Wednesday, October 11, 2023


 This home had very few flowers in the gardens when we moved in.

But it did have these:

ABOVE:  These Clivia, or Bush Lilys.  They are just gorgeous, and I'm no fan of yellow or orange!

But how can you not love them?

I reluctantly picked them last night, because we can't see them unless we go down the back path.  And we don't do that very often.

There's still plenty of flowers on the plants outside for later on.

Next Autumn I'm going to chop their roots up and move some to other areas of the gardens.

Today is another 'walk' day.  I will pick Lacy up and we will do our usual Lake Walk.

It was not very picturesque doing the streets around her home.  I miss me ducks, ducklings, pukekos, geese and Coots!

I feel like I dodged a big bullet with weigh in last night!  I deserved to gain more than 300 grams.  I really wasn't that good last week.  So, in order for the discretions not to catch up with me, I shall have to be extra careful this week.

Swings and roundabouts... always a juggling act.

It can get a bit tiresome, but when I see the results, I know it's all worth it.

Still SO HAPPY that I stayed under my 2nd goal number!

I might have lost the plot if I'd gone over it.  I've worked so hard to get to it after all!

Right, enough waffling... I'm off to get ready for our walk.

10.34 am:  We left for our walk bright and early today, before it got too hot for me.
Photos :

ABOVE:  "Here Lacy, hold the girls" .... The girls be like "Yes lets run around her legs and tangle her up!"  

ABOVE: And that was a wrap.  Not as easy walking with the girls, they tend to dart here and there, toilet stops and so on.
But it was too nice a day not to take them.

ABOVE:  A quick visit at Lacy's house.  And as I predicted, potty time on the new lawn!  lol
Lacy wasn't impressed.  

Home now and I'm contemplating what to do with the rest of my day.

ABOVE:  Well I've not been idle this afternoon. I have two more fish runners ready for stitching.
I will make a start on them tomorrow.

It's now 5.40 pm and it's time to get out of the sewing room.

11.34 pm:  A very late sign off tonight.  Just didn't get around to it earlier.  We visited Lacy after dinner, just for a little while.
Then home, TV and the usual lovely quiet evening together.
Catch ya tomorrow.

Only TEN days to go!!!


  1. I have some Clivias. They are very easy to separate when they get too big and they are the easiest care plant... green all year and then beautiful flowers! 300g is nothing, losing weight is the difficult part and you are doing so well. You know that this is a long term change and that's what is so different this time.

  2. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Yea! Loved seeing the dogs out walking!

    Beautiful flowers!


  3. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I found a sure fire way to lose a couple of kilograms GASTRO
    I don’t recommend it but it works

  4. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Like you, I’m not a fan of orange, but those are bright and beautiful. Flowers are such a great pick-me-up, especially when they don’t cost you anything.
    You’re looking great! Caroline

  5. Those flowers are pretty, plentiful and ALIVE. That sounds like a good flower to me - since I have a hard time keeping plants alive in the first place!

  6. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Only 10 days to go!! Well, probably 9 for you...woo!! Ky Girl


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