Sunday, July 07, 2024



I'd love to say we have something exciting on today.  But we don't.

I am going to make a Braid Runner or 3.

I had wanted to make one last night, but I got caught up watching the telly, and then I simply went to bed to keep warm.

I think by mid-morning I might have one top part made, so I can show you my new 'design'.  I'm really excited to get one under my belt, and get your opinion.

So, with that in mind... I'm outta here.


ABOVE:  What ya have to do when the sewing room is FREEZING, and it takes a while for the heat pump to warm things up!

It's now almost 11 am and I'm half way through the first new runner.   I will be able to show it to you (not quite finished) in about an hour...

Right, it's 12.13 pm, and I have the first of the 'new' Braid Runners ready to show you.

It is SIMILAR to others I've made, but there's ONE thing new...

ABOVE:  The centre piece is a house fabric, which I love... and...

ABOVE:  I added a larger house as well.

ABOVE: So there it is.  I shall add it's binding after lunch.  What do you think of it?

I'm seriously thinking of adding in some blue on the next one somehow.

We have sausage rolls in the oven for lunch.  I have started 'teaching' Stew how to use the new oven.  I'm sure he will have it mastered quicker than me.

4 pm:  And I've almost finished a second runner top.  I am done for the day now, I don't want to make a start on the next step until tomorrow, when I will have more time up my sleeve.  

Time to just relax for a while.  OH and Stew is cooking dinner tonight.  So I get the night off.  😊😋😌

Well it's a lovely evening, our house is nice and warm, thanks to having the heap pump on all day.

We are now settling down for the remainder of the evening.  We had a very nice dinner cooked by Stew.  Fancy sausages with baked potatoes, onions and mushrooms.


  1. The house designs are very cool.

  2. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Love the house designs! They look so good. Laurie

  3. Rhonda3:38 PM

    I quite like your new fabric/idea but me being me I’d like another house like the larger one at the other end of the runner to make things even 🤷‍♀️

  4. Anonymous5:32 PM

    I like runners without houses. Me being me, I’m a “less is more” person. Marie, Melbourne

  5. Anonymous7:01 PM

    love the house designs and the black & white ~ very nice, you're very talented. Ro (n.w. italy)

  6. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Hi. Good that your Hba1c is so good. seems like the Trulicity helped as the reading is for the past three months...hopefully you will be able to get it take some tablets as well for the diabetes? and your great weight loss have all are looking great.....Peta

  7. Your hat looks so cute on you, but it stinks being cold. The older I get my tolerance for it gets worse & worse. I like the fabrics chosen.


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