Saturday, April 13, 2024



Last night we went over to Lacy's to see Keera.

Keera had an accident at school a couple of days ago.  She fell onto a stake (?) and it went into her leg, behind her knee.

It required some minor surgery to remove the stick and repair the damage.

ABOVE: Poor kid, what a way to start the school holidays.  No running around, biking and so on.

Hopefully the games I took over last night help to amuse her.  That, and all the food and lollies should help!

Today I am giving the van a run, check it's petrol level etc, in readiness for tomorrow's market.

Oh and I must put my lovely new winter jacket in the van as well... can't forget that!

If Stew feels up to it, we will go out for brunch ... stretch his legs and all that.  He's recovering like a champ I must say.  No moaning at all.  VERY WISE MAN. 😂😅😇

And that is all I have for now...


9.30 am:  And we have a plan.  We are going down to Tokoroa to put new 'stuff' on my families graves.  Last time we stopped in there they were looking ikk, but we didn't replace the existing flowers as I knew I wanted to do something else.

So today, we are doing the 'something else'.

Off we go.

10.51 am, at Tokoroa and its cold, windy and raining. So we are just sitting in the car waiting for the rain to stop.

On our way here we were discussing how stressed out I have been over doing the markets without Stew helping me. Yes  Steve was going to help me with setting up etc, but I was still stressed out over it.

So Stew suggested I don't do the Cambridge market ... and I agreed. Excellent idea Darling.

We are going to drop the Cambridge market altogether in fact. Its not really a 'craft' market, its more for second hand stuff.  I'm relieved,  as it means over the winter months we are only doing the Tamahere Market. 

The weather cleared just long enough for us to do what we wanted at the cemetery.  We are now headed back. Lunch will be in Tirau. We will also stop in at the clock shop to see if our clock is fixed yet. 

1 pm. Stopping in Tirau was shelved. Mainly because our usual eatery there is always cold inside, and I'm already cold! So we have ended up here:

ABOVE: Foundation in Hamilton. Much warmer. And The Base is PACKED today. Every man and his dog is here. Even Foundation is buzzing today. 

For the past week I have been wracking my brains on how to decorate my family graves, without using artificial flowers.
Artificial flowers don't age well, and look really horrible fairly quickly.
I thought about ceramic flowers, but couldn't find any at a semi-decent price.
Then I had a brain wave:

ABOVE:  What about succulents in pots?  And 'Happy Rocks'?
PERFECT.  I'm so happy with how they look.
Now I can relax, knowing the graves don't look sad and neglected.

The next thing I am going to work on is finding out if it's possible to repaint the lettering myself.
I'm sure it's something I can do.   And getting a plaque made to remember my Mum by, and hopefully have it attached to my Dad's headstone.

I think the next day trip away will to to Thames, to visit my paternal grandparent's graves.  It's many years since I have been there.  I doubt anyone else in the family has been there in many, many years.

Now that we are home, I'm snuggled up in me blankie, just relaxing.  Stew is sitting to me left, feet up watching.... RUGBY.  Oh what a surprise.  *snort*

Our lunch was lovely, but I ordered FAR too much.  So we have brought home a bag full of food to have for dinner.

Appetite.  It's taken me a while to realise this :  my appetite is greatly diminished since starting Trulicity.  Today certainly showed that.  I could only eat about 1/3rd of what I'd normally eat.
So, maybe Trulicity will work? 
Giving it time.... and being patient.

Good things take time.  And I'm a GOOD THING!  lol

I'm freakin cold!  This afternoon I had a nana nap, it was wonderful.  Now... it's gunna be a quiet evening as well.  Nothing wrong with that.
So relieved I've decided not to do tomorrow's market, the weather is abysmal.  

8.50 pm:  And.... ain't done a bloody thing this evening except scroll through Facebook Reels!
Stew is watching rugby, and scrolling through his phone as well.  
Time to sign off for the day.
I'm happy, it's been a good day.


  1. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Goodness! So sorry to see Keera has hurt herself. I hope she heals quickly and with no issues. Glad to read Stew is getting along well enough after his surgery. Ky Girl

  2. OUCHIE! Hope Keera isn't in much pain. What a bummer.

  3. Aww poor sausage. Sucks having to sit around in the holidays. I remember Paige broke her arm one November and she missed the summer holidays with swimming etc ... sux

  4. Poor kid. At least she will get lots of Grandma and Mummy cuddles.

  5. Your revamp of grave stones etc looks very bright and cheery love the idea.

  6. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Oh drat sorry Chris didn't change to anonymous Felicity

  7. Laura M.5:04 PM

    Poor little doll. What a shitty thing to happen.
    You are so lucky that you can leave anything at the gravesites of your loved ones. Whenever I leave anything at my mother, father and sisters grave, it gets stolen pretty quickly. Last weekend when I was there, there was a family basically having a picnic at a gravesite, drinking booze, playing loud music, and letting about 10 of the young children run all through the cemetery stealing as many flowers as they wanted from others gravesites. It was appalling. I couldn't even cry which is what I went there to do, they were so disruptive and uncaring.

    1. That is just the most disgusting behavior! How sad you can't go there and grieve.

  8. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Hope your succulents are still there next time you visit Chris. In Melbourne they wouldn’t be. Last week in fact brass and copper plaques were stolen off many graves for the metal content. Total scum. Marie, Melbourne (currently Switzerland)

    1. I have never seen or heard of anything being stolen from this cemetery.

  9. Anonymous11:18 PM

    I said before, I think you are brilliant to do farther away markets once in a while. Totally changes your customer base. Allows you to have fun weekends away. When you can tie them in to family/friends visits, perfect.

    So sorry to hear about Keera’s accident. What a painful thing that must be.

    It will be interesting to see what happens at the cemetery. Is it close enough to check once a week for a while?



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