in handy to keep the leg hair under control! lol

ABOVE: I washed the kayaks this morning, and they are now listed on Marketplace.  Fingers crossed they go quickly, I'm sick of them just sitting in a corner of the yard laughing at me.  Remind me to NEVER buy us any more!

I just had an early lunch, all this work around the house makes ya hungry.

I'm taking 'time out' now, cos I'm tired.  I'll be back later.

90 minutes later:   Well... that didn't take long!   The kayaks are going to a lady in Cambridge.  She's picking them up on Sunday afternoon.  I'm thrilled to bits they didn't take long to sell at all. 

Now I can spend that money on.....?????  FABRIC! lol

6.42 pm:  Stew arrived home and we packed up the car in readiness for tomorrow's market.

All we have to do in the morning is get our drinks, clothes on and outta here.

Gosh I hope we do better than last month!

I'm now cooking Stew's dinner, then we can sit and relax for the remainder of the evening.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7:39 AM

    A friend used to own a caravan park and had white shower curtains which she used to throw in the washing machine for bleach wash as required. They came up spotless

  2. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Nice quick sale for you. I hope she is prompt in picking them up for you

  3. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Wow, that's fast. I try giving stuff away on marketplace but it doesn't go anywhere. Op shop coming Tuesday. They can have it. Kj

  4. Anonymous4:47 PM

    You are doing a great job with the de- cluttering....Peta

  5. Great at selling so quickly. Dont need them hanging around making you feel guilty. Good luck with the market. Hopefully the weather improves.

  6. Kiwionholidays6:39 PM

    Awesome the Kayaks went so fast
    Note to self don’t get talked in to buying any lol
    They’d be one hit wonders here as well
    So good you’re keeping up with the Walks and loving the pics you send as well
    Enjoy the markets hope you get some gr8 sales and also enjoy the 🏉tomorrow night,
    I know some of you will 💯🥝

    Cheers 🥂


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