Monday, October 23, 2023


Let's hit 'repeat' shall we?
Today we are up bright and early to get ourselves up the road to the St Andrews Market in Cambridge.

Mike and Joyce will be here until they leave for Palmerston North.
This morning Steve, Bex and the boys will be coming over here so they can play 'hand ball' with Mike 'n' Joyce.

The little boys have been hanging out to play with them.

ABOVE:  yesterday afternoon I re-dyed my hair with an 'Ash Blonde', and used a purple toning shampoo and conditioner.   It toned the yellow/gold colour down a bit.
In another month or so I'll do it again.  It sure doesn't cost much to do it yourself!  And it doesn't take 4 friggin hours either! 

I doubt I will ever go to a hair salon for colours again.

And now... I have to get me face on, pack our day bags and get on the road.

ABOVE: Another day, another market.
All set up. Its cloudy and quite cool. Praying for a good day.

11.20 am... slow but steady here today.
Lots of Cambridge girlfriends have popped in to say "Hi", and my cousin Debbie from Rotorua.

3.11 pm:  Just home from the market.  It was an average day re: sales again.  Not a bust, but not spectacular.  I'm sick of saying it!
Talking to other market holders though, and everyone is saying the same thing.
Plenty of people, but most are just looking.

It's still worth going, because we get so many repeat customers!  One lady who bought a runner today was back for about her 8th runner!
She uses them for gifts for family, and has at least 4 in her own home.

ABOVE:  Mike and Joyce called into the market on their way home after lunch.  It is always so lovely to see them.

Hopefully it will only be a few months till we see them again.

I am absolutely knackered.  It's been a very busy weekend.  
I woke this morning at 4 am, and 'clock watched' until we got up at 5.30 am.   TIRED does not even touch how I feel right now.

Sleeping in tomorrow!  And as Stew has tomorrow off work as well, he can sleep in too.
We both need it.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Why do you keep wearing that silly topknot thing on your head all the time. It is so out of date. You look much better with your hair down.

    1. Omg hahaaa... show yourself then you big trend-setter. God the arrogance is incredible.

  2. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Ohhhh dear here we go again ANONYMOUS have the balls to put your name, you really are low. Best of luck with the market GM 💙💙

  3. Oh dear, I see the keyboard warrior is at it again ... too much of a coward to post with their real name. On a more positive note, I hope you have a fabulous day and that the market goes well.

  4. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I pull my hair back all the time too.

    If I am busy, or it is at all warm, it drives me ABSOLUTELY NUTS to have hair in my face. Even one strand floating around is too much. I also like the feel/compression of pulled back hair. I have to use special hair ties so I do not break it.

    But I often think people, looking at me, probably think the same as your comment person. Yours looks much better than mine. I just pull it back with a tie.

    I also wear really sensible shoes and live in knits . . .


    1. Yep, I hate hate hate hair on my face!!! Probably can't say I live in sensible shoes... but then, do sneakers count as sensible??? lol Knits ?... nope definitely don't wear knits.

  5. Anonymous1:24 PM

    You did talk once about wondering whether having your hair pulled back and tied on top of your head was causing your hairline to recede - some people agreed that it could. Audrey

    1. I don't remember that Audrey. And no, my hairline is not reseeding. My hair is thinning, but that is due to AGE.

  6. Anonymous3:11 PM

    You do what you like with your hair Chris. Good friends should just respect your wishes. I'm anon but it's not me lol. Kj

  7. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Enjoy your sleep in tomorrow, you've sure earned it!

  8. Rhonda6:21 PM

    What a busy weekend. Enjoy your sleep in tomorrow. Totally deserved. I love both the photos on your blog today. Yes I love your hair how it is today, but it always looks lovely. Your hair, your choice!

  9. I'm another one that can't stand hair in my face. Your booth set-up is great ... the reindeer runners are still my favorite. Hopefully, things will pick up again sales-wise.


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