Friday, October 06, 2023


This is big for someone.

Something is happening this morning.

But I'm not going to say what, until it actually happens.

All the 'dot the i's and cross the t's' have to happen first.

But it's really good news for someone.

And Stew and I couldn't be happier for that person.

First up for the day is to take Marley to the groomers.  Coco goes in another couple of weeks.

ABOVE:  My car is packed to the gunnells.  Hmmm... wonder why?  
It's not for a market.

I better get a move on.  I've got heaps to get done today.  EXCITING!

8.51 am:  And I'm proud to say I've been out walking!
I decided that there was going to be no time for a walk later on this morning or afternoon, so I walked Marley to the groomers.
We went the 'long way' so it was a decent distance for me.

ABOVE:  It was a nice distance, but we didn't go fast.  Still a good pace considering the leans involved on the way home!  Oh man I loathe leans!
I will be picking Marley up in the car, so she doesn't have to walk home again.  She will be tired after her groom.

ABOVE:  Gotta have a 'walk photo' right?  Shame about me face.  Might just go and put a bit of makeup on! πŸ˜‚

12.21 pm:  It's done.


She has finally been given a Housing New Zealand home of her own.  She signed the tenancy this morning.
She is finally SETTLED and happy.

ABOVE:  Her new, two bedroom home.  It is brand spanking NEW.  And perfect for her.  In a lovely area not too far from us.  Very handy.

ABOVE:  That first magic moment, signing the tenancy.

ABOVE: Being handed HER KEYS, to HER HOUSE.

ABOVE:  Amanda and I were there to help move all her stuff in.  There is more of the larger furniture type things arriving next week.

ABOVE: Lying on her beautiful new lawn.

ABOVE:  I am just so happy for her.  She is finally settled.

ABOVE:  Now she has the fun job of sorting out all her stuff, and finding places to put it all.
This house has plenty of storage, cupboards and 2 double wardrobes.  

ABOVE:  One corner is already pretty!  lol
She's getting a small table next week, so her runner will be going on that then.

We are slowly getting rid of the brown sectional couch setting we had.  Lacy has one section, and Brylee is getting another one when she gets her own place too.

So, that was the big news. 
I am now going to fluff around in our sunroom, rearranging it a bit, now that one of the brown sectionals has gone.

So, I put the brown sectional in the bottom part of the sunroom.  And it didn't fit very well.
I tried my HARDEST to get it back up into the other part, but couldn't.  It was just too heavy to get up the two steps for me.
It's the bed settee (Murphy Bed) section.
I tried every different angle, swore heaps then gave up.

Stew got it up in one go of course.

That area is now way less cluttered and I'm really happy with it.  Photos tomorrow.

I had a quiet couple of hours after mucking around with furniture, feeling very tired now.
Stew is home, having a rum and coke, something he always has on a Friday night.

9.57 pm:  I'm absolutely knackered.  I tried to do too much this afternoon.  So, I'm off to bed early.  I don't think I'll have much trouble getting to sleep tonight.

Another day where it was super easy to resist anything on the 'banned list'.  lol


  1. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Maggie MELBOURNE Au. You have a big heart Chris, have a wonderful day.

  2. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Picnic celebration?
    Have a fun day.

  3. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Can't wait to hear the good news!! What is a lean? Ky girl

    1. A lean is a bloody hill.

    2. hee hee, i was going to ask this as well.
      NEVER heard it called that - but it does make sense!

  4. Anonymous9:22 AM

    So lovely to be able to walk to productive places like stores and the groomers. I would love that.

    I am in a neighborhood with sidewalks, but out of the neighborhood it is countryside. It used to be farms and miles of fields. As they do road construction/maintenance, they are slowly adding paths/sidewalks. But things would be quite the hike from here.

    Is lean an incline/slope/hill? Because if it is (and you hate them), might be just what you need when ever you hit a slump/plateau.

    I am in a very flat area, I would love to have that option. (Especially with nice smooth sidewalks.)


