Saturday, October 14, 2023


TODAY is my Blog Anniversary.

I have blogged every day for 17 years.

Through sickness and health.

Through several home moves.

Through the additions of new family members.

Through the loss of family members.

Through the dramas, trials and tribulations of a large family.

Not much has been spared from this blog.

It is a permanent reminder of my life, like a diary in 'online' form.

I have been contemplating moving to doing a once a week blog, instead of daily.

My days are very similar, and I'm starting to wonder if that would be better?

Please tell me what you think?

Just to clarify:  I don't mind doing a daily blog at all, because it is a record of what went on in my life, day by day.

But who needs to read it?  Perhaps me doing it daily, but only hitting publish once a week is an option as well?

Again, give me your opinion.

A. Daily... and publish daily.

B.  Daily, but only publish it weekly.

C.  Only blog once a week, with a short run down of what went on in the week. 

Now... back to today.

I am hoping Stew can vacuum the pool and then I will bomb it with chlorine again.

If the weather holds, he can also get the lawns mown and some weeding done. 

OH almost forgot.  It's voting day.  I suppose we should go out and do that at least.   

But apart from that, we really have bugger all plans for the day.

8.52 am:  I had a TERRIBLE night.  Virtually no sleep thanks to a couple of very late night texts.
Details not going to be shared, just know it was enough to keep me awake and crying half the night.
Nothing can be done to change 'it', and nothing will ever make me believe 'it's' TRUE.

ABOVE:  If it looks like bullshit and smells like bullshit, then it's most likely fucking BULLSHIT.

ABOVE: Now, back to my poll.  Vote peeps!  If you are on the fence, you will be a horizontal line between A and B!  lol

11.35 am:  And we have been out, done our Government Election voting, which only took us like 5 minutes which was excellent.

ABOVE:  Then we bought some vege plants, which will be in the planters later on today.  We have several varieties of Tomatoes, Lettuces and Cucumber.
The cucumber plants are going up where the Kayaks are right now.  
We will be moving them to another place, so we can actually use that garden space.

Gosh I hope we actually get to use them this year!  I can see us kayaking on the lake, here in Hamilton and Lake D too. 

Stew is out getting the weekend shopping.  Then we will have a wrap for our lunch before getting out into the garden.

It wasn't hard finding something to do after all!

1.05 pm: And lunch is done.  Gosh we both love the wraps so much!
And my new Tamarind Chutney.... YUMMMMMMM.

Off into the garden now.

Stew and I have worked hard in the garden this afternoon.  Pulling weeds and a rampant few ferns that had no business growing where they were!  Then Stew moved the kayaks, and got that area ready for planting.

ABOVE: Then we got to plant out the new veges.

ABOVE: It is all looking wonderful.
Here's hoping for a good crop over summer.

Now... I've come inside and Stew is doing a back wash on the pool.
It is coming along nicely and should be ready once the weather warms up a bit more.

ABOVE:  Hmmmm.... something tells me I will still be blogging DAILY.

What an awesome result for my little 'poll'!  Thank You.
I will stay blogging daily.

It's time to sign off for the day.  Catch ya tomorrow.

One week to go !!!  OMG I am so looking forward to my birthday night dinner.  It's going to be an awesome birthday with family here.  And Pizza.


  1. 17 years and daily!! That's a lifetime achievement ... almost lol. Go for C!! We will all miss your daily blogs for sure. Maybe you'll miss the daily updates too ☺️ Give B or C a trial and see how you go!

  2. Anonymous7:14 AM

    My days are similar to yours. Just a few of the words are different. Probably that is true for most of us.

    I go to yoga. I walk the dogs. I garden. I run errands. I listen to an audio book. I listen to a podcast. I sew something. I clean out some part of the house and donate the things we no longer need. I cook dinner. I watch TV in the evenings.

    So your days are not boring to me. They are similar. They are full. And you keep me company.

    I appreciate the record aspect of it for your own use too. Days run together, years run together. It is a good way for you to keep track.

    I try to leave a note for you, most days.

    A - Daily/daily


    PS - starting my 4th quilt since July! Also working on Xmas present projects!

  3. Anonymous7:31 AM

    You do what you want to do don't worry about everyone else. I won't or can't comment everyday but know that I do read it at some point. I start my new job Monday so the next few weeks will be a blur πŸ˜‚ I think it's a great record of your weight loss journey for you to reference back to if you think you need to GM πŸ’™πŸ’™ PS don't forget to vote!!

  4. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Happy Blogaversary!
    17 years is amazing. I enjoy reading your daily updates
    Christine in Kansas

  5. Anonymous8:29 AM

    “A” daily please!

  6. What is this nonsense you speak of, there should be no other option that a daily blog, it's the first thing I do in the morning, wake up and ready DCR.
    Ok but seriously do what you feel happy with Ma xx
    #Lacy πŸ’™πŸ’œ

  7. A, please! I so look forward to checking in every evening here in the UK.

  8. Anonymous9:08 AM

    A, please - it is the small details in life that build a picture of the person. AND you know you would miss writing it and what would you do with your photos - the blog is worth reading just for those photos to realise what a beautiful and relatively peaceful country we live in. Audrey

  9. Anonymous9:26 AM

    A for me because I check many times a day
    But do what you are happy with
    I enjoy your walk photos, your sewing photos and your rand daily events. Even your weird food combos πŸ˜‚

    1. Elaborate! WHAT weird food combos????

    2. Sorry I have just seen this
      Spaghetti and some of the things that you have with it πŸ˜‚. Mind you you probably think my baked beans and soft poached eggs with bacon are weird too πŸ˜‰

    3. Oh no, baked beans, eggs and bacon are something perfectly YUMMMMM here! I do that meal often.

  10. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I definitely am for the daily post. I would be lost if I had to wait any longer to see what you have been up too. Hope you have a good day. Paula

  11. I will continue to look forward to reading however you choose to continue.

  12. Happy blogversary! I've been reading around 12-15 of those years πŸ™‚ Definitely A for me - you're turning a significant age next weekend & might forget stuff if you go to weekly πŸ˜‰πŸ˜…

    1. Yep, there's always that chance! I forget enough already!

  13. Post daily it's part of my morning routine :)

  14. Always A
    It’s my daily fix like many others x

  15. Anonymous11:06 AM

    A please

  16. Rhonda11:07 AM

    A please

  17. Anonymous11:28 AM

    #1 Child… it’s sad to hear someone’s messing with your happiness mum… find some scissors.

