Sunday, June 02, 2024



It has been a long week, full of decluttering, sewing and BUGGER ALL WALKS!

My resolve this coming week is to walk on Mon/Wed and Friday, at a bare minimum.  Even if it's on my own, or on our treadmill.


As for today?  Stew and I are going to work on filling our trailer with rubbish and stuff not worth passing on to anyone.   A lot of old timber, old pots and so on.  Clearing our back sheds is our primary goal today.

There's about 3-4 large suitcases down in one of the sheds as well.  I'm going to choose ONE to keep, and donate the rest.  I'm sure we will find plenty more down there that we can toss or donate.  

I am rather happy that Stew has taken on the de-cluttering bug as well as me.  It's not something I expected him to embrace!  But as he said, he doesn't really have a choice, I'm driven.  lol

ABOVE:  Our dinner last night!  It was a mixed meat platter Stew got from a BBQ joint in Rototuna.  It was very, very yum. 

THAT is why I need to walk this coming week! 😂😅😊


12.42 pm: Stew and I worked hard all morning on clearing out his wardrobe, and mine a bit more... then a couple of other places.  After that, Lacy and Keera came for lunch.

I made pikelets, with chocolate drops.  They went down well I must say.

ABOVE:  Chocolate pikelets with cream and chocolate sauce for this girl.  She ate till she had no room left.  

The girls have left now, and we are just taking a little break before getting back to the de-cluttering.

1.45 pm : Our trip to the dump has been deferred till next weekend, it's taking too long to sort through the sheds etc.  And ... it's not something we have to rush over at all.

BTW:  I found my missing woollen gloves.  In one of my drawers, where they BELONGED.  Grrrr.  I had searched that drawer too?   Sneaky things, hiding right at the bottom where I least expected them to be.  *sigh*

Clearly, I had 'A BOY LOOK'.

I'm gunna have to stop now, I'm done in to be honest.  I think I'll have a Nana Nap, then in a couple of hours I can do a bit more.  

The nap didn't happen, I ended up lying on my bed making lists.  Derrr.

Would you believe we had FIVE large suitcases, 5 smaller suitcases, and about 8 duffel/sports/trolley type bags?

That is outrageous.  I am keeping TWO big suitcases, and two smaller suitcases. 

Bex took a couple of the smaller cases, and Lacy took one of the larger ones today.   Everything else is going to the Hospice Shop.

My car is packed to the gunnels, ready for a big drop off at the Op shop on Tuesday morning.

Stew did well out the back, he tidied up two of the sheds, just one to go now.  I have several items ready to list on TradeMe, which I will do tomorrow.

I informed Stew he was on 'dinner duty' tonight.  So he's making us Mock Whitebait Fritters.  I can hardly wait.  We have not had them in a very long time.

Dinner was amazing.  He did well.

Now... it's only 8.30 pm and I'm ready for bed!

So, even though I know I'll probably wake up at stupid o'clock (like 3 am), I'm going to bed.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

    I list all my old pots and people come pick them up immediately. The size, color and appearance do not seem to matter.

    Also old lumber is usually picked up immediately too.

    I list things first, give it a few days and then pitch or donate.


  2. Downsizing can be a challenge but you feel so good when you have completed your task. So, happy 'getting rid of'.

  3. Good lord that’s an awesome meal! Looks delicious, just think moving clearing decluttering you still need energy so yes that meal will help.

  4. Yumm! That looks delightful!
    Put the pots on the front roadside with FREE sign. They will go bye bye on their own.

  5. Piklets yummy been thinking about making some for ages only trouble don't have any of mums homemade raspberry jam left and love piklets with raspberry jam....might need to hunt some in a craft shop.

  6. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Your recent decluttering drive is giving me the push I need to do a similar thing. All the years worth of 'stuff' that I've hung onto 'just in case'. It needs to go!! Thanks Chris :D
    Tracy, Cornwall, UK

  7. Anonymous10:53 PM

    We did the exact same thing with suitcases. When we got them all together/in one place, a shocking amount of them. Our kids took a couple each. We figured out which ones we liked/would use. That whittled us down to a large and a small. We fly at least once a year. We travel by car a lot. So we thought about both ways.

    I think the key to decluttering is “like things together”. And then everything having a set place it goes. And then finally everything having to fit, easily, in that one place.

    My experience - when you get done going through everything, wait a bit, and then go back thru it all again. 9 months is enough of a wait. 12 mos is effective too. You will be shocked at how much more can go the second time through.

    Anyone who needs motivation - Dana K. White has a podcast and books on decluttering. She has a different perspective and is very helpful. Her books are available in audio format. I use her to keep me company while I work.


  8. That BBQ platter looks delicious! You're on a roll cleaning out!


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