  5. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I have never heard the expression "leans" - I thought it must have meant winding/twisting roads due to the photo you added. I get it now lean into the hill. My app on the phone shows hills and the number during my walks and I always try to get at least one in, don't like them at the end of the journey though. Makes me grumpy - lol - Can't wait for your good news reveal - have no idea - maybe a trip somewhere??There's something big under that yellow striped towel Maria(Australia)

  6. Congratulations Lacy. I hope you will be very happy in your brand new home. Good things happen to good people. Jo in the USA.

    1. Oh thank you so much Jo πŸ’“
      I am so happy and just dam happy 😊
      I'm so gratefully to have such loving Family around me xx
      And now a Beautiful Place to finally call Home xx

  7. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Congratulations Lacy!

  8. Wonderful news for Lacy. I am delighted for her.

    1. Thank you Marjorie πŸ˜ŠπŸ’™

  9. Congratulations Lacy, a nice new shiny home for a nice new shiny start to the rest of your life. You will have so much fun sorting all your stuff out an I am sure Chris will be happy to help rearrange your furniture in a weekly basis πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Oh my, I literally giggled out loud at that 😊 Ma was already arranging things even before we had gotten half the stuff here lol πŸ˜† gotta love her for it aye xx
      And thank you Tracy xx

  10. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Lean = Funny. Ky Girl Thanks for the explanation and congrats to Lacy!! Enjoy your new digs!!

  11. Anonymous2:48 PM

    WOW! So fun, congrats!

  12. That is just amazing. There is no way in the USA that would ever happen. A free, brand new home, for life? Nope. What a wonderful way for her to feel safe and secure.

    1. It is amazing right? She has to pay rent, but it's not at the market rate, as that would be totally unaffordable for her.

    2. Anonymous3:44 PM

      :"Public housing in America was established to provide decent and safe rental housing for eligible low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. Public housing comes in all sizes and types, from scattered single-family houses to high rise apartments for elderly families". So it is similar to New Zealand but remember New Zealand is a welfare state country. So glad this has happened for Lacy at last. Audrey

  13. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Congratulations! to nice to not have to move again...looks lovely....Peta

    1. Thank you Peta xx 😘
      I absolutely love my New Home
      I can't wait for the rest of My Family to see it xx

  14. Anonymous4:40 PM

    YEEHAH GO LACY you totally deserve a stable and happy environment for you and Keera WHOOP WHOOP GM πŸ’™πŸ’™

    1. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™ thank you GM x
      I mainly did this for My little Girl xx
      I'm beyond stoked I got somewhere safe and stable and somewhere I no is a decent area πŸ’™πŸ’œ
      This is everything iv ever wanted xx
      Good things take time, I waited and did what I needed to xx

      Iv been sitting in the beautiful Sun 🌞 all day just beyond grateful πŸ™

  15. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Wow that's a beautiful place and the grass is magnificent - I think you need to roll on it every single day lol. Apparently it's very good for you to go barefoot on the grass and why wouldn't you with that luscious lawn. Fantastic news and Chris you are looking mighty fine and very happy another tick off your list. (Child moved in and settled) and Its turning into a very good news year. Praise Be. Maria(Australia)

    1. I can't bring myself to roll in it lol it's too pretty lol πŸ˜† but yes I have been barefoot for most too the afternoon sitting in the sun 🌞
      Thank you for your lovely message Maria (Australia) xx

  16. Congratulations Lacy on your beautiful new home. I wish you many years of happiness there πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you Paula xx I definitely plan on being here until I'm at least 105 y/o 😊πŸ₯°

  17. Congratulations Lacy! I'm sure you'll enjoy turning your gorgeous house into a home πŸ’•

    1. Thank you Janene 😊
      I most definitely will xx πŸ’“πŸ’“

  18. That’s fantastic news and oh my gosh a new build warm dry double glazing ? Excellent news now to the fun job of furniture placement begins wonderful…,

  19. Awesome news Lacy. Wishing you many years of happiness in your new home.

  20. Congratulations Lacy on your new home! That is great news.

  21. Congratulations, Lacy ... what a beautiful home and just right for you and Keera. Nothing more fun than moving into your own place!

  22. Thank you all for your lovely comments xx appreciate you all xx 😘


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