Tuesday, July 09, 2024



Well, it's another cold and foggy start to the day.

And I'm off to Cambridge for another FBG walk.

I don't expect to be home before lunchtime.

Once I am home, you can expect some foggy photos!  Or not, depends if the sun comes out.

Yesterday the fog stayed down ALL DAY! It was horrible.

I am hoping Lacy and Keera pop in to visit me after lunch as well.  I've asked Lacy to do some general housework for me, stuff I find hard on my back.  It might even turn into a regular weekly thing.  I hope so anyway.

ABOVE: This is the Braid Runner I made a start on late yesterday.  It's not finished by any means, but you get the gist right?   I am surprised how much I like it.  Putting Green with Black and White was a gamble... but OMGosh, I do love it. 

I am really enjoying using some of the new fabrics, they give me so many more options in the fabric line ups.

Such fun.


ABOVE: Today's walk stats.

Another nice distance.

ABOVE:  Another foggy day, by the time I left Cambridge (11 am) the sun was out and it had turned into a lovely day.

On my way home I could see the fog had only just lifted on my side of town.

Now I'm home, and Lacy and Keera are here.  Lacy is doing my vacuuming for me.  Such a relief to get that big job done.

While Lacy did my housework, Keera and I sloped off to the sewing room.  I did some sewing, while Miss Muppet watched Funny Cats, and Musical Shorts on YouTube.

ABOVE: And this is the ONLY way this child should be allowed on the internet... with an adult sitting right behind her!

ABOVE:  Lacy went over and above the 'brief' today.  I'm so grateful she can help me out this way.

2 pm: The girls just left, and I'm about to take a break from my sewing ... time for some lunch.

ABOVE:  Just in, our official walk photo from today.  

Now... lunch.

6.45pm... sewed all afternoon,  and when Stew arrived home we decided to go out for dinner.

ABOVE: no prizes for guessing where we are eh?

We had a delicious dinner at the Indian Restaurant in Horsham Downs, it's rapidly becoming our favourite one.

Home now and all snuggled up, ready to enjoy a couple of TV programmes till bedtime.


  1. Love the green on it. Hope you had a good walk.

  2. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Love the green runners! And the blue one from yesterday. Wasn't a fan of the wonky house on it, though. I love the wonky house runners, but on these it was just a bit too "busy" I think. But that's just my opinion! Much love xx Colleen

  3. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Hi. the green is lovely and so are the little houses...you are so good going on those long walks..I can only go on short walks.....I will be going to aqua aerobics today....Peta

  4. Anonymous12:55 PM

    That's a gorgeous green, really vibrant and get up and go! Love, love, love it kj

  5. Green runner very nice I too prefer the smaller house.

  6. The altered walk photos are so funny!
    The green / black runner works!
    You know....
    Any color plus black and white would work. Not to overwhelm ya or anything. Black makes colors POP!

  7. We bought a chemical free window washer it’s about the size of half a 9kg gas bottle on wheels. Brush included on pile NO rinsing no blade drying each time you use it windows are cleaner and cleaner you can fill up spray bottles for insides and has same result cost $1400 ish but believe me it’s a dream to use

  8. How wonderful to have a helper! Great job Lacy.

  9. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Saw a runner that I thought you would enjoy. I think you should be able to copy and paste the link.



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