Monday, November 06, 2023


 What's up for today?

Well... a very early walk with Amanda first and foremost.

Then home to do all my usual Monday jobs.

You know, all the boring shit us stay at home women do.  Washing.  Dusting. Vacuuming.  bla bla bla.

Once all that is done I am getting into the sewing room to work on the wall hanging for our new grandbaby, who is due in 12-13 weeks.

I mentioned an area down on the waterfront in Tauranga that I thought was really neat.

I got a screenshot of it:

ABOVE:  It's called the 'Tidal Steps'.  A really big area with concrete steps that lead down into the water.  You can sit and just have your feet in the water, or you can swim and use the steps to enter and leave the water.

I thought they were a brilliant idea, and I plan to use them at some point over summer.

They are right at the bottom of the main shopping street in Tauranga.  There's heaps of cafe's, bars, playground and so on down there, well worth a visit.

Right, time to start my day.

Catch ya later.

10.43 am:  And I've finally found time to sit down for a little while.

I've done HEAPS this morning.

Walk: Just Amanda and I this morning as Lacy's shoulder is still killing her.  I think she's off to the Doctor today.  Well, I hope she is.

ABOVE:  While it was not too hot, I still took a bottle of ice and water today.
And I figured this out.

Tipping it down ya front is brutal.
Tipping it down ya back is brutal.
Tipping it on ya head is JUST RIGHT!

And I also found out I need new cycle shorts, that I always wear over summer.


I did a little jog, and the bloody things almost fell off!  I had to stop and hawk them back up from me nether regions!!!  If I hadn't stopped they would have ended up at me ankles.

NOT a good look.

Once back home, I got the washing out, made the bed, did the dishes, flung open the windows, tended to the pool and checked out the gardens.

ABOVE: Stew has put straw under our cucumber plants.  They are doing well.
I can't wait for them to grow cucumbers!  I can't remember the last time we had home grown cucumbers.

ABOVE:  Our tomato and lettuce plants are doing well too.

So, now that all the mundane shit is done, it's time to get into the sewing room and work on the wall hanging for grandbaby #14.

There has been a good deal of progress made on the baby's wall hanging this afternoon.

And as it's SO DAMN QUIET on here... I'm singing off for the day.

Mon 6/11/2023 6:41 PM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "BABY'S WALL HANGING":FFS a lot of people have “work” during the day you sound like a toddler having a tantrum.

edit: So I  had a little moan about lack of interaction on here today.
And some ANONYMOUS person said I sounded like a toddler having a tantrum.  Yep, maybe I did, so I took it off.

Note to self, must not sound like a toddler having a tantrum again.  


  1. That’s area of Tauranga waterfront is lovely. My wee kiddo loved the Hairy Mclary sculpture too!!

  2. The Steps are a very cool idea! I love all the happy little plants. Ours have died and gone and now we have a bit of snow and ice. And so it begins. Winter. Tonight is the first night since we changed the clocks. So now it's dark and freezing at 5 pm. UGHHHH. I am going to make GIANT Chocolate Chip Cookies tonight and eat one while it's warm.... That shall be my treat.

  3. My broad beans are doing great might get a feed next week, scarlet runner through the ground, potatoes mounded. Can't eat lettuce so no point plant it and mum has tomatos in.

  4. Wow Anonymous needs to take a chill pill !!! Fair comment stating it was 'damn quiet ' on here and you were signing off. Looking forward to seeing progress on the baby's wall hanging. I shave spent the afternoon on the golf course in glorious sunshine

    1. Sorry but I can't show anything to do with the Baby's Wall Hanging until after baby is born in January. Baby's gender and name are not being revealed until it's birth.

  5. Geee anonymous how rude....why don't you go bugger off to "work"
    Can imagine the love thats been sown into the Baby's wall hanging...a labour of love Chris 😍

  6. Anonymous needs to pull their head in ... you blog whatever you want - it is your blog, and if they can't be nice they need to bugger off as they obviously aren't enjoying reading. Your wall hanging sounds exciting ...looking forward to the big reveal next year. Well done on your ongoing commitment to your walks πŸ™‚. Definitely sounds like time to buy some new walking shorts πŸ™‚.

  7. I was out all day enjoying the sunshine and public holiday vibe.

  8. I always read but sometimes don't get a chance to write until i get home but im here!! Haha... ugh you get some humdingers with your comments. Can you still tell where they're coming from? Just wondering if it was the same person...

    1. Sometimes I can tell where they are coming from, but not always. And usually I don't even bother checking.

  9. Oh bless, anonymous clearly is not one of those that have “work” since they have the time to not only read your blog but to take their time to comment - maybe they should get a fucking life.

  10. Anonymous12:21 AM

    I chuckle every time I hear someone decorating a baby room before the birth. I know it rarely happens, but a neighbor had her ultrasound, named a baby boy and bought for a baby boy, referred to the baby by name for months, and was much surprised when a baby girl arrived.

  11. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Sounds like anonymous has a touch of mondayitis cos they gotta workπŸ˜‚

  12. Yesterday was my errand day so I was gone but I still read of course! Just ignore that ignorant person.

  13. WTH? You can have a tantrum if you want too! Who cares? And... I suspect you didn't really sound like that anyhow. Perhaps "anonymous" sounds like a toddler having a tantrum. Ollie the Collie is going to the groomer today. So, off I go!

  14. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Love the tidal steps. I'd use them a lot too. Great Idea for your tomatoes. Ive got 2 of those containers. Kj

  15. You have as many tantrums as you like. This is your space, and anonymous is the guest. Some days turn us all into two year olds. You are always real, and I love that about your blog. Keep ya chin up chick!


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