Monday, July 01, 2024


Monday ... back to work for those who have to.

Us?  Stew has taken today off, and we are going on a little trip up to Auckland!

Funny going up there, when we just got Jacqui to do some shopping for us while she was up there yesterday!

In my defence, she was already going to COSTCO, and we have no intention of going there today.

ABOVE: We asked Jacqui to buy for us, two monster packs of loo paper!
48 rolls per pack.  
That should last Stew and I at least a year, if not longer!

As I said to Jacqui as a parting shot...
"I shall think of YOU every time I wipe."

She cracked up.

ABOVE: Bex shared this recipe for pizza made with a garlic bread base on Facebook.  I intend making it for our dinner this evening, after we get home from Auckland.

Talking of Auckland... we are going up so I can get some more fabric from Ribbon Rose in Penrose.  Might as well, as I've been on a fabric shopping lark this past week.
I actually DO need some more white & green based fabrics for my Braid Runners.  
And well, let's see what else I can find while there.
Then we shall go to Sylvia Park to find me some CROCS!

On our way home, we plan on stopping in at a butchery in Pokeno to find some GOOD sausages.


Well... it was funny.


ABOVE: 9 am, and we are off. Foggy and... DAMP. 
LOL, No surprises there.

11.40 am. Well, we have been to Ribbon Rose and I thoroughly enjoyed looking at all the fabrics. I found a few to get and took them up to the counter. 
While looking for more  a saleswoman came up to us and let us know that ALL the patchwork fabrics were ON SALE  as of TODAY!!!
Every fabric was down from $30 a metre to $19 a metre!
OMG that sent me into a tail spin.
I then went NUTS and bought DOUBLE what I'd  planned.

ABOVE: I'm holding the TWO fabrics I really wanted to find.
They didn't have them.
BUT... they had plenty of others I liked. ☺πŸ™‚πŸ™ƒ

ABOVE: He got to sit for a few minutes   then he became my fabric holder. πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ€£.

ABOVE: The two ladies in the fabric section of Ribbon Rose.  They were both cutting out lengths of fabric for me.

ABOVE:  I bought this cute thingee for holding stuff by the sewing machine.
I also bought some more threads, they were half price, SCORE.

ABOVE: Today's fabrics.
I specifically needed Black 'n' Whites, and Greens.  I think I covered that.
Plus a few more yellows for the Bumble Bee Braid Runners.
I was really thrilled with my fabric purchases today, and of course, getting them at such an awesome discount made it even better.

Looking at my receipt, I am pretty sure they charged me even LESS than the sale price too.  I will double check that once the sale 'OFFICIALLY' starts, it is being advertised at midnight tonight.
I believe in fate,  I was meant to go there TODAY.

After Ribbon Rose, we went over to Sylvia Park for a wander and lunch.

ABOVE: We both had a mixed meat Kebab.  It was one of the nicest kebabs we'd had in a long time. * That Kebab looks HUGE!  It wasn't, it's just the angle I took the photo from. *

ABOVE: We saw the cutest little pink drum set... TEMPTED.  But thought best not.
Don't think Steve and Bex would be impressed.

ABOVE: Our next stop was LUSH.
Bex and Steve had given us a big gift basket of LUSH Bath Bombs and Bubble Bath Bars for Christmas.

ABOVE: As of last night, we were down to two halves left.
So, time to get some more.

ABOVE: That should keep us going for a while.
I only use half a bomb each time I take a bath.

ABOVE: We also bought a good slice of this gorgeous soap.  It is sooooooo pretty.  It will be hard to actually use it!  But I no doubt will.

ABOVE: Our next stop was Pokeno Bacon, in ... well Pokeno!

ABOVE: There were plenty of sausages to choose from.  The ladies in the shop gave us a freshly cooked sausage to taste... YUMMY.

ABOVE: All their produce is made on site, and 100% fresh.  I didn't limit my purchases to just sausages.

ABOVE: We ended up with enough meat for 12 meals, costing no more than $10 per meal.   You can't beat that.

And that was our trip up to Auckland!

We are now home, feet up and enjoying an hour or two of doing nothing.

At some point I will have to take the new fabric to my sewing room for cutting up.
I'm NOT looking forward to the 'cutting up', but it's a necessary evil.  *sigh*

CROCS?  I decided not to get crocs.  I feel like I'd only wear them once in a blue moon, and at $100 a pair, I decided fabric was a better investment!   KNOWING ME ... I MIGHT CHANGE MY MIND AT A LATER DATE!

5.48 pm:  And it already feels like 10 pm!  It's been a long and very enjoyable day.  Time to sign off and just relax till bedtime.


  1. I finished my temporary job today. Being Assistant Stage Manager for a well renowned theater was SO MUCH FUN. It was so intense. Six days a week for six weeks. I played approximately 15 different actors as a stand-in during rehearsals. That.... by the way.... was NOT in the job description. I now know what a DIRECTOR actually does. Trust me... It is more than a name that scrolls by in the credits. Our Director was amazing! I made a few blunders - like deleting several pages of the script! But I loved every single minute of it! (Don't worry - there are back-ups upon back-ups of the script... hee hee)

    I am glad you doubled your fabric purchase - you may wish you had gotten even MORE!

    What is that thing in the roundabout? It looks like a steel hot air balloon!

    1. It is a stylised hot πŸ”₯ air balloon, clever guess. I'm so happy you enjoyed your job. I bought plenty of fabrics, don't you doubt that! πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ˜Š

  2. Looks like you are having fun.

  3. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I thought Stew was looking in pattern books lol

    1. *SNORT!* Yeah Nah, he was on his phone. HIm look at pattern books..... ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

  4. Anonymous3:09 PM

    With savings like that you have to buy extra fabric

  5. That’s a definate scoop and what a score.
    I always wondered what that sculpture represented.
    Pokeno bacon my most favourite shop. I try to buy something from there each time I go up to Samuels place.

  6. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Wow wow that was a good price. Beautiful fabrics. I love that gadget holder too. As for cross I thought they were like $12 in WH. Wow. Kj

    1. I'm sure 'Crocs' in the WH are $12, but they are not genuine Crocs, they are rip offs.

  7. Anonymous11:49 PM

    How do you only use half of the bath bomb? Do you take them out of the bath or cut them in half?

  8. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Ps. Looks like you had a lovely day

  9. Well that looks like a great day! Meat and Fabrics, can't go wrong ;)

  10. Sounds and looks like a wonderful day, great but with the fabric.


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