    1. Oh I have, snip snip snip.

    2. Good, now go find what brings you happiness <3

    3. 2nd and the most amazing Daughter here lol πŸ˜†
      Yip what #1 said xx

  18. Anonymous11:35 AM

    A for me. I check your blog many times a day and your weight loss journey recently is inspiring although I’m yet to achieve your results! Margaret

  19. Anonymous11:39 AM

    A, of course. Ky Girl :-)

  20. #1 Child - lol sorry as requested via your text - Blog whenever you like, its your blog, it shouldn't matter how many times people view/read it, they will come and read and comment or just read.
    There are enough amazing followers of your journey for them to come and see how you are doing and support whatever journey you post about.
    Its also about content hehe, if your content promotes engagement, they will engage, if its a touch base of your daily doings, they will view and know you have had a nice day :-)
    Dont blog for the people mum, we are just a bonus and support, blog for you, when you want too :-)
    Love you :-)

    1. So... ON THE FENCE. Doh!

    2. Lol, nah, you post when and what you like - why ask others now when you should be blogging? Thats not like you, blog when you want to mum :-) Voting O haha, O for Others Opinions dont create your blog hehehe. Love you.

    3. I was having a low moment or three. I am not all that Amanda. I have my own insecurities believe it or not. I want to be relevant, not some twat who is hanging on to something (blogging) if it's no longer serving a purpose. Even just for me.

    4. Anonymous2:18 PM

      #1 Child, lol a moment, blog when you want to mum :-) there’s me vote.

  21. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Keep blogging every day. I don't comment very often but I do check your blog several times a day. Following your weight loss journey has been inspiring.

  22. A please. I check at least a couple of times a day, often more. I don't comment every day cos I don't have a lot to say but I do enjoy reading about your life and what you get up to. Amanda's comment says it all really.

  23. Always an A from me. I read your blog several times a day. I love seeing your lovely photos of your outings, crafts and events. Happy 17th blog-anniversary πŸ™‚

  24. A
    I would miss your daily posts 😒

  25. Anonymous12:35 PM

    A, please. I read every day.

  26. A please I enjoy reading your blog and seeing family photos etc. 167 years blogging go Diet Coke Rocks wahoo

  27. Oops 17 years not 167 years lol

  28. Daily! I don't comment because I almost never do on blogs (because I've been criticised online a few times) but I read yours every day.

  29. Anonymous1:30 PM

    You can't stop blogging daily after 17 years, keep going, 'A' please! And you know you'll want to post lots of new grand bub pics lol

  30. Anonymous4:15 PM

    A please

  31. Anonymous4:32 PM

    A for me. Not sure what else I would read with my morning coffee!! KarenAK

  32. Anonymous4:36 PM


  33. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Maggie,Melb Aus. A please

  34. Anonymous6:00 PM

    A please.
    I’m a daily reader

    It matters not if there is excitement. It's just fun and routine to think ""hmm, wonder what Diet Coke is up to". Plus - like you said.. it's a diary. You can't go from every day, multiple times a day, to once a week! What are you thinking ! NO! Not acceptable! Like it or not - you are stuck with us!

  36. Blog daily if you feel like it but if not don’t. Daily keeps that “diary” for you but if there is not much happening & you don’t fell like it, or if there is heaps going on& you get too busy, then do a catch up when you can 😊

  37. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Another A please…..I really look forward to your posts! Thank you.Wendy UK.

  38. Anonymous7:15 PM

    A. Love reading your daily doings. Helen in France.

  39. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Hello - hmmm...well generally I read/catch up at weekends but I do like seeing it in the daily format so I guess 'A'? I found your blog accidentally around 2007 I think... I was looking for inspiration around doing something about my weight and had found a blog called The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl (I think it was called that) and then that somehow led me to find you, and I never left!! I have loved discovering and learning about NZ from a real family life perspective and not some travel guide....and seeing all the little differences in phrases, brands, supermarkets, choccy bars etc!! I love all your beautiful and quirky pics....and wonderful crafting.....just the ups and downs of general life really. It's all part of what makes us real human's. I agree with other comments in that you should be blogging for yourself and not caring or worrying if the content is good enough. Am just grateful that you are prepared to take us all along for the ride :D
    Tracy, Cornwall, UK

  40. Anonymous3:08 AM

    I love reading your blog Chris. Might not be everyday but Γ¬ts so bright and Γ¬nspiΕ•ing. And I consider you guys some of my closest friends. And there ain't many. Kj

  41. Anonymous5:57 AM

    A for me too! I love reading everyday but know I’m not very good at commenting very often!
    Lucy in UK

  42. I completely forgot to say.... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY !
    In addition - this special post now has OVER FIFTY comments!

  43. I'm late to the party, as usual, as I've been traveling, but I vote A. Still would read regardless of your posting schedule, but love that you post daily. And congratulations on 17 years blogging. I don't even remember how I found you, but I'm very happy I did!

  44. Anonymous1:07 PM

    A, please. I look forward to you everyday! Dawn P. Albany, GA USA

  45. A for Anniversary. Congratulations.


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