Sunday, January 14, 2024



Well no one gets a prize for guessing what we will be doing today.

Clearly, we will be taking the boys up to the hospital to visit their Mum, Dad and new sibling.

Sorry I can't share details yet, but it WILL happen soon.

When it comes to guessing baby's weight, I won.  

After we have visited the kids/baby, we will come home and get on with our normal day.

Which for me means sewing.  I'm thrilled to bits with how the Blue Kiwiana Braid Runner is coming along.

For Stew right now, it means watching Dante and Archer, and the telly.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Š


9.30 am:  We are off to visit the family at the hospital at 11 am.  I'm so excited.  Maybe after that I will have some photos and details to share.
This little baby is JUST GORGEOUS.  
The boys are in awe I think.
Dante was perfectly fine with it, but Archer was overwhelmed.

I'm sure he will get over that once they are all home as a family of 5.

The moment so many have been waiting for...

We are all proud and happy to introduce ...


Born at 4.29 pm on the 13th of January 2024.
Birth weight 6 pound 12 ounces.
Her hair is RED.  It runs in both families, so we are not surprised in the least.

A precious baby girl to round off Steve and Bex's little family.

ABOVE:  It does not need saying... she is going to be spoilt rotten.  😊

ABOVE:  I do believe THIS man will be wrapped around her tiny fingers like... now!

All going well... Bex and Lily will be able to go home tomorrow.  

Steve is picking the boys up this afternoon and spending the night at home.  The boys will enjoy being home again.

ABOVE: Sorry S & B, I just had to add one more photo to this post. 

4.43 pm:  OMG it's been another hot, sticky day.
I did some sewing this afternoon, and then I ironed a few shirts for Stew.  He's back at work tomorrow, poor bugger.

The boys have finally gone home with Steve, so it's back to just the two of us.

ABOVE: When Steve arrives at our home, he always gets down on the floor to pet Coco and Marley.  
Today was no exception.
Except... Coco was immediately all over him.  SNIFF SNIFF SNIFF... what is that smell?
She could smell Lily.  She is going to LOVE Lily!

Marley on the other hand?  Nah.  She just wanted Steve to throw her toy.
She's never been around a new baby before, so it is going to be so interesting to see her reaction to Lily in a few days.


  1. Have a lovely visit! Those look like some happy and healthy little feet!

  2. Anonymous7:14 AM

    They look like boy feet, big!

  3. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Congratulations Team Harvey πŸ‘ πŸ™Œ I really hope its a girl πŸ€žπŸ–• GM πŸ’™πŸ’™

  4. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Girl I think πŸ₯°

  5. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I am going with a girl......cute little toes. Paula

  6. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Awesome. Congratulation to you all. The feet are so cute and chubby and typical of a female foot. But as long as it's healthy who cares ah. Kj

  7. Gorgeous 🩷🩷🩷🩷

  8. So cute! Congratulations to all.

  9. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Congratulations!!! Gorgeous baby girl!!!
    Sue aka Coffee Slut

  10. Rhonda1:35 PM

    Oh I’m crying tears of absolute happiness for you all. Lily is perfect

  11. So precious and I love the name they chose!

  12. What a precious bundle of joyπŸ’–
    Love her name x

  13. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Joy and happiness!!

  14. Rhonda1:59 PM

    Oh I should have mentioned in my earlier comment, thank you so much Bex, Steve and boys for sharing the news and photos of your special baby girl

  15. Welcome to this world miss Lily Christina May Harvey you have chosen a lovely family to join.

  16. If you inadvertently leave a comment that contains information that is not on Diet Coke Rocks, it will have to be deleted. Some information is to remain private.

  17. Aww amazing - welcome Lily!

  18. Awwww baby cuddles spoilt all round congratulations again Steve Bex
    Dante and Archer you are going to be awesome big brothers.thanks for sharing the lovely pictures.

  19. Lily is beautiful! Congratulations Harvey family!

  20. She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Perfect clear complexion. Little head of hair. Lots of loves and kisses coming her way!

  21. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Congratulations to Bex, Steve and the whole family !!! beautiful cute....Peta

  22. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Gorgeous baby girl and gorgeous name. Congrats. KarenAK

  23. Congratulations Harvey family! I love Lily's name, she will be a very loved addition to the family πŸ’•

  24. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Congratulations!! She's a doll and her brothers are adorable holding her. Ky Girl

  25. Anonymous3:35 PM

    p.s. I love her sweet name. And Bex is looking great. I wish her and Lily a good night in the hospital and a safe trip home. Ky Girl

  26. Anonymous3:59 PM

    It’s a girl!!!!
    Beautiful baby, beautiful name.
    Congrats all around!
    Christine in Kansas

  27. Kiwionholidays4:55 PM

    Fabulous pics of Wee Lily and all the family as well,
    Bex looks so well and happy in the last pic

    Fantastic times ahead for you all πŸ’πŸ’―πŸ₯❤️πŸ•ΊπŸΏ

  28. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Many congratulations and best wishes - especially to Becs - on a beautiful addition to the family.

  29. Beautiful photos and lovely name. Congratulations Harvey family on the gorgeous new addition to your family πŸ™‚

  30. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Congratulations to the safe arrival of the newest member beautiful Lily. Well done Bex and such a great start to the new year. Such a gorgeous family. Maria (Australia)

  31. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Congratulations to Steve and Bex, what a beautiful baby. She will be so loved by your whole family. Thanks for sharing your precious photos with us all. Love the name, my daughters middle name is Lily xx From Lucy in the UK

  32. Lily is just gorgeous. She will be spoiled for sure!

  33. Adorable! Love the name Lily, and Christina’s not bad either! Congratulations all round x

  34. Awww she's so beautiful! We have a Lilly but now we call her Rosie lol (her middle name)

  35. Congratulations to all! She is beautiful.


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