Saturday, May 18, 2024



It's too damn early to be getting up!

AND it's freezing.  I'm gunna have so many layers on ... in an attempt to keep warm today.

And for the first time I'll be wearing me thermal socks and gumboots.  At least this time I won't have wet feet all day long.

The weather is looking really good, so at least we won't have to contend with rain this time.

So... bring it on.  Time to get ourselves dressed and out of here.

Catch ya once we are all set up, and I have time to update again.  I might even do a little video walk around later on.


ABOVE: It was foggy first thing... but the sun is burning it off. Very nippy right now. Gumboots are NOT warm. 

Its a pretty full market today,  which is neat. 

ABOVE: All ready.... fingers 'n' toes crossed for a good day.

ABOVE: I was talking to Bex this morning about how cold my feet were... next thing I know... they turn up at the market with some pure merino and possum socks for me!  How awesome.  And they are lovely and warm.

ABOVE: They also brought the dogs out to visit us at market! They loved it here. So much to see. Lots of other dogs to sniff.

2.22 pm: And we are home again.  It was a very good market today, the sun came out, and so did the people.
I finally have some 'gaps' to fill ... which means I will be sewing next week. 😊😌 That makes me so happy.

ABOVE: Stew saw Tamarillos (Tree Tomatoes) on sale and bought us some.  They will go very nicely with my stewed apple and yoghurt for dinners.

Stew has now gone off to do his weekend shopping, and I am waiting for people to arrive.  They bought a china cabinet off me and are picking it up today.

After they have been and gone, Stew and Steve are going to Heathcote's to pick up the Oven and Cooktop.

That way Steve can suss out what needs doing to install them in our kitchen.

So quite a busy day!

Well.... the new kitchen appliances are in our garage, ready for installation in the next couple of weeks all going well.
I stayed with Bex while the guys got them.  
She was drinking TEA.
But not tea as I know it.   I'll yabber on about that... tomorrow.

For now, I'm warming up at home in me heated throw, waiting till dinnertime.
Stew and I are going to 'do' Indian again this evening.  We are too tired to cook.


  1. Good luck today! It looks like a September day in Minnesota! Leaves changing and falling. Cute boots! Add thick wool socks.
    I have stumbled into a unique situation for the next 6 weeks. I have accepted a position as "Assistant Stage Manager" for a theatrical production. I have never done anything like this (and I DID tell them that) but here we are. It should be a fun adventure!

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Good luck with being "Assistant Stage Manager" - always good to try something new and I am sure you will really enjoy it. Also I presume, watching theatre production for free. Audrey

    2. Thank you! I will see the production 10 times! I'm kind of excited. I have been self-employed for thirty years! So, this is a new adventure for me. Also... a REAL schedule. My home business allows me to work whenever I want. This gig has quite the schedule. Six days a week for 6 weeks!

    3. What show Dogstars? I spent many years backstage when the kids did musical theatre mostly props & set.

  2. Hopefully it's starting to warm up now! I must admit I have never found gumboots warm. Maybe ugg-boots with thermal socks is the answer. I hope that you have a profitable and fun day!

  3. Anonymous11:55 AM

    How lovely of the family to come and with warm socks too....lovely pictures...Peta

  4. Steve & Bex are so sweet! I always love when people come to visit me at markets.

  5. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Aww Steve and Bex are so kind. Those socks will keep you warm. Great to see the kids and the dogs. S & B have same body language lol. Arms crossed.

  6. Kiwionholidays2:15 PM

    Fabulous pics and day out thanks for sharing them with us all
    Bex Gift of the socks they’ll be an absolute feetwarmers made of the best natural stuff
    The leaves look so beautiful,
    Hope you sell heaps
    Take care
    Cheers 🥂

  7. Merino wool is great! Stretchy, doesn't shrink, fits well, warm when wet or dry, machine washable, and not itchy. Now... tell me about "possum". There aren't any POSSUM socks in my world.

    Here's another story for the day. It's about WOOL SOCKS.

    When my son was 8 - we had a season pass for the local downhill ski place. It was a nice day. Warm (as in right around the freezing temp.... 32 degrees). My son loved skiing on the little trails alongside the actual ski run. These trails are wide enough get through (3-4 feet) and that's all. They usually start on the main run, then loop around and end up back on the main hill a short distance downhill.
    On the day in question, we arrived at the ski place and my son was wearing wet, crumpled, cotton socks. COTTON is the worst if it gets wet. It's worse than bare skin. I told him I was not going to let him ski in those socks. He kept saying "It's okay, Mom" But NO! So we went to the ski shop on premises and bought the world's most expensive WOOL socks.
    We hit the slopes. Sure enough he takes one of these trails, I am waiting downhill for him to come out. He doesn't come out. So I wait. Then I side step UP the hill to the tail he used. I go on the trail, it brings me back to the main hill. Nothing. So, I thought maybe he went down to the chairlift. So - I go to the chairlift. No one has seen him. He has NEVER taken the chairlift by himself.... So -if I go UP he will have to go up alone. So, I wait. I tell the chairlift operator my son is missing. They send out the Ski Patrol. Now - I am freaking out. They told me to go back to the Chalet in case he went there. I am doing no good standing on the bottom of a hill. So I reluctantly take the chair UP so I can ski my way back to the chalet. For the first time in my life - my son's safety is in someone else's hands. This predates widespread cell phone use. So we had 1 cell phone and I had it. I called Hubby at home and told him I had lost our son in the woods. He decided to drive to the ski place (40 minutes). The entire drive he assumed kid would be found by the time he arrived. When Hubby arrived, I was in the Ski Patrol office and the kid was still missing! OMG. That's when HE started to worry. Fortunately, just a few minutes later - a "ski patrol" snow mobile showed up with our little boy on the back. His skis in a holder on the back. They brought him and gave him Hot Cocoa. He had seen another trail that he wanted to explore so he went some other direction instead of following the proper loop. He got lost. The ski patrol "tracked" his trail. He was walking in snow up to his waist with one ski on and carrying the other. He told the ski patrol "I'm not hurt, but I am a little bit cold and a little bit scared".
    I have NEVER been so happy to spend $18 on a pair of kids socks in my life! (this was about 2006) so those were dang expensive socks!

    1. What a cute story. Glad he has warm socks on 🤣😅🤣. Possums are a small marsupial, very fluffy. Nocturnal. Eat our native trees, pine trees, just about any plant really. A HUGE PEST in our country. We have a saying "The best possum is a dead one". We love seeing a dead possum on the road... lol. They are protected in Australia, its beyond belief to us Kiwis!

    2. Anonymous3:27 PM

      We don’t have many possums in Australia, certainly not in my area

  8. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Australia has millions of possums....Lol...Peta

    1. Anonymous9:10 PM

      Obviously not in my area, kangaroos now that’s different 😂

  9. Glad to hear the market went so well. I love your boots. It was very kind for Bex to bring you some nice warm toasty socks. I hate when my feet are cold. So glad that the appliances finally arrived. Can't wait to see how Steve gets them to fit in your kitchen.


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