Sunday, December 10, 2023


Today is the Woodlands market.  It's probably our last time doing this market, as it's usually DEAD.
As a fucking duck.

Such a shame, as it's a really lovely venue, and so easy to set up at.

But there is just NO POINT doing a market that is not attended well.

We feel like there's just too many markets out there now, people have such a huge choice of markets to go to, literally every weekend.

We are always going to 'do' the Tamahere Market, as we are getting a loyal 'following' there, with people coming back for more over the months.
Same with the two Cambridge Markets in October and January.   We really enjoy those markets.

So, it will probably be a long, boring, quiet day at Woodlands today.  We really don't expect much at all.

This is also our 2nd to last market for this year.  I'll be so happy to take a break over the Christmas holidays.

Right, I suppose we better get a move on... and drag ourselves off to Woodlands.  *sigh*
I'll pop back in and let ya know how it's going, a bit later on this morning.

* Photos taken yesterday*

ABOVE:  Lacy has an umbilical hernia.  She didn't even realise what it was till I told her yesterday.
Now she needs to get it looked at by her doctor.
Stew had one.
My Dad had one.
So I'm 100% certain that's what it is.

ABOVE: The girls comparing tummies.  Bex has a damn good excuse.
Lacy?  TOO.  MANY.  PIES.

ABOVE: All set up... and just made our first sale. Bring it on...

THREE....  HOURS.... LATER....

ABOVE.... do ya see anyone?
Nor do we.
I'm glad we had no expectations... otherwise we would have been very disappointed. 
SO HAPPY we've made the decision to make this our last time here. 

We've made three sales in 3 hours. And I can't see us making any more.

Bring on home time in an hour.

HOME.  Thank God that's over.
Never going back there.

We just did a small grocery shop.
Then picked up the girls from Steve 'n' Bexs, where they were having a little play date.

I'm now going to keep me feet up for a couple of hours, before we head out to Taco Bell for dinner.

My new Challenge starts tomorrow.  So getting a Taco Bell dinner in before then.  πŸ˜‚

Dinner was just lovely.  I enjoyed it so much.
Now... time to behave.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Did the others get it fixed surgically?

    1. Yes my Dad and Stew had surgical repairs.

  2. Forgot to say "Good Luck at the market today". Put that new red one someplace prominent. It is new and different (and , of course...darling!)

  3. Anonymous8:14 AM

    My husband had one. He did not know until I told him. Then he argued that it had always been that way. Nope.

    Yes, it was fixed surgically. Easy surgery no drama.

    His biggest issue, he could not laugh after surgery for a few weeks without pain and we are a funny family. He had to hide in the bathroom because the kids would crack him up.


    1. Yip I'll be getting booked in for a wee chop some time in the new year πŸ™‚

  4. Barbara12:59 PM

    Yes. Too many markets. Same has happened here.

  5. Kiwionholidays1:13 PM

    Nice to catchup with you all today.
    Not long till the surgery Lacey , before we know it will be 2024 ,
    Taking a break now so catch up next year 🎸☕️

    stay safe and have fun over the holidays

    Cheers πŸ₯‚

    1. Yes so I'll be getting my back side to the Doctors again this week πŸ™‚
      Hope you are doing well #Kiwionholidays xx

    2. Anonymous5:23 PM


  6. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Hope your shoulder has recovered Lacey.
    Sorry the markets a flop Chris. Hope the next one is better. Kj

    1. Yes thank you #Kj it has almost come right 😁 hope you are well xx

  7. Damn shame you didn't sell more. Your display is brilliant. Should have drawn in crowds.
    Get ye to a doctor Lacy. Says me who has to be pushed in that direction!!


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