Monday, June 17, 2024



Last night I finished the first book I've read in years.

It was A HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT.  418 pages of thinking... when is something going to happen/get to the point?

There was so much pointless detail, tedious explanations of shit not necessary to the story... I was so cross by the time I finished it!

ABOVE:  I started out enjoying reading it... but now I am going to throw it in the bloody bin!

I wouldn't inflict it on anyone else.

I kept reading it, hoping it would open up and become less tedious, but no. 😖😡

Now I'm not sure if I will even bother trying to find another good book to read.  OR at least, not read another by that author.

Back to today.  I'm going to Cambridge first thing this morning for a 9.30 am walk with the FGB's.

My hip/back is only very mildly painful now, so I do believe I'm on the mend from whatever was causing the pain.  Hopefully I've avoided a trip to the Dr.

The third thing I listed on Trade Me Marketplace will probably be sold by the end of today.      

I have a double fridge freezer next to sell.  I hope to list it sometime this week.  Slowly working my way through things we simply do not need, and getting rid of them. 

Right, off to start my day.


12.56 pm:  Well I'm home quite late today.

I did my FBG walk, it was lovely.  We all got a little wet, but not too badly.

Coffee (read pink iced bun) later, and I headed back to Hamilton. Where I went to the library, signed up and can now use their Ebook and Audio Book library.

No more buying a book!  I now have to work out how to use it.   I have downloaded two books, one's an ebook and ones an audio book.

I will let ya know how I go with them.

ABOVE: Today's walk stats.  Ignore the time, I forgot to turn it off when we finished for a while.

It's now lunchtime and I'm not very hungry.  I might give it a miss.

I want to try the audio book!  😊😉

ABOVE:  It took a while, but here it is.  Today's fun walk photo.

This afternoon I have started reading an ebook.

It's called 'The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out The Window and Disappeared'. So far I am enjoying it!

I did start listening to an audio book, but actually didn't like it very much.  It might have been the narrators voices I didn't like?  But either way, I  am enjoying this ebook for now. 

4.49 pm:  I'm reading this book.... and get to page 226 on me phone.. and there's a pile of shit involved.  And I can't stop laughing, and I laughed so much I cried.  It's  been a very long time since a book made me laugh that much.   BACK....    TO.....      IT.

The sign of a good book?  You can't stop reading it.  I have been reading this book for hours.  I've laughed several times now.  It is so interesting.

It is not my usual sort of book either... so I am very happy.  Nice to read something slightly different.

Stew came home, kissed me and then got his own dinner.  I had prepared it, so I didn't feel like a bad wife.  😉

I'm now torn between wanting to read more, or leaving it for tomorrow.  I have nothing on tomorrow, except wait for the second thing I put on Facebook Marketplace to be picked up.  Then all three things will be gone.

From now on I will be listing anything I want to sell on Facebook.  No more Trade Me for me.  Sad I've got a bit of money left in my account with them.  I don't think I can get it back either.  I will try though.

Right, that's me for the day.


  1. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Agree Chris with you about being angry with yourself for continuing with the book. I’m in the same boat. Have done it with films too, especially going to the movies, you’ve paid $20 for this, you hang in there thinking it must get better, then get so annoyed at the end for not having walked out, that’s two hours you’ll never get back!! Marie, Melbourne

  2. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I looked up the book you mentioned and the reviews agree with you. People suggest reading her early works, but not recent publications.

    I do not like to accidentally read a spoiler, so I have one of my daughters look things up if I am questioning a book. For me this is usually determining the order of a series or making sure it is not an animal story (sob).

    Link above is a quilt blogger who also talks about books. She and her daughter have a book review podcast also.

    What Should I Read Next is another book podcast you might enjoy.

    Goodreads is a great source.

    I belong to local book groups. I read four books a month for those groups. When we hit on an author I love, I read the rest of their books (in publication or series order).


  3. Anonymous9:46 AM

    If I find a book boring or uninteresting I don't carry on reading it. I read on a Kindle and have a subscription so have a choice of 7 books at any one time and can pick and choose between them. Don't give up on reading - there are thousands of books out there. Movies and TV series are exactly the same - not enjoying them, stop watching them. Audrey

  4. How frustrating to try to read a book you find awful, and hoping it will improve, and it doesn't. I have scoodles and scads of authors I like so I am safe reading their books and trusting the quality is good.

  5. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Wow. My favourite author used to be Patricia Cornwall. I loved her books. Though I admit, I haven't read one for ages. I also enjoy James Patterson, Kathy Reichs, Dean Koontz, Stephen King. All of those. There's also an Australian author who I've just discovered named Patricia Wolf. She wrote Outback, then the sequel Paradise. xx Colleen

  6. Anonymous1:55 PM

    I have done all my reading in audio format for several decades. I love being able to listen while I sew, walk, garden, exercise, clean, cook, drive, etc.

    I no longer read in hardcopy form. I do not care for ebook format, but my daughters like that option in addition to audio. They both read hardcopy occasionally too.

    In the beginning I used books on CD. I have used Audible since 2012. Starting last year, I use Libby thru the library too. I keep my Audible subscription because not everything is available thru the library, sometimes the wait is too long for my plans.


  7. You will probably like the audio book. You can sew, walk, garden, what have you - as you listen.

  8. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I have the Libby app for Auckland Libraries. I find it excellent, don’t need to go into library, can borrow books for 28 days, can order in sequence and no overdue fines (as it automatically returns on due date if you don’t renew it) and it works away from home

  9. Not fussed on audio books i always fall asleep then have to go back next night to catch what ive missed

  10. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Oops sorry Chris forgot to change to anonymous Felicity

  11. Anonymous4:31 PM

    If you like the book, there is a movie also. We really enjoyed it. Sue from Hamilton Canada.

  12. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Good you had a great laugh...never can laugh too much. Felicity

  13. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Loved this book Chris. Catriona in Scotland

  14. Anonymous10:50 PM

    I love the e books from the library though not a lot of choice for my tastes. I live 100 miles one way from the closest library so no worries on returning on time.


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