Saturday, May 11, 2024



As you know, I've been doing a really big clean up/de-clutter lately.

There is no way I need half the stuff in this home, so I'm getting rid of it now.

One big 'get rid of' is all my Patchwork/Craft magazines and books.  I never look at them now.

So, it is the Waikato Patchwork and Quilters Guild meeting today.  I shall take all the books and magazines there to be donated to anyone who wants them.

I doubt just one person will take them all, as there's quite a lot!

ABOVE: That is about half of them.

My car's boot and back seat are full!  Any that are not taken will be given to an Op Shop.

This past week I have also taken a few loads of 'stuff' to the local Hospice Shop.  No more buying or collecting things that are pointless.

I don't need any more 'pretties', cushions, baskets, kitchenware and so on.  

One day we will pass on, and all those things will just get thrown out if not wanted by a family member.

I think what I am doing is called 'Death Cleaning'!  

What is the concept of death cleaning?
Swedish death cleaning is a well-known concept in Swedish and Scandinavian culture, where you work on eliminating unnecessary items from your home, so loved ones won't be burdened with the task after you pass.

I might be a bit early, as in a bit young to be doing it, but I just felt the urge.  So, I'm doing it!

This morning I will do all the washing, Stew will do his weekend grocery shop, then we will just chill out I suppose.

Maybe after the Guild meeting we will go out to dinner.  Now that I weigh in on a Saturday morning, the best time to have an 'indulgent' meal is on Saturday.

That's what I used to do when I went to WW in Palmerston North all those years ago.  It worked.


Freezing start to the day with a nice little frost.

Best way to warm up?

A long hot soak in the bath.  Soooo good.

ABOVE:  So happy my hair has grown back to a nice length after the massive chop I was given a while ago.

Though in saying that, I probably need a trim now.

Maybe I'll do that soon.

But for now, I'll just enjoy it being long again.

I have to head off to the Patchwork meeting in an hour or so.  Might just sit here and browse the 'net till then.

What are you doing?  Anything fun?

2.30 pm:  Just home from the Guild meeting.  And that is 2.5 hours I will never get back.

I didn't know it was the AGM today, did I?  I had to sit through all that, then the regular meeting.  Then when it was 'Show and Tell' time, where members line up to show what they have made over the past month... I LEFT.  

Virtually all the magazines and books I hauled into the meeting.... I had to haul out again!  I was gobsmacked that no one wanted FREE Patchwork/Craft magazines and books!

So I will take them to an Op shop on Monday.

Ever so slightly annoyed by all that.

Brylee and Dom are due here soon, as they are using our car and trailer to take her big set of drawers back to their house.  Yaaa, getting rid of SOMETHING today.

We have decided to try a totally new Indian Restaurant for dinner tonight.  It's in our local area, and new so it will be nice to go somewhere different.  Fingers crossed the food is good.

6.45 pm:  Well that was a very quick in and out at the restaurant!  The food and service were 10/10.  A very nice, intimate place.  I will post photos tomorrow.

For now... I need to just blob out! I'm full as a bull.  I certainly do not have the capacity to eat as much as I once did. 

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. I need to have a bit of your enthusiasm and do my own death clean 🤣

  2. I love the concept of 'death cleaning' and it's something I think about often. I've been pretty minimilist for awhile but you have inspired me to do more! One thing about living in a motorhome for a couple of months is that you realise how little you need each day.

  3. I think it's a good idea to have the Swedish Death Cleanse in mind always. At all ages. Nobody knows.... And really should we have our homes full of clutter? But we do! I know I do. Actually, our HOME is minimal. But the studio, garage and shed are VERY problematic! After helping a friend have to clean out her parent's 2 homes, that were occupied by renting hoarders - I really really have a problem with STUFF. But... the stuff is still there and I just glare at it wishing I knew what to do.

