Friday, December 29, 2023



ABOVE:  Well, I reckon it might just rain today.

And if it does, Stew and I are going for a walk this morning.  The rain might just make it bearable.  I really want to do my lake walk.  I've not been around the lake in a couple of weeks at least.  I miss it.

Because Stew is on call ... we can't go far afield till tomorrow. (all going well)

Last night I started my Christmas jigsaw:

ABOVE:  I really like these Wasgijs.  Mainly because you don't actually have a picture to just copy... which makes it harder.

And a 1,000 piece puzzle is not too daunting to do either.

The last jigsaw I started was too big, and I never finished it. 

ABOVE:  I made some good progress on it last night, and am looking forward to working on it again at some point today.

It makes a welcome change from sewing, or housework bla bla bla.

11.27 am:  Finally sat still long enough to do a blog update.
We left for our lake walk fairly late today, cos I slept in.
It was overcast, but not raining.

ABOVE:  Look Lacy, that new intersection is finished, and it looks really good.

ABOVE:  I was surprised to see baby birds around still.  Ducklings here, and a baby Pukeko in another area.

ABOVE:  So many lily's ... white, yellow, pink and cerise.  They were gorgeous.

Today I did something I've not done before...

ABOVE:  I let Marley jump in the lake after ducks.
She didn't even hesitate.

ABOVE:  Does that face say 'fuck that, not doing that again" ?  

ABOVE: Relegated to the very back of the car!  She wasn't impressed.
Even worse, when we got home I had to hose her down as that lake water is rank.

Both dogs are now sleeping off their walk.

And we are relaxing before thinking about lunch.
Which will be a chicken salad.

9.13 pm:  It's been a lovely, lazy day.  The kids called over the course of the day.  Lacy and Keera first.  Then Steve, Bex and the boys.
The boys all had a swim in our gorgeously clear pool.
I'm still so damn happy how it's come clear so 'easily'. lol

I've worked on my jigsaw on and off all day, made some progress.

And now... I'm going to bed soon as I'm tired.
Got a little day trip planned for tomorrow.


  1. I haven't done a puzzle in ages. I should start one too!

  2. Anonymous9:00 AM

    I like that brand of puzzle too, the pictures are always clever.

    I walked in the rain too, but bundled up, it is cold here.


  3. Love that puzzle! Marley did not look happy,LOL! Enjoy your day with hubby.

  4. Love Marley's little adventure. The pic with the towel is just fantastic!

  5. Marley not impressed at all. Not a jigsaw fan, dad use to enjoy them spent hours in the winter when they were in twizel. Mum not sure what to do with them now. I suggest Sally army time will tell

  6. I love puzzles but I can't stop until they are done lol


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