Friday, June 21, 2024



Hee hee... another 'saucy' one!  lol

OK.... today?

The only thing I have 'on' is a walk in Cambridge at 1 pm. 

So it could be a cruisy day.

I don't have to list our double fridge/freezer for sale now.  Lacy is taking it.  Awesome.  No hassle having to list and sell it online.

Now I have to hunt around for what next I can get rid of!

Probably our Cross Trainer.  Neither of us use it, so yeah, it can go.

I walk around our house 'mentally' and just love how UNCLUTTERED it is now.  In fact, this morning I might work on doing a bit more in the garage.  There's heaps in there that can be sorted through some more.

I watched a couple of You Tube videos last night on my new 'condition' : Sacroiliitis.  They were very informative.  When I went to bed last night I tried one of the recommended positions to sleep in. On my tummy with a pillow under the lower belly.  Wasn't bad, but it's too early to see if it makes a difference.

The one position I will never try is the one where you lie on ya back with pillows under your legs.  I cannot sleep on my back at all... never have been able to.  

Stew does.  The bloody shit.

It makes him snore.   EVEN WORSE if he's had a few drinks.  Like last night. 

Luckily, his snoring isn't TOO loud, otherwise he'd have 16 little stab holes in his chest by now. 😂😉😅


11.30 am: well not to much to yabber on about right now.  It's been a quiet morning here.  I just pottered around in the garage, didn't get much done at all really.

I know I should be doing some sewing, but I'm just not in the mood right now.

I did end up going to the supermarket again!  Just for some buns for dinner.  New World make these cute as Ciabatta Bites that the kids love.  We have some family here for dinner tonight.

ABOVE:  Dante and Archer can and DO eat an entire packet of these in one sitting!

Right, I'm going to get changed into me walking clothes  and head off to Cambridge shortly.

ABOVE:  First time this year and I did not enjoy my walk at all.

There were 17 of us.  I was the 'odd' man out, and didn't have a walking partner.

So I walked at the back for the first half, and just dawdled along.

Second half I went up the front and did my own thing... had a bit of conversation with a couple of them, but meh.  Not enjoyable at all today.

Should have stayed home.

ABOVE: Walk stats.  At least it was a decent distance.

Now I'm home, the weather is glorious, the house is nice and warm and I'm having some potato chips for afternoon tea. 

OH and my hips/lower back are quite sore now.  I am wondering if lying on my back  edit:  FRONT all night was a good idea?  Or just too much walking.  I may never know. 

6.21 pm:  my job is done.  Family is fed.  Now I can relax for the remainder of the evening.

Tonight I am going to lie on my side with a pillow between my knees, and see how my SI Joints feel in the morning and during the day.

I almost always lie on my left side anyway, but not with a pillow.  And funnily enough, it's my left side that is the worst.

I also read that sitting for long periods of time is bad for you if you have SI Joint problems.  

I guess sewing for hours, days on end might not be the best then?  lol

OK, enough on that topic for the day.  I'm going to sign off now.


  1. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Try the lying on back with pillows under your legs, it's not back at all. (said by someone who could never sleep on their back in the past.)

  2. My Stu would sleep on his back all the time (and then snore) but all I need to do is push him a little and he rolls over. If we ever sleep in twin beds (only happened a couple of times) I have to get out and poke him!! Oh well, it means we'll always be in a double bed I suppose. Isn't decluttering great? I don't have much to get rid of now but there's always something I can find.

  3. Anonymous10:37 AM

    It's a crying shame when your grandchild has to wake up and walk from their room to yours to tell you that you are snoring and to turnover. ;-) Talk about being embarrassed. I'm a side sleeper with a pillow between my knees but I am sure I rollover to my back every now and then. Good luck with the new sleeping arrangement. Ky Girl

  4. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I am also a side sleeper with a pillow under the top leg.

  5. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I was just going to say...I could eat that whole bag...when you said the boys do! I've pulled my back and I had to take 2 extra strength Tylenol. I hope to be right as rain come morning and I hope you are as well. Ky Girl

  6. Those ciabatta bites look scrummy I would
    So eat a bag.
    Looking forward to walk photos.

  7. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Snoring is dangerous, it causes heart issues and High blood pressure etc...needs to be checked out by a sleep study, my husband now wears a mouth guard to stop the snoring and his health improved. You don't get enough oxygen when you snore ....I have to same back issues as you, I sleep on my side with a pillow under my knee...I move around a lot...all annoying...take care......Peta

  8. I sleep on my tummy. Can't sleep on my back I hate it... apart from when i was in hospital and yeah, snored 🤣

  9. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I have all kinds of spinal issues, including a very temperamental right SI joint. Lying on your stomach for any length of time is the absolute worst thing you can do, even with a pillow under you. Sleeping is always an issue, because you can't guarantee to stay still or with the pillow between your legs or whatever. If you can find a good chiropractor that will be your best bet, because good Chiro care can fix the problem. Yes, there are bad ones, but when you get a good one your life can change. Would highly recommend finding one. In the meantime, one of the best things you can do for your pelvis/lower back is lie flat on the floor, with your thighs hard up against either an ottoman or, for example, an overturned laundry basket, so that your calves lie flat on the top - so from the side you look like a staircase. Then you stretch your arms out straight from your shoulders, making sure your spine from pelvis to neck is flat on the floor. Breathe deeply, and let all the tension flow out of you. 5 mins am and pm and it will really help to release/relax all the lower back. muscles that tighten up through the day from activity. The other thing to check out is if you need orthotics in your walking shoes, because a misalignment through your legs from feet to hips can also negatively impact the pelvis/si joints.

  10. That stinks that your walk wasn't enjoyable. I know how many you have enjoyed so don't let this one get to you. Do you stretch after walking? I know it helps me with my legs & back when I do. I never thought it would make that much of a difference but it really does. Those rolls look so yummy. I love breads of all kinds.


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