Sunday, October 08, 2023


Is it raining? 
I dunno yet.
Just out of bed.
Getting me face on, clothes and all that jazz.

Either way, we are going to do the market.
If it's not raining, excellent.
If it is raining, we will only put out the bare minimum, to keep things from getting wet.

I am counting this market as the first of the 'Summer Season' of markets.
We have 4 markets this month.
Gordonton's Woodland market today.
Tamahere on the 21st.
Cambridge Church on the 23rd.
Rototuna High School on the 28th.

It's going to be fun!  Each market draws a different crowd, so we get to meet heaps of lovely people.  

Alright, enough waffling, I really need to get a move on.  I'll update once we are all set up and ready to start selling.  

...WELL!  That was unexpected...

ABOVE:  We have FOG!   
So all the thermals have gone on, cos fog is COLD.
But, no wind... excellent!
No rain... excellent!
And what looks like a blue sky behind all that fog.
Maybe it won't rain till much later on today?

Right, better gooooooooo.............
We might be lucky peeps!!!

ABOVE: 9 am and we are all set up. Now we wait for the crowds! Virtually no one here yet. 
Cooling down now that we've finished setting up. 

Above: Well the sun is out... but not the crowds. It is 9.45 and its still deserted here.

I was just chatting with a lady who lives and works in Matangi.  Matangi is east of Hamilton, but really only 15 minutes away. Anyway... theres a really neat fabric shop in Whitianga that is moving to Matangi next month. HOW AWESOME.  I visited their shop a few years ago and loved it. I will certainly be going there as soon as they are set up.

Its now 11.22 and this market is dead. Like DEAD as a dodo. 

ABOVE: Woodlands... such a beautiful setting/venue.
See the throngs of people?  Yeah, nor do I.
Such a shame.
There was a Home Show on in town, so maybe that didn't help?
Either way, it was a bust.
We covered the stall fee plus some, but not much.

At least it didn't rain.

ABOVE:  I managed to keep me eyes open, but only just!  Seriously, I could have taken a nap, it really was that quiet.
Here's hoping the next few are not the same!

It's now 2 pm and we are home, unpacked and feet up, relaxing till dinner time.

I totally snoozed this afternoon.  Can't say I slept much, but certainly relaxed.
The rain has finally arrived, a few hours later than forecast.
Might even get a thunderstorm as well.
And it's become much colder, so the hot pod and blanket are on.
Not much else to yabber on about for the day, so ... catch ya tomorrow.

SIXTY days!!!  Gosh that's a long time choosing to cook every single meal we have. I'm looking forward to having the odd meal off in two weeks time.


  1. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Is this market normally this quiet?

    1. This is the first one after a winter break at this venue. It is abnormally quiet though.

  2. Bugger.,wonder what is on in town that the peoples are at

  3. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Bummer on the market 😕 been raining all night and all day so far bloody freezing 🥶 I've got a snotty nose starting so couch and TV for me today GM 💙💙

  4. Disappointing that the market is so quiet. Hopefully the next one will be a lot busier.

  5. Such a pity as it all looked amazing

  6. Ugh... I know how disappointing, boring, and tiresome a dead show is. I'm so sorry!
    I canned tomatoes today. New to canning - so for me that was a huge ordeal.

    1. I have no idea how you 'can' tomatoes! But well done. *smiles*

  7. Ugh that's the worst! I hate when markets are dead like that.


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