Monday, July 15, 2024



It's a bit wet ... so I'm not sure if I will be going over to Cambridge for an FBG walk yet.

I will just have to wait and see.

In the meantime...

ABOVE:  My sewing room needs a bit of a tidy up.  We took several items out of our market stock... small items that were not selling well.
I have to find somewhere to store them until they can be used as gifts. 

I'll also do my usual Monday morning household jobs, washing, water plants etc.


1 pm, and I'm happy to say the walk went ahead, even though it was raining lightly for most of it.
It wasn't as cold as a fog or frost.

ABOVE: It was one of the slightly longer walks today, and there was a mean as hill right at the end.  Luckily though, it was a short hill.  It's the long, meandering hills that kill my glutes!
We enjoyed a hot drink afterwards, lots of chatter.

I'm now home, and about to start putting together some Kiwiana Braid Runners.  I'm not stressing out about not having enough stock though, I have plenty of time to build it up for the summer markets.

ABOVE: The induction cook top in use today.  It hasn't taken me long to work it out, thankfully.
Even the oven is starting to make sense to me now.  😋😊

Right, back to the sewing room I go...

6.48 pm:  Gosh I have got a lot done this afternoon!  I have 6 runners ready for stitching, I've done some tidying up in the sewing room and garage and two loads of washing done.
A good day's work.

Stew is home now, and I have a rolled lamb roast in the oven for his dinner.  

I had two 'Guinness Flavoured Sausages' for my lunch.  BAD MISTAKE.  They were too rich for me, and have repeated on me all afternoon.  Quite yuk.

I am going to sign off now, it's way to quiet on here.  I hope everyone is having a good day.


  1. Your book is upside down. Lol. Enjoy it. Walk was a great distance you are doing amazingly

    1. *snort*, nope it's a mirror image! That book sucked! I didn't finish it.

  2. Good Day to ya.
    I am back in town, so hopefully I am no longer anonymous.

    I use the same trick with the pipes on table legs! Very Handy!

    We just got home from an OPERA. Candide. There is a Northern Lights Music Festival that happens here each summer. The best musicians from all over the world attend to learn or perform. We discovered it about 10 years ago and have gone every year since. I have NEVER listened to Opera in my entre life! So, to all who say (or think) "I don't like Opera"..... Well.... Neither do I! But I love LIVE theater and music of ANY KIND as long as it is good! This was really really good! I live in a very small town in Northern Minnesota, quite close to the Canadian Border.. I have a bear at my bird feeder (black bear.... not too scary) We don't even have a TACO BELL within 100 miles! But, heck yes, I will go to that OPERA once a year! We are fortunate to have the opportunity!

    In the past 3 months I have seen Richard II (Shakespeare) , Hairball (Heavy Metal), The Medora Musical (American History/Folklore), The Gospel Brunch (I am an atheist), Candide (Operetta), Local Musicians, And was Assistant Stage Manager for the Theatrical Production of "Full Range" by Mixed Blood Theater. WOWZA___ It's been exceptionally busy! But so much fun!...

  3. Anonymous5:30 PM

    B cold down here too. Spent the day in my fleecy Eeyore dressing gown despite working lol kj

  4. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Yukky Guiness snags

  5. Anonymous5:45 AM

    It is always helpful that you mention your routine housework on Monday.

    Your Monday is a day before mine, so it is a very nice reminder for me to do a few routine things.

    It makes a positive start to my week.

    And it is shocking how quickly things are done.



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