  4. Anonymous10:52 AM

    It was the start of our neighborhood’s garage sale weekend. Today/Friday and tomorrow/Saturday. I bought two sets of flannel sheets from a neighbor I know for one of my daughters. Other than it was socialization time for the dogs. They met lots of people. Really good practice for them.

  5. I'm not doing fun. We did play Pickleball today, but now I don't feel great and I am SOOOOO tired. We also realized we need to leave in the morning for an unplanned 5 hour journey.

    1. I hope the unplanned trip is for a nice reason.

  6. Anonymous11:56 AM

    My mother passed away ten years ago and left what I thought was one room upstairs containing what I called her hoard. It was filled with craft materials, magazines, yarns, clays…all kinds of things that she never got around to doing much with. Well, as it turned out, the whole house was filled with that in every possible nook and cranny. It was heartbreaking to clear it all out. I just wish she had either followed through with her ideas or cleared it out. Still traumatized from it all.
    Death cleaning is a great idea. 👍🏻

  7. Anonymous12:33 PM

    It is finally spring here in WA state for the next 4 days so I've been out working in the yard or garage most the day. Ky Girl

  8. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Perhaps everyone at patchwork is doing a Swedish death cleanse! Women in our retirement village are always talking about clearing out the things that their children have said they won't want. Audrey

  9. Rhonda3:02 PM

    I volunteer in an op shop and the amount of craft, scrape booking, cooking, garden and all sorts of magazines we get is a huge. Even marked at $1 or less couldn’t shift them. To get rid of them we marked them ‘Free’. We had a couple of school teachers come in , and they we so happy to take them all. Apparently they are very useful in craft lessons and for cutting and pasting, etc and for rainy day lunch time activities. They also said they would deliver half of them to a couple of aged care residential homes in the area as they use them for activities and also reading them. Any magazines that are donated now are kept for collection by a number of teachers who distribute them for us.

  10. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Craft books of any kind r hard to much on internet. The photo of your hair made my heart skip a beat for a second...thought U were at hospital till I realised the curtain was shower curtain not hospital curtain phew. Enjoy your Indian can't have with mum so much she allergic too, planned have it lady trip to Methven but darn shop was closed. Gggrrr.

  11. I wish I could death clean!! We have a house full of rubbish which my husband considers treasures. Kids want none of it. There will a huge truckload to dump!!
    I love old craft magazines. In fact Ive got a few from NZ op shops still . I love to browse. But I've death cleaned those 😂 only a few remain
    Enjoy your indian.
    Love that long hair!!

  12. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Annoying you had to sit through the whole meeting and then lug the magazines back again...I guess the ladies are like you and have brother has old and new motor bike magazines he had trouble getting rid of them as well...(his treasures) lol.....Peta

  13. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Interesting that no one took any of the magazines. Was it a large group?

    My local quilt guild averages 90-100 at the monthly meeting.

    They have a “free table” set up. People bring in things they do not want and put them there to share. The table is popular. People do take things. Fabric is very popular.

    I just volunteered to drop what is left (on the free table) at a resale shop near me on the way home. This shop is run by Mennonite’s and has a nice sewing section.

    I do not look at the free table. And I do not look through the bag of leftovers I donate after the meeting. I do not want to accumulate. I want to use up/get rid of.

    In fact when you walk in the meeting, you are supposed to take a ticket, and I never do. The tickets are for raffle items they give away each month. I absolutely do not want to bring anything home with me (ever).

    Our meetings include guild business (block of the month, updates on activities, etc), a speaker, show and tell. The last one started at 7pm and finished at 9:25pm. This a good social time for me. Show and tell is my favorite.


  14. It is a shame no one took some of those books. Good idea to donate. I am making it a goal to clear stuff out of here. Getting older just made me realize what I need & what I don't. Your hair is gorgeous! Oh I wish mine were like yours. Mine for the most part has fallen out & it barely grows. I am not bald but it ain't pretty.😉. I love Indian Food! Glad you found a new place right in your area.

  15. I did a big clean out awhile back it felt great! I need to work on my sewing room I have too much stuff in here now.


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