Tuesday, June 11, 2024



I managed to convince Coco to pose for a photo last night.  She insisted on a cover up:

ABOVE:  Covered up, and blackmailed with a treat.  Lacy did part of her muzzle, I did some too.  Then I did part of the top of her head... where I managed to shave too close and gave her two patches... like almost bald patches!

So, she's a bit shy now. lol

But she came to no 'harm' physically.  Just emotional damage to Lacy and Me mostly.  It won't be happening again.

ABOVE: These were the cheese sauces we tried last night.  They looked totally different to each other, but tasted fairly similar.  So I mixed them together and added some actual cheese.  It was OK, but I doubt I'll use them again. edit:  I was being nice.  In fact, those sauces were bloody horrible, with a very artificial taste.  I don't recommend them. 

Today I was going on an FBG walk, but my hips were bloody sore most of yesterday, I'm not sure why.  I might have just slept 'wrong'.

Anyway, I'll take a break today, and do an FBG walk tomorrow morning instead.

This morning I'm going to tidy up the fridges and freezers.  I'm trying to downsize what we have in the freezers, so we can operate with ONE freezer, instead of two. 

When you have two freezers, you just end up with heaps of frozen shit that doesn't get eaten before it expires!  The amount of frozen veges I've had to throw out is crazy!  I also like the idea of only having a maximum of a weeks worth of meat in the freezer at any one time.  

So, that's my main job this morning.


9 am, and the rearrangement of the fridge/freezers took a different turn to what I had planned.

I wanted to condense all the frozens into our smaller Fridge/Freezer unit, and get rid of our bigger, vertical freezer.

NOPE.  No matter what I did, the frozens would not fit in the smaller freezer compartment.

So, I put it all back in the bigger freezer, and rearranged the fridge in the kitchen, so things from the double fridge/freezer would fit in there instead.

So now I'm getting rid of the double Fridge/Freezer instead!

And surprisingly, I do still have room in the kitchen fridge!  

Now I've got to wait till Stew comes home to pull the Fridge/Freezer unit out from the wall and disconnect it.  Then I can clean it and get it out of my garage.  

I wonder if my power bill will go down by not having it?  Hmmmm.  

I am still having pain in my hips!  I'm now wondering if it's to do with suddenly switching from sitting in the leather lounge chairs, back to the Lazy Boy lounge chairs?  Could be.  Weirdest thing, I have mild pain just sitting still, but if I take a deep breath, it hurts more!  Weird eh? 

2 pm:  I gave up trying to do anything else and took some painkillers.  I'm hoping it is something simple and will ease up soon.  Right now, it's quite bad.  I can't bend over now, or walk too comfortably.  This kinda sucks.

I really hate being inactive.  

ABOVE:  Let's see if a long soak in the bath helps?

5 pm:  TWO HOURS in the bath!

BLISS BLISS BLISS.   I read a book!  One I started god knows how long ago.  UNNATURAL DEATH by Patricia Cornwell.  It's factually HEAVY reading.  But I'm sure it will open up once she's got all the FACTS covered!  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Š

I am now SQUEAKY clean.  My hips still hurt, but not as much, thanks to the painkillers and the hot soak.

I have some frozen meatloaf out of the freezer for Stew's dinner.  I will leave the veges up to him.  

I am now looking forward to a peaceful evening, watching tv, browsing the 'net and playing 2048 on my phone.  YES, I can do all three at the same time.  Women can multi-task amazingly well. lol

Well, I'm happy to say my right hip is feeling quite a bit better.  Can't say the same about my left hip, but it's not as bad as it was this morning.
I'm hoping tomorrow will be a better day.

The evening has gone like clockwork.  Stew enjoyed his dinner, and we both had a pleasant evening.
I'm now watching Coronation Street, then I'll be off to bed.  
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Leeann11:32 AM

    Poor Coco, but her hair will grow. It's like when we get a bad haircut. The new stove looks good, Steve did a great job.

  2. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Sorry about your hip.

    I pulled a muscle in my side earlier this year and it took a long time to heal, I am still pretty careful with it.


  3. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Odd that your hip pain is worse when taking a deep breath. Hopefully this is short lived. You have been working hard rearranging and stuff. May a rest day at a spa is in order. ;-) Ky Girl

  4. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Bugger about your hips. You’ve been really active with declutterring and walking etc. I had a bout of hip pain as you described last year in winter, turned out it was bursitis caused by activity and cold weather ?. Told to rest, warm baths, heat packs, pain medication if needed and voltaren oesto gel. Took a few weeks to recover but all good now. I’d never had it before so was quite surprised. I walk regularly, was 67 and told it’s age related too 🀦‍♀️ take it easy Chris.

    1. Well I'm happy to hear you recovered. Hopefully I do too. I always worry about sudden, unexpected pain for no apparent reason.

    2. Rhonda4:50 PM

      I made the comment above - didn’t realise it posted as anonymous!

  5. I make cheese sauce often in the microwave. I use cornflour to thicken it and it turns out well and no messy pots.

    1. I've never tried making it in the microwave. Might give it a go next time I make it. I also thicken with cornflour.

  6. Kiwionholidays2:33 PM

    Hope you’re rested up for the rest of the day and feel better tomorrow
    Maybe a couple of days,of rest will help know I know ,,
    Us ones who can’t sit still find it hard , but you’ve been on a declutter roll for quite a while,

    Lecture over lol
    Take care n lovely catching up with the grooming session ,
    You two did well πŸ’―☕️πŸ₯πŸΆπŸΆπŸ‰πŸ₯°
    Loving the work Steve did too, Great team work πŸ‘
    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  7. Coco is darling. So funny!
    I wonder what's up with the hip pain. That's odd.

  8. I always make my cheese sauce in the microwave but I make it with a roux
    A friend has hip bursitis and it not the hip she had replaced 2 years ago. She is only in her early 50’s

  9. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Try putting two cups of Epsom Salts in the bath, warm water, not hot. Not sure in NZ but in Australia you can buy a large bag of these salts for around $3. They have magnesium in them, supposed to be good for soreness. Marie, Melbourne

  10. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Pain is weird I’m meant to be recovering from a hip replacement but my back hurts more than my hip. Rest up for a bit Chris - Anne Palmy

  11. I did some AWFUL haircuts on my old dog over the years! Don't worry about it! :D

  12. Oh no hope your hips feel better! I get some lower back pain that feels like my hips a lot.


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