Thursday, July 18, 2024



Hmmm... damn cold this morning.  Might just stay in bed for a while.  There is no rush to get up for me.

Once I DO get up, I'm taking a quick trip to the Base for business, then back home.

ABOVE:  I laid out my huge roll of batting on the garage floor yesterday, so I could cut out batting for the latest runners.
Marley IMMEDIATELY was there, sniffing, rolling around on it, and generally going into raptures over the friggin batting!
Clearly that little tart LOVES batting!
Weird dog.
And that is why my batting has to be up HIGH, so she can't get at it.

ABOVE:  That is the last runner (for now) that is waiting to have it's binding stitched on.  After that's done, I will do a big clean up in the sewing room.
There's plenty of threads and scraps of fabric on the floor that need tidying up.

ABOVE:  Cute photos from the other day... Marley getting spoilt by the girls.

ABOVE:  I saw this somewhere and just had to copy it for here.  I am sure we all forget that we matter too.

ABOVE: Another fog. Cold and damp.
I've been doing what can only be called SPRING CLEANING! 
Its a bit early right? 

But when the mood takes me... I do what I need to do to get it off my mind.

ABOVE: Todays calling was grubby ornaments, glass jars/bottles and all the blue glass.
I now smell like cleaning products.  Ikkk.

I'm now finally at The Base doing some business, heading home soon.

What a job!  I have cleaned virtually every ornament in this house.  All my blue glass bottles came down from above the kitchen cupboards, got scrubbed and then put back up.

I've tidied up the linen cupboard for the millionth time.  

While at The Base,  I bought some new tea towels and flannels.  Our current ones are starting to look tired and manky. The new ones have been washed, and are now drying.

It is now 3.20 pm and I'm knackered!

It is now 8.14 pm, Stew went to the pub, I visited the kids for an hour or so, then joined Stew at the pub.
It's neat going there now that I know lots of the people there.  
And that's a wrap on my day.


  1. Anonymous12:29 PM

    I have moved so much last few years I dnt dust i shift lol Felicity

  2. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I wonder if you can give Marley an off-cut of batting as her own? She can play with it to her heart's content xx Colleen

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      She might eat it.

  3. Beautiful table runner! Marley must like the feel of the batting!

  4. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Lovely photos of the girls and Marley. You'll be pleased you've done the binding for now. I need to start mine tonight. Kj

  5. Cleaning ornaments? You must have more quilting and binding to do